Capillary Refill Test

Purpose[edit | edit source]

Digit blood flow test is used to examine the blood circulation to the finger's.

This test also known as capillary refill test

Technique[edit | edit source]

Step1. Remove finger rings and nail polish.

Step2. Therapist compress the nail bed until it turns white and records time taken for color to return to the nail bed.

Step3. Normal time 3 seconds. when it takes longer positive sign indicates and arterial insufficiency suspected.

Step4. Always compare normal side of the hand or fingers.


References[edit | edit source]

  1. Paramedics Course -Capillary Refill Time - Australian Paramedical College. Paramedical College. Available from:
  2. Capillary Refill Test. Dr. Borst's Occupational Therapy Classroom. Available from: