User:Antoine Couly

Curriculum vitae:

Diplomas :

June 2017 : diploma of physiotherapist, Ecole Nationale de Ré-éducation, Saint Maurice, France.

June 2018 : diploma of Master 2 : Psychology, Motor Control and Performance in Sport, Université Paris Saclay, Gif Sur Yvette, France

Publications :

April 2017 : publication in "Kinésithérapie la Revue" : effects of massage therapy on the anxiety, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood saturation and quality of life of COPD's patients during hospitalisation". Also an oral presentation at a congress: Journée Francophone de la Kinésithérapie (April 2017 at Disneyland, Marne la Vallée, France) with my co-author, Arnaud Delafontaine.

May 2018 : publication incoming : Effects of mobility restriction of the cervical spine on gait initiation. Also an oral presentation at the symposium "Gait & Posture" in september 2018 in Praha, Czech Republic, with my co-author, Arnaud Delafontaine.


- Teacher at the physiotherapy school of Hospital La Pitié Salpétrière, Paris, France for the students of 1st year, for the basic technology of physiotherapy. Teacher for the 2nd year at the same school for pneumology courses.

- Working in a private cabinet of physiotherapy and osteopathy in Levallois, France.

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