Assessment of the Canine Patient

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Introduction[edit | edit source]

When assessing a canine patient, it is essential to determine the pet’s current functional level, its history, as well as its specific context and challenges or deficits that need to be addressed. A detailed subjective and objective assessment is necessary to ensure that the animal physiotherapist can correctly identify each patient’s challenges / dysfunctions and, from there, develop an appropriate clinical plan in order to achieve the best outcomes for a patient.[1]

There are three key domains to consider when assessing an animal patient:[1]

  • Diagnosis
  • Client (i.e. owner)
  • Pet

Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Animal physiotherapists will often receive referrals from a veterinarian that provide a specific diagnosis for the patient (e.g. cruciate ligament repair or spinal operation). This referral provides valuable information about the patient’s stage of healing, and prognostic expectations. It helps to guide the therapist's intervention. However, a thorough assessment is still necessary to ensure that all dysfunctions are identified and appropriately managed. [1]

Client[edit | edit source]

The majority of information about an animal patient comes from the client or caregiver. Like conventional physiotherapy, important subjective questions include:[1]

  • When did symptoms start?
  • What treatments / care have been given so far?
  • What makes symptoms better or worse?
  • Are the symptoms recent, chronic, or recurring[2]
  • Have there been previous injuries to this area and, if so, what treatment was sought?[2]

Other relevant information to obtain relates to the animal’s level of exercise, diet and nutrition and environment (i.e. is it a family pet or a sport or hunting dog? Have the owners had the pet since it was a puppy or is it a rescue dog?).[2]

Insight into carers’ ability to handle their pets can also be gained during the subjective interview.[1]

Pet[edit | edit source]

The animal physiotherapist also has the opportunity to observe the pet while conducting the subjective interview. Prior to beginning the objective assessment, it is possible to observe:[1]

  • The pet's demeanour
  • The pet's willingness to be approached / touched by the animal therapist
  • The pet's confidence to be around the animal therapist

The pet may, however, behave differently in the clinic from how they behave at home. They may be over-excited and mask their symptoms or they may be nervous or insecure. It can, therefore, be difficult to obtain a clear picture of the pet’s normal behaviour during the initial consultation.[1]

Building a relationship with the pet[edit | edit source]

It is important that the animal physiotherapist builds a positive relationship with the patient from the first encounter. Using treats can help to achieve this.[1]

NB: always obtain the owner’s consent and to ask about any allergies prior to offering treats to the pet.[1]

Red and Yellow Flags[edit | edit source]

During the initial subjective interview, you will gain insight into whether or not any red or yellow flags exist.

Red flags[edit | edit source]

Like conventional physiotherapy, red flags tend to be associated with any rapid deterioration in symptoms. Dogs may also refuse food at home or lose their appetite. If the animal therapist notes the presence of red flags, the patient should be referred back to the veterinarian.[1]

Yellow flags[edit | edit source]

Yellow flags can be client-related or pet-related.[1]

  • Client-related yellow flags may include pain catastrophising (associated with neuroticism)[3], negative expectations or a lack of understanding about the animal's condition[1]
  • Pet-related yellow flags, specifically for dogs, may include aggressive behaviour. It is essential that the animal physiotherapist remain safe[1]

Assessing Pain[edit | edit source]

There are several validated tools for reporting pain and disability in animals such as the Canine Brief Pain Inventory[4] and the Helsinki Chronic Pain Index.[5] However, these measures always rely on reports by the human observer,[6] which can impact their effectiveness. The pain VAS, for instance, is considered valid and reliable. However, it is not considered a useful measure for untrained owners to rate their pets’ pain levels as it has poor face validity.[7] This means that, on testing, owners could not recognise their pets’ behaviour as signs of pain. The pain VAS was found to only have face validity once the owners saw their pets’ pain levels diminish and return.[7]

Because the carer’s personal beliefs and anxieties about pain and disability can bias the physiotherapy consultation, the animal physiotherapist must be able to gain a good understanding of the owner's expectations and beliefs about the pet’s pain and diagnosis.[1]

Objective assessment of the Canine Patient[edit | edit source]

The objective assessment focuses on the patient’s function. Animal caregivers’ tend to bring their pets in for treatment based on a functional deficit (e.g. a dog can no longer climb the stairs, jump on the bed, or go for long walks) rather than a specific impairment (e.g. loss of joint range of motion). Outcomes and recovery should, therefore, be related to these functional deficits.[1]

Assessments that focus on body structure and function (such as joint range of motion) should be used in conjunction with other valid measures of activity and participation (e.g. functional test batteries and health-related quality of life).[6]

Important points for any animal physiotherapy assessment[edit | edit source]

  • Animals are non-verbal, so animal physiotherapists are unable to explain to the patient what they are doing or that a specific test may hurt. It is, therefore, important to maintain a positive relationship and counteract any painful tests with something positive for the animal (i.e. treats)[1]
  • Assessments may take longer than expected, but it is better to work slowly and gain the animal’s trust than to overwhelm the pet[1]
  • Because animal patients cannot talk, an animal physiotherapist must have exceptional observational skills[1]

Canine Gait Assessment[edit | edit source]

A thorough gait assessment is essential when assessing animal patients.[8]

In order to conduct a gait assessment, you will need access to a large, flat area, so that you can observe the dog moving at different speeds (ie. walk, and trot) and in different directions.[1]

Certain features to look for:

  • At a walking speed, the dog will have two or three feet on the ground at a time[2][9]
  • A number of dogs may “pace” (i.e. the legs of one side move forward while the legs on the other side weight-bear). This is considered an incorrect and inefficient gait for all dogs and it  may indicate paraspinal muscle dysfunction[2][9]

