Physiotherapy Management for Sexual Dysfunction in Men

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Sexual dysfunction is defined as a complication occurring in any phase of the sexual response cycle. The phases of the sexual response cycle include; excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution[1]. Sexual dysfunction is extremely common among women and men, and effective treatment is available. However, few individuals seek help as many, even healthcare professionals, are embarrassed and hesitant to discuss the topic.

Sexual dysfunction, although less common in men, still affects 31% of men and has a large impact on the quality of life as well as interpersonal relationships[2].

Erectile dysfunction ( 5–20% of men) and premature ejaculation (20–30% of men) are the most common male sexual dysfunctions[3].

Risk factors[edit | edit source]

  • Psychological complications (eg. depression)
  • Biological complications (hormonal, neurologic, and/or vascular)
  • Increase with age
  • Prostate cancer
  • Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome[4]

Anatomy & Physiology[edit | edit source]

Bony structures[edit | edit source]

Pelvic cavity;

  • Sacrum & coccyx
  • Left and Right innominate bones (ilium, ischium & pubis)
  • Pectineal line
  • Pubic crest

Musculature[edit | edit source]

The pelvic floor consists of 3 layers;

Most superficial layer

  • bulbospongiosus m.
  • ischiocavernosus m.
  • superficial transverse perineal m.
  • external anal sphincter

The second layer (the urogenital diaphragm)

  • deep transverse perineal,
  • sphincter urethrae,
  • compressor urethrae

Assist with urethral closure during raised intra-abdominal pressure & plays a role in stabilising the pelvis and lumbar joints.

The third layer (the pelvic diaphragm)

  • Levator ani (Pubococcygeus & Ischiococcygeus)
  • Iliococcygeus,

Contraction of the Levator ani muscles maintain anal continence when contracted and allow the evacuation of bowel when relaxed. It also supports the pelvic organs.

The obturator internus muscle does not form part of the pelvic floor muscles but still has an effect on the elevation of pelvic organs.

Pelvic floor muscles.jpg

The pelvic floor muscles form a dome-shaped structure that enclose the pelvic cavity.

The functions of the pelvic floor muscles include;

  1. Stabilising pelvic joints
  2. Support internal pelvic organs
  3. Voluntary contraction of urethral and anal sphincters
  4. Regulate erection, emission and ejaculation
  5. Controls continence (urinary & fecal)

Innervation[edit | edit source]

The innervation of pelvic floor muscles is from sympathetic, parasympathetic, and somatic nerve fibres.

Nerves responsible for pelvic floor functioning;

  1. Hypogastric nerve
  2. Pudendal nerve
  3. Levator ani nerve

References[edit | edit source]

  1. deGROAT WC, BOOTH AM. Physiology of male sexual function. Annals of internal medicine. 1980 Feb 1;92(2_Part_2):329-31.
  2. Rosen RC. Prevalence and risk factors of sexual dysfunction in men and women. Current psychiatry reports. 2000 Jun 1;2(3):189-95.
  3. Hatzimouratidis K, Amar E, Eardley I, Giuliano F, Hatzichristou D, Montorsi F, Vardi Y, Wespes E. Guidelines on male sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. European urology. 2010 May 1;57(5):804-14.
  4. Cohen D, Gonzalez J, Goldstein I. The role of pelvic floor muscles in male sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain. Sexual medicine reviews. 2016 Jan 1;4(1):53-62.