Clinical Prediction Rules Editor

Job Description[edit | edit source]

The responsibility of the Clinical Prediction Rules (CPRs) Editor is to manage the Clinical Prediction Rules section of Physiopedia and to improve, update and add clinical prediction rules where needed.

Principally the CPR Editor will:

  1. ensure the main Clinical Prediction Rules is correct and up-to-date with appropriate information.
  2. ensure all CPRs are added to the Clinical Prediction Rules category.
  3. ensure all pages in the CPRs category are appropriate and evidence-based.
  4. monitor the internet for new CPRs and publications.
  5. add new CPRs as they come available.

Requirements[edit | edit source]

For this role you must:

  • complete the Volunteer Orientation.

Responsible to[edit | edit source]

Content Manager

Expectations[edit | edit source]

  1. You are expected to update, improve