User:Kirenga Bamurange Liliane

I'm Kirenga Liliane, a Rwandan Physiotherapist. I've been leaving in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for the past 4 and half years. I hold a MSc Degree in Physiotherapy from the University of the Western Cape in South Africa (2010). I'm member of the Rwanda Physical Therapy Organisation. My last job in Rwanda was with the Rwanda Military Hospital where i worked for 4 years and during my last year there, I was the Head of Physiotherapy Department. During my career, I've had the opportunity to attend different WCPT congresses in Africa (Nairobi, 2012) as well as in Asia ( Singapore, 2015) with paper presentation for both of them. I have also been able to work with great physiotherapists and mentors and co-write two articles that have been published. Although i haven't been able to get a job here, i make sure i update my knowledge by taking different courses and trying to attend different conferences such as the Biennial Emirates Physiotherapy Conference.

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