Introduction to Telehealth

About Telehealth[edit | edit source]

Telehealth is the delivery of health-related services and information via telecommunications technologies. Telehealth is an expansion of telemedicine, and unlike telemedicine (which more narrowly focuses on the curative aspect) it encompasses preventive, promotive and curative aspects.

Clinical uses of telehealth technologies[edit | edit source]

  • Transmission of medical images for diagnosis (often referred to as store and forward telehealth)
  • Groups or individuals exchanging health services or education live via videoconference (real-time telehealth)
  • Transmission of medical data for diagnosis or disease management (sometimes referred to as remote monitoring)
  • Advice on prevention of diseases and promotion of good health by patient monitoring and followup.
  • Health advice by telephone in emergent cases (referred to as teletriage)

Nonclinical uses of telehealth technologies[edit | edit source]

  • Distance education including continuing medical education, grand rounds, and patient education
  • administrative uses including meetings among telehealth networks, supervision, and presentations
  • research on telehealth
  • online information and health data management
  • healthcare system integration
  • asset identification, listing, and patient to asset matching, and movement
  • overall healthcare system management
  • patient movement and remote admission