User:Hannah Hassell

I was inspired to become a physiotherapist after sustaining a variety of severe sports injuries which required invasive surgery, and resulted in me using a wheelchair from the ages of 18-20.

It was after receiving extensive physiotherapy that my desire to help people in a similar situation began, and lead me to complete a degree in Sports and Exercise rehabilitation at Middlesex University, for which I graduated with first class honours in 2013.

During this degree I completed a placement in a private physiotherapy clinic working alongside a variety of physiotherapists and sports therapists in and around London, with high end clients- including Arsenal Football Club. This placement inspired me to become a physiotherapist as I gained a particular interest in the clinical aspects of rehabilitation.

Whilst studying at Leicester I have completed clinical placements in trauma and elective orthopaedics, specialist neuro rehab and neuro outpatients, hydrotherapy, musculoskeletal outpatients, mental health and dementia care, and am due to start my placement in ITU in June. I have previous experience working as a personal trainer/rehab therapist, and also worked as a physiotherapy assistant at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, where I gained experience working in geriatric medicine, cardiothoracic surgery and respiratory.

I learned about physiopedia when I attended Physiotherapy UK in my first year of study. It was great talking to the team and finding a fantastic resource to help me along with my studies. I was also the CSP rep for my cohort at Leicester University. I was happy to tell all of my peers about physiopedia and have even advised my clinical educators whilst on placement.

Having finished my degree recently, I have managed to land myself a job working as a static MSK physiotherapist and will continue to use physiopedia as a tool to help me throughout my career.

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