
ILIACUS[edit | edit source]

The iliacus muscle is shaped like a triangle, flat and an exact fit of the iliac fossa — the curved surface of the largest pelvic bone. Together with the psoas major muscle, it is also called the iliopsoas muscle.

ANATOMY[edit | edit source]

Origin[edit | edit source]

Upper 2/3 of iliac fossa of ilium, internal lip of iliac crest, lateral aspect of sacrum, ventral sacroiliac ligament, and lower portion of iliolumbar ligament

Insertion[edit | edit source]

Lesser trochanter of femur. Its fibers are often inserted in front of those of the psoas major and extend distally over the lesser trochanter.

Nerve supply[edit | edit source]

The iliacus muscle is supplied with nerves by the branches of the second and third nerves of the lumbar area through the femoral nerve.(L2,L3)

Artery[edit | edit source]

Lumbar branch of iliopsoas branch of internal iliac artery