User:Evelin Milev

Name[edit | edit source]

Evelin Milev.jpg

Evelin Milev - Evo

About Me[edit | edit source]

Born and raised in Bulgaria, I have always had a special affection for promoting health and exercising. After 10 years of being a professional long-distance runner, I have decided to become a physiotherapist. I completed an undergraduate physiotherapy program at the National Sports Academy in Sofia back in 2013. Being an adult with a real job was never going to be that straightforward so I went to Alaska and worked there for a while (not as physio of course, I was a prep-cook), traveled the States and then spent half an year in South America. Finally, in late 2014 I have arrived in London and loved it so much so I have settled down. Ever since, I have worked in a few private clinics, mostly with children with cerebral palsy and neurodevelopmental delay. Currently, I am employed as Research Paediatric Physiotherapist at UCL and Great Ormond Street Hospital. My main interests at the moment are neuromuscular disorders and neurorehabilitation. I still love to travel a lot and learn from everything and everyone..

Education[edit | edit source]

  • 2016 - present(ongoing) MSc in Paediatric Physiotherapy, University College London, London, UK
  • 2009 - 2013 BSc/ National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 2004 - 2009 High school of Math and Science Comprehensive "Otetz Paisii", Kardzhali, Bulgaria

Publications[edit | edit source]

2018 - Co-author: Spinal Muscular Atrophy in children (in press)

2017 - Poster Presentation at the World Muscle Society St.Malo, France: "The effect of orthosis and foot surgery in a cohort of Charcot Marie Tooth disease children"

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