User:Shoko Otsuka

About Me[edit | edit source]

I qualified in 2011 in Japan and commenced work in a general hospital initially then a daycare centre for the elderly.

I first came to the UK in 2016 and stayed for two years, and then moved to Australia in 2018. In 2020, I came back to the UK and studied in MSc Sport Rehabilitation. I have also worked for a semi-professional FC in London since 2021.

I have a particular interest in musculoskeletal conditions using a combination of joint mobilisation, myofascial release techniques, Kinesio Taping, electrotherapy and exercise. I have studied Neurocognitive Rehabilitation which was conceived by Prof. Dr. Carlo Cesare Perfetti (1940 – 2020) in the 1970s. I have also got a diploma in Dry needling.

Education[edit | edit source]

Studied at Chiba College of Allied Medical Science, Japan, 2008-2011. Graduate Diploma of Physiotherapy.

Studied at Middlesex University London, The UK, 2020-2021. MSc Sport Rehabilitation.

Professional Affiliations
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Member of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association (JPTA), Japan

Where you can find me
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You can find me on LinkedIn.