8-Item Sports Subscale

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Because of your foot and ankle, how much difficulty do you have with:FAAM 8 item Sports Subscale Table.png

Scoring the FAAM[edit | edit source]

  • The response to each item on the Sports subscale is scored from 4 to 0, with 4 being “no difficulty” and 0 being “unable to do”.
  • If an activity is limited by something other than their foot or ankle is scored as N/A - N/A responses are not counted.
  • The scores on each item are added together to get the item score total.
  • The number of items with a response is multiplied by 4 to get the highest potential score.
  • If the subject answers all 8 items the highest potential score is 32. If one item is not answered the highest potential score is 28, if two are not answered the highest potential score is 24, etc.
  • The item score total is divided by the highest potential score. This value is multiplied by 100 to get a percentage.
  • A higher score represents a higher level of physical function.