Sensorimotor Impairment and Muscle Performance in Neck Pain Case Study

Background information[edit | edit source]

Freddy is a 22 year old male who has just graduated from university. He has not yet started working. At present, he exercises two times per week at the gym and plays lots of cricket, although this is not strenuous. Previously, he also played hockey and may like to return to this. His gym sessions are primarily focused on cardiovascular fitness (stationary bike, treadmill, rowing machine). Weights are mostly machine based, focusing on legs, back, arms, chest and core.

History of presenting condition[edit | edit source]

Freddy initially injured his neck when he was 13 years old in a rugby scrum. At the time, he had significant neck pain (VAS = 9/10). Pain following this injury soon resolved without treatment and he had no further issues for 3 years.

At 16 years old, Freddy began bowling in cricket and developed further neck pain (VAS 8-9/10). He noted a pinching sensation in his lower cervical spine. Because of this pain, he was unable to continue bowling and became a wicket keeper.

Since this time, he has had ongoing neck pain. While he is able to perform all activities of daily living and most sports, he reports a constant, low grade neck pain. This pain worsens with periods of prolonged poor posture (ie with long hours in front of a computer/device (VAS 4/10) or when playing sports like hockey where he has to adopt a flexed position.

He notes he feels the urge to click his neck often. Movements feel “jolty and stiff” rather than “fluid”.

While his pain levels have decreased over the last couple of years, it remains an ongoing inconvenience.

Previous treatment[edit | edit source]

Freddy has seen 3 different osteopaths over the last few years. He tends to seek treatment when his neck feels particularly sore.

Each osteopath offered different diagnoses and their treatments provided short term pain relief, but no long term effect.

Possible diagnoses from osteopaths:[edit | edit source]

  • Leg length discrepancy and a focus on the quadriceps nerve firing. Freddy notes this had the longest term benefit with a significant reduction in pain for around 6 months.
  • Alignment issue - with treatment focused on this
  • Pain related to first injury - provided manual techniques, which helped the most in the short term. Freddy notes he saw this osteopath multiple times, with his last appointment being around 10 months ago.

Freddy is now seeking a longer term solution. He has no particular self management plan beyond attempting to improve his posture.

Past medical history[edit | edit source]

Freddy reports good general health. He has had no surgery, major illness and is not taking any medications. His weight is stable. He does not report double vision, collapsing/fainting, pins and needles or numbness. He reports no history of stress, either at the time of his initial injury, or when his pain worsened again.

He notes occasionally feeling light-headed when standing up quickly, but reports his mother has the same issue.

Objective assessment[edit | edit source]

The objective assessment must include an examination of the neck and shoulder, as well as head control and balance. Neck pain also causes changes in sensorimotor function, which do not always resolve as pain decreases.[1] [2][3] Thus, a detailed assessment needs to include an examination of sensorimotor function. Please click here for an overview of sensorimotor impairment in neck pain.

It is also essential to assess muscle performance as patients with neck pain have been shown to have reduced strength, decreased endurance and they fatigue more quickly.[4] Please click here for an overview of muscle performance testing for the cervical spine.

Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Diagnosis is likely facet joint dysfunction with some sensitisation. The cervical facet joints are recognised as a common source of pain. It is estimated that prevalence ranges from 25% to 66% of chronic axial neck pain.[5] A cluster of three tests has even shown to be sensitive (94%) and specific (84%) means of diagnosing cervical facet joint dysfunction. These tests are the Extension Rotation Test, manual spine examination and palpation for segmental tenderness.[6]

Freddy's balance and postural control tests were unremarkable, as were the proprioception and eye movement tests. However, he had segmental pain on palpation. In addition, his muscle performance tests showed weakness and loss of endurance/control, particularly during the neck flexor endurance test. Post assessment, Freddy noted that his neck felt weak and vulnerable, rather than powerful. He felt his concordant pain with all muscle performance tests.

Treatment[edit | edit source]

Treatment should focus on strengthening and improving muscle performance. For a detailed discussion of muscle strengthening for the neck, click here.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Sterling, M, Jull, G, Vicenzino B, Kenardy, J, Darnell, R. Development of motor system dysfunction following whiplash injury. Pain. 2003; 103(1-2): 65-73.
  2. Reid, SA, Rivett, DA, Katekar, MG, Callister, R. Comparison of Mulligan Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides and Maitland Mobilizations for treatment of cervicogenic dizziness: a randomized controlled trial. Physical Therapy. 2014; 94(4): 466-476.
  3. Jull, G, Trott, P, Potter, H, Zito, G, Niere, K, Shirley, D et al. A randomized controlled trial of exercise and manipulative therapy for cervicogenic headache. Spine. 2002; 27(17): 1835-43.
  4. Jull, G. Non-specific neck pain: The case for specific treatment (Webinar). IFOMPT. 2019.
  5. Kirpalani, D. Mitra, R. Cervical Facet Joint Dysfunction: A Review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2008; 89(4): 770-4.
  6. Schneider, GM, Jull, G, Thomas K, Smith, A, Emery, C, Faris, P et al. Derivation of a clinical decision guide in the diagnosis of cervical facet joint pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2014; 95(9): 1695-701.