User:Rosie Swift

I qualified with a BSc (hons) in Physiotherapy in 2012 (University of the West of England, UK), After three years completing junior and senior rotations in the NHS, I moved to West Africa.

I worked in post-Ebola Sierra Leone for two years (both in MSK and Women’s Health) and then in Ghana (MSK). Through these roles I developed and delivered training for frontline healthcare workers, alongside clinical work. I have experienced some of the challenges involved in applying evidence-based practice in local contexts.

I completed a Global and Remote Healthcare PG Cert in 2018 (University of Plymouth, UK) which was a fantastic way to contextualise my work on Obstetric Fistula in Sierra Leone within an academic framework. This work brought to focus the cultural context, and my experiences through my first degree in Social Anthropology (B.Soc.Sci).

I currently reside in Ankara, Turkey and am nearing the end of my maternity leave, which has been spent looking after my twin boys and 3 year old daughter. I love to squeeze in physical activity when I get the chance - currently Pilates, swimming, yoga and can't wait to return to running.

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