User:Aragya Khadka

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ABOUT ME:[edit | edit source]

I ,Aragya Khadka ,born and brought up in Nepal,a Country Of Himalayas and a land of Lord Buddha , is a student of physiotherapy where I completed by Bachelor of Physiotherapy from Dr.Mv.Shetty College of Physiotherapy ,Manglore,India and currently pursuing Masters of Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy in Father Muller Medical College ,Manglore ,India. During my bachelors life I got an opportunity to work as an volunteer physiotherapist in several sports which made me feel more attracted towards sports physiotherapy for which I would like to continue enhancing knowledge on the same field and also would like to involve in researches .

Since, I come from the country where many people are still unware about the physiotherapy, I would like to work for the betterment and the upliftment of physiotherapy in my country.

Name[edit | edit source]

Aragya Khadka

Education[edit | edit source]

2014-2019:Bachelors of Physiotherapy

2019-onward: Masters of Physiotherapy

Physiopedia Awards[edit | edit source]


Professional Affiliations[edit | edit source]

Sports and Fitness Training Federation of India(R)

Where you can find me[edit | edit source]

Facebook:[edit | edit source]
