Telehealth for Low Back Pain

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Telehealth can be defined as the provision of healthcare remotely through the form of telecommunications such as a telephone or laptop. The primary aim of Telehealth is to improve patients health through education and service provision while reducing health-care costs and overcoming geographical barriers [1][2].

Telehealth in other conditions has been shown to promote adherence. In a certain study it was seen that participants who received TH were 49% likely to be readmitted to hospital compared with 67% for those who did not receive [3]. In other areas such as Psychology, there is evidence that using video to carry out assessment can work well though there are limitations that can create inaccuracies, including feeling distant to patients and that some patients may not be able to use technology well [4].

This wiki page will review the use of Telehealth in the population of patients with lower back pain (LBP).

What is Telehealth?[edit | edit source]


Telehealth is a modality in which a healthcare professional such as a Physiotherapist, Nurse or Doctor can consult with a patient through video or audio call by means of a telephone, laptop, mobile phone, or tablet. Telehealth is a term which is used interchangeably with ‘telemed,’ ‘telemedicine,’ ‘physiodirect,’ and ‘teleconsultation.’ Ultimately, this service allows a healthcare professional and a patient to consult when they are not able to gather face to face for a variance of reasons [5].

History of Telehealth[edit | edit source]

Reasons for teleconsultations.png

The term Telehealth originated in the mid-20th century when healthcare professionals would attend to infectious disease patients from a distance using bells and signs. In the 1970’s Telehealth developed into what we know it to be today. Originally, NASA needed to solve being able to monitor astronaut’s health whilst in space. There developed Telehealth through means of video call. In the 1980s militants on large vessels and workers on oil rigs in the surroundings of the USA would consult with healthcare professionals at the LA medical centre through telephone and video call. As it was unrealistic for them to see someone face to face, Telehealth became their best option to get immediate advice.

Fast forward to the 1990s, the USA become the largest consumer of telephone consultations, surpassing Norway. In 1996, figure (2) demonstrates what areas these types of consultations were being used for [5].

Validity and Reliability of Telehealth[edit | edit source]

Validity is the ability of a measure or modality to achieve what it is intended to achieve. When a modality has high validity, the results can be more trusted or believed [6]. A randomised control trial conducted in 2014 investigated the validity of telehealth in lower back pain compared to face-to-face appointments. It found that telehealth’s validity was varied dependant on the specific element of the assessment, as show below:

Detection of pain with specific movements- High validity

Identifying the quality lumbar movement- Moderate validity

Postural analysis- Poor validity

Identifying reasons for limitations- Poor validity

The study concludes that ‘Important components of the standard musculoskeletal assessment of LBP are valid via telerehabilitation in a clinical setting.’ [7]

Reliability is the ability of a measure or modality to achieve the same results when the measure is repeated [6]. The inter-rater reliability of telehealth (0.92-0.96) is deemed ‘very good.’ Intra-rater reliability is also deemed very good (0.92-0.96) [8].

Telehealth as a tool for Assessing Low Back Pain[edit | edit source]

Telehealth has been applied in the assessment and management of Back Pain. There are certain key aspects of TH that drive success in this area including that it can encourage early intervention, patient participation and good communication between clinician and patient [3].

Telehealth has been used in the assessment of Back Pain.

Tools for Assessments[edit | edit source]

Some of the means that assessments are carried out using this approach include Internet or telephone calls for initial calls or follow-ups; web chats; emailing. TH has been commonly used in remote populations as these do not have easy access to clinics.

A study by Truster, Russel and Fary (2014) was carried out to investigate whether TR is a viable alternative to face-face assessment for patients with back pain. 26 participants were involved. The study found that there was an agreement in both approaches to identifying pain eliciting movements but poor agreement in identifying reasons for limitation in movement [9].

Another way in which TH aids in assessments is in its use in remote monitoring. Using devices that collect physiological data that was sent to the patient’s cardiologist, hospitals were able to monitor patients without them having to send nurses over to them and this lead to a 40% reduction in admissions and a significant drop in cost [3].

Future Improvements to Telehealth Assessments[edit | edit source]

The majority of research is not done in the UK and hence it would be good to see more work carried out there. All the research agrees that the current assessment approach needs to be adapted to a telehealth based one and that trials need to be carried out to see whether these are effective. Video is the often used form to assess posture and it can be difficult to discriminate physical landmarks [10].

There have not been any published studies showing how carrying out a subjective assessment would work using TH.  Using TR is a good alternative but more work needs to be done to improve postural assessments. Further research is needed to see how devices to utilise remote monitoring can be applied to LBP patients.

Future research needs to be carried out to assess more closely the economic benefits to telehealth [11].

Telehealth as a tool for Management Low Back Pain[edit | edit source]

With the advancements of online technology websites and applications have created a new frontier for research into patient's self-managing their own physical conditions in their own individual home environments. As compliance research shows that between 45-70% of patients are noncompliant with their physiotherapy prescriptions, this new field of Telehealth management promises to increase patient exercise adherence while offering physiotherapists a method to support patient self-management between face-to-face sessions [12].

TH seems to be suitable when needed but not an absolute good alternative.

A systematic review by Dario and Cabral et al., (2017) of 11 RCTs has been conducted with a total of 2,280 participants looking to evaluate whether interventions delivered by TH improve pain, disability, function and quality of life in Non-Specific LBP [13]. The TH interventions in the studies were delivered by Telephone and online chats, websites and emails. The results showed no significant improvement in pain or disability short term in any of the studies (WMD -2.61, 95% CI -5.23-0.01). There was no significant difference in disability. The only outcome that was better with TH was quality of life. The interventions with best outcomes Included TH for walking programs, CBT, group sessions and education. One important finding in the study favouring TH was that those who participated in a tailored self-management web-based program involving education and behaviour strategies were near two times less likely to experience LBP again two months after (1.7 OR) [13].

