User:Charalampos (Harris) Kelesidis

I am an enthusiast physiotherapist interested in the field of neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy by applying patient centrendeness through enhanced clinical reasoning processess tailored to the individual. I have been practicing in the field for more than three years with an ongoing enthusiasm in chronic pain cases. I am passionate about complex chronic pain pathologies involving biopsychosocial strategies, so as exercise therapy and manual therapy skills.

I have graduated from the department of Physiotherapy, of Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece and a licensed Physiotherapist in Greece and UK. Furthermore, I have just finished the Master course in Manual Therapy at Coventry University with further aim to join the MACP soon.

At the moment I am working as a clinician in private practice treating mostly WAD - Chronic WAD, occupational health and sport injury patients.

Harris Kelesidis

BSc Physiotherapist, MCSP, HCPC MSc Manual Therapist

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