An Overview of Neck Pain in Wheelchair Users

This page will be discussing Neck Pain (acute, sub-acute or chronic) with MSK characteristics as a result of becoming a wheelchair user.

Wheelchair Users as a population[edit | edit source]

There are approximately 1.2million wheelchair users in the UK. There are a variety of different types of wheelchairs, such as self propelled, assistant propelled and Electric powered wheelchairs. Usage Varies from daily use to competitive use. (NHS England, 2014)[1]

Prevalence of pain in Wheelchair Users[edit | edit source]

General Pain in Wheelchair Users[edit | edit source]

A qualitative study interviewed 64 electric powered wheelchair users about their experiences of pain:

  • 86% of participants experienced pain related to sitting in past or present wheelchairs
  • 59% felt their pain was influenced by their Electric Powered Indoor/outdoor Wheelchair 
  • 17% reported experiencing severe pain 

(Frank et al, 2014)[2] - This Paper included users who had been wheelchair users for 10 years before the interviews. However, it only interviewed wheelchair users who used Electric Powered Indoor/Outdoor Chairs (EPIOC) making it difficult to apply to other varieties of wheelchairs.

Neck Pain in Wheelchair Users[edit | edit source]

  1. NHS England. (2014). Improving Wheelchair Services. Available: Last accessed 22nd May 2019.​
  2. Frank, A. De Souza, L. Frank, J. Neophytou, C. (2012). The pain experiences of powered wheelchair users. Disability and Rehabilitation . 34 (9), 770-778.​