One RCT looked at the use of an App called Snapcare to examine the effect of its use on pain and function in patients suffering from chronic LBP. 93 participants were recruited, 48 received medicine and recommended physical exercise, and 45 received Snapcare in addition to a written prescription. Both groups showed significant improvement in pain and disability (P<0.05) with a significantly greater decline in the App group (P<0.001). This showed that the use of an app facilitated the increase in physical activity as it could remind patients and prompt them to maintain physical activity [14].

Management Options[edit | edit source]

the three main Telehealth models for Physical Therapy are [15]:

-       Live Video (Synchronous), using real-time live consultation to treat patients.

-       Store and Forward (Asynchronous), secure transmission of pre-recorded materials.

-       Remote Patient Monitoring, using technology to get medical data on patients remotely.

A major issue affecting the development of TH is that it is as good as the technology is. Recently more technology has been developed specifically for health purposes. These need to be tested. But not many quality technologies exist for physical therapy. From Reflexion Health Inc, there is the VERA System which combines all three TH models. It walks patients through exercises, carries out an accurate analysis of movements and gives real-time feedback. Though not used for treating LBP, it was shown to be of equal benefit as traditional physical therapy in Post Total Knee Replacements Rehab, with the additional benefits of having significantly lower health costs [16].

Future Improvements to Telehealth Managements[edit | edit source]

Less investigated in TH are technologies such as SMS, Apps and Health Trackers. More research needs to be done to investigate the effects of app-based interventions and fitness trackers. These have shown some promise in some papers but not enough specifically with LBP [3][14].

There is a need for more research to investigate whether face to face video management enhances LBP management. There is also a need to investigate multimodal interventions with TH as an adjunct. As with Assessment, there is no specific management option with TH and a lot of the studies investigated use such different means it is difficult to come to a clear conclusion [13].

Pros and Cons of Telehealth[edit | edit source]

•Travelling is often unaffordable to individuals living in remote areas, telehealth can provide a solution to this

•Healthcare is often inaccessible to people, which has been highlighted in the global pandemic of 2020, telehealth provides a solution to this

•There is now a push to use technology in order to enhance health services [17].

•Telehealth has been shown to be effective in managing health conditions such as obesity and asthma.

•Reduces healthcare costs by improving efficiency and revenue

•Possibility of better continuity of care

•LBP has a high prevalence rate of 39% [18] worldwide, finding ways to ease the burden of face to face care is important.

•Poor patient compliance is associated with telehealth [19].

•Patients often decline to use telehealth due to preferring face to face contact

•May lead to fragmentation of care amongst multiple providers

•There may be a lower quality of the patient-clinician relationship

•Patients may have a lack of access to the necessary technology

• Initial cost of acquiring technical equipment

•Many argue its overall effectiveness for dealing with LBP

•The problem of establishing patient rapport

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]


IMAGE 2: Darkins, A. & Cary, M. (2000) Telemedicine and Telehealth: Principles, Policies, Performances and Pitfalls. 1st ed. USA: Springer Publishing Company.

Dario Moreti Cabral A, Almeida L, (2017) Effectiveness of telehealth-based interventions in the management of non-specific low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Spine J. 2017;17(9):1342‐1351.Available at doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2017.04.008

Toon (2002) Using Telephones in Primary Care British Medical Journal 2002;324:1230 Available at:

  1. What is telemedicine? American Telemedicine Association. Available at: (2012). Accessed May 3, 2016
  2. Steinhubl, S., Muse, E and Topol, E (2013) Can mobile health technologies transform health JAMA, 2395(1): pp. 6-310
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  5. 5.0 5.1 Darkins, A. & Cary, M. (2000) Telemedicine and Telehealth: Principles, Policies, Performances and Pitfalls. 1st ed. USA: Springer Publishing Company.
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  7. Truter, P., Russel, T. & Fary, R. ‘Low Back Pain via Telerehabilitation in a Clinical Setting’ Telemedicine and e-Health; 20(2) pp 1-12.
  8. Palacin- Marin, F., Esteban-Moreno, B., Olea, N., Herrera-Viedma, E. & Arroyo-Morales, M. ‘Agreement between telerehabilitation and face-to-face clinical outcome assessments for low back pain in primary care’ Health Service Research; 38(11); pp 947- 952.
  9. Truter, P., Russell, T. and Fary, R., (2014). The validity of physical therapy assessment of low back pain via telerehabilitation in a clinical setting. Telemedicine and e-Health20(2), pp.161-167.
  10. Telehealth Assessments of LBP: Ready for Prime Time? (2015). Available at: (Accessed: 23 May 2020).
  11. Davies, A. and Newman, S., (2011). Evaluating telecare and telehealth interventions. WSDAN briefing.
  12. WHO. Adherence to Long Term Therapies. Geneva: Evidence for Action; 2003.
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  15. MedRisk (2017). 3 Top Telehealth Models for Physical Therapy. Available at: (Accessed: 24 May 2020).
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  17. Dario Moreti Cabral A, Almeida L, (2017) Effectiveness of telehealth-based interventions in the management of non-specific low back pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Spine J. 2017;17(9):1342‐1351.Available at doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2017.04.008
  18. Murray, C.J. Vos, T., Lozano, R, Naghavi, M, Flaxman, A.D., Michaud, C., Ezzati, M., Shibuya, K., Salomon, J.A., Abdalla, S. and Aboyans, V.(2012). Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. The lancet380(9859), pp.2197-2223. Available at:
  19. Toon (2002) Using Telephones in Primary Care British Medical Journal 2002;324:1230 Available at: