
Vipsa Gupta is a registered Physiotherapist for 9 years. She has completed Fellowship in Neurological Rehabilitation from Apollo Medvarsity (2014) and Msc. Clinical Research and regulatory affairs from SMU (2009) and BPT from Guru Nanak Dev university (2007). She ranked first in university during BPT degree. In 2011, she opened Sai Physiotherapy clinic, Gurgaon (Haryana).She specialises in the mobilisation of the Shoulder, knees and other peripheral joints , Ante natal and post natal exercises ( Conceptualised, designed and conducted Fitmom program) and Soft tissue manipulation.In the past she has worked in Fortis and Apollo Clinic. She has attended the workshop on" Manual Therapy in a clinical reasoning Perspective", Hand rehabilitation and chest physiotherapy in cardiopulmonary conditions. Completed training in Ergonomics for General Industry( USF OSHA) , Dry Needling (Physio Need academy), IASTM, Soft tissue Manipulation , Pranic Healing (Basic ) and Diabetes Education (IDEEL).

she have keen interest in writing so started blog(

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