User:Tanu Varshney

Ms. Tanu Varshney serves as the Physical therapist in Residential Aged Care . She currently overlooks residents in residential aged care facility with high, low care and dementia units. She has assessed resident's rehabilitative needs, developed care plans and treatment goals. She has restored function for patients and prevented/reduced disabilities following disease or profound injury (including traumatic brain injury, stroke, and paralysis). She has formulated and administered treatments including therapeutic massage, exercise programs encompassing active and passive ranges of motion, muscle re training, massage and heat/ice/electrical stimulation. She has assessed and prescribed mobility aids and functional aids to improve quality of living, reviewed residents post fall, examined for injuries and directed care staff for falls prevention strategies. she also deals with prescribing of appropriate seating requirements/positioning chairs, medical safety devices such as sensor mats, chair alarms etc. she has expertise to suggest equipment's pertaining to pressure relieve such as air mattresses, gel/foam cushions so that pressure sores can be prevented by all means. Dr. Varshney also recommends use of hip protectors and head helmets to be worn by seniors at falls risk, to minimize the impact of injury in the event of an adverse event. She has good understanding of aged care funding instrument (ACFI), putting the knowledge to devising care plans and assessments. Previously, she was the Physical Therapist at Physiotherapy Clinic August 2013 to December 2014 wherein Ms. Varshney dealt with acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions mainly dealing with manual therapy along with the usual case load, she also provides manual handling education to care staff and nurses to ensure safety of employees and patients. She also conducts weekly exercise classes for balance, strengthening and tai chi.After completing graduation , completed internship in one of Delhi's leading hospitals . Her Duties involved : working under supervision in orthopaedic outpatient department (3months ) and medical intensive care unit (3 months). she has undertaken conferences/seminars in Radio Diagnosis & electrophysiology : relevant to physical therapy , Training in manual therapy of spine , Cardiopulmonary Rehab in intensive care unit .She has studied Cervicogenic Headache as a project topic during her internship in New Delhi's super speciality hospital . she has worked in Departments of clinical Posting: orthopaedics, neurology, Medicine, surgery, pediatrics/geriatrics & community rehab. Ms. Varshney has also been recognized for her Scientific poster presentation at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) during 2nd Annual Conference of Physical Therapy Feb. 2011 on her findings on Polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD) & role of physiotherapy in the disorder.

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