While the dog mobilises, check  for any lameness (i.e. attempts to off-load painful areas). A dog may do this by:[1]

  • Changing speed
    • The dog may walk more slowly or it may change the speed at which the painful limb moves - i.e. it will try to minimise the amount of time that the painful limb is in contact with the ground. The contralateral limb will, therefore, move through the air more quickly, so that the flight phase of the contralateral limb is faster. The uninjured or less painful limb can, therefore, return to the ground more quickly, in order to offload the painful limb[1]
  • Changing the amount of load placed through the limb
    • This is observed in the front limb through head movement. Because dogs are quadruped, they are able to shift the majority of their weight forwards or backwards by lifting or lowering their head. Typically, if the front limb is uncomfortable, the dog will raise its head when the painful limb strikes the ground. This shifts the weight more caudally, thus distributing some of the load to other body parts[1]
    • If the hind limb is painful, weight will be shifted cranially. The forelimbs tend to be positioned more caudally, with the head and neck extended and lowered to offset weight from the hind end.[9] The dog may counteract the directionality of the load - i.e. the pelvis will rise when the painful hind limb strikes the ground. This results in a hip hinge / hike.[1] The hip on the unaffected side will appear lower than the lame side. The tail may also rise as the painful leg is in contact with the ground[9]

While visual or subjective gait analysis are often used in clinical assessments, this method is not considered a reliable measure.[10] The gold standard for quantifying lameness requires an objective form of objective gait analysis, such as force plate analysis.[9]

Functional deficits[edit | edit source]

The functional assessment should include any activities of daily living identified as problematic by the client.[1][10] Because these are the factors that affect the animal’s quality of life, they should be assessed thoroughly.[10] The aim is to reproduce the patient's complaint during the assessment. Conducting these functional assessments will also provide an indication of the owner's confidence in handling the pet (the owner's handling skills may have a bearing on how well she / he can help the pet complete a home exercise programme).[1]

Positions that have been evaluated and proven informative in stifle patients are: sitting and lying down, and assymetry of hindlimb thrust while rising were found to be valid and sensitive measures to detect stifle problem.[10]

Static Weight-Bearing[edit | edit source]

It can be beneficial to examine static weight-bearing in dogs, particularly those dogs following surgery for cranial cruciate ligament dysfunction. as it has been found that static weight bearing can be problematic even after dynamic weight bearing has returned to normal.[10] It has been found that while the manual evaluation of static weight bearing has reasonable accuracy, it is still subjective. Using bathroom scales offers an objective, reliable and quantitative measure for dogs who have osteoarthritis of their hind limbs.[10][11]

Palpation[edit | edit source]

When palpating, it is important to first habituate the animal to your touch.[1] It is possible to identify areas of dysfunction while palpating an animal patient. This might include increased muscle tension, areas of asymmetry, muscle atrophy, changes in coat texture or temperature. It can also indicate if an animal has any areas of sensitivity or is anxious about a specific area being touched.[1] In relation to stifle problems, it has been found that the subjective evaluation of thigh muscle asymmetry is a sensitive method to detect functional problems.[10] However, results could be further improved by also measuring atrophy with a tape measure. This is considered a reliable method, but it can be challenging with furry animals, and when there are angulations in the hind limb, as well as due to variations in the shape and length of the femur between dog breeds.[10]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 van der Walt A. Assessment of the Canine Patient Course. Physioplus, 2021.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Prydie D, Hewitt I editors. Practical Physiotherapy for Small Animal Practice. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015.
  3. Kadimpati S, Zale EL, Hooten MW, Ditre JW, Warner DO. Associations between Neuroticism and Depression in Relation to Catastrophizing and Pain-Related Anxiety in Chronic Pain Patients. PLoS One. 2015; 10(4): e0126351. 
  4. Essner A, Högberg H, Zetterberg L, Hellström K, Sjöström R, Gustås P. Investigating the Probability of Response Bias in Owner-Perceived Pain Assessment in Dogs With Osteoarthritis. Top Companion Anim Med. 2020; 39: 100407.
  5. Hielm-Björkman AK, Rita H, Tulamo RM. Psychometric testing of the Helsinki chronic pain index by completion of a questionnaire in Finnish by owners of dogs with chronic signs of pain caused by osteoarthritis. Am J Vet Res. 2009; 70(6): 727-34.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Essner A. On assessment methods related to pain in dogs with osteoarthritis [dissertation]. Uppsala. Uppsala Universitet. 2018.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Hielm-Björkman AK, Kapatkin AS, Rita HJ. Reliability and validity of a visual analogue scale used by owners to measure chronic pain attributable to osteoarthritis in their dogs. Am J Vet Res. 2011; 72(5): 601-7.
  8. Brønniche Møller Nielsen M, Pedersen T, Mouritzen A, Vitger AD, Nielsen LN, Poulsen HH et al. Kinetic gait analysis in healthy dogs and dogs with osteoarthritis: An evaluation of precision and overlap performance of a pressure-sensitive walkway and the use of symmetry indices. PLoS One. 2020; 15(12): e0243819.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Carr BJ, Dycus DL. Canine gait analysis. Available from (accessed 11/1/2021)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Hyytiäinen HK, Mölsä SH, Junnila JJT, Laitinen-Vapaavuori OM, Hielm-Björkman AK. Developing a testing battery for measuring dogs' stifle functionality: the Finnish Canine Stifle Index (FCSI). Vet Rec. 2018; 183(10): 324.
  11. Hyytiäinen HK, Mölsä SH, Junnila JT, Laitinen-Vapaavuori OM, Hielm-Björkman AK. Use of bathroom scales in measuring asymmetry of hindlimb static weight bearing in dogs with osteoarthritis. Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2012; 25(5): 390-6.