User:Abdelrahman Elaraby

Name  ==
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Abdelrahman elaraby.  

About Me ==

Four years ago, I was just a student who finished his secondary education getting a score that allowed him to join faculty of Physical Therapy Cairo University. Ironically, that was the first time to hear about this field of study. In my first year at college, I studied very hard and became a 5th rank holder. But there was always an annoying question roaming in my mind and that is: “who you are and what your passion is”. In my second year, I was wandering to just find an answer for my question, and then, one day during a physiology lecture, our professor asked us to do a research about a certain topic. That was the first time to know about research. However, I did the research and it was the best.[edit | edit source]
I passed my second year with an “A” score, and with a great passion about scientific research in medical and physical therapy fields. Knowing your passion is just the first step towards achieving your dreams, and for this I searched how to develop this passion and myself. I started with a group of my friends a student activity known as “Out of box”, which later on became one of the best known student activities among all faculties of Physical Therapy in Egypt. One of our main concerns was developing the researching skills of our colleagues. In August 2015, two of my closest friends suggested publishing a scientific magazine at college, and within 10 months we worked on that, and published the first issue of ”LubDub P.T”. This magazine was a franchise of “LubDub Kasr El-Ainy medical school”. My work at the magazine allowed me to explore myself much more. I found out, in addition to my researching skills, that I am good at writing scientific articles, I have the ability to present despite the number of attendees, and capable of organizing and explaining information brilliantly.[edit | edit source]
My previous work inspired me to be a member of the decision making team at the college, especially in the scientific field to be able to achieve my goals and raise the awareness of the importance of the scientific research. Therefore, I joined the Student’s Union elections at my college, and finally, I was elected to be the vice president of the Scientific Committee. Looking at all those previous events, they made me know who I am. I am a scientific researcher, a skillful presenter, and a writer with good communication and team working skills.[edit | edit source]

Education  ==

Bachelor degree, the faculty of physical therapy Cairo University.

Professional Affiliations ==

  • Marj3 website for scholarships.
  • Out of the box student activity.
  • The faculty of physical therapy Cairo university, student association
  • Alfa care physical therapy clinics.
Where you can find me.  ==

Contact me. == E-mail: [email protected]