User:Sonal Joshi

Sonal Joshi is a physiotherapy academician, budding researcher and clinician specializing in cardiopulmonary. Her entry-level physiotherapy graduation was completed in 2011 and Post-Graduation in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy in 2015.Her area of research includes normative pulmonary values in children. She then worked as a clinical therapist and later headed the department in a corporate setting, for 5 years. She has experience and special interest in intensive care, pulmonary rehabilitation. Since 2020 she is working in academics as an assistant professor/ lecturer in Maharashtra, India. Her area of interest has expanded to digital education and rehabilitation in long COVID. She recently presented a scientific paper titled, ‘Regression Equations for Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in children aged 5-10 years of Pune, India – A Cross Sectional Study’ at the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021.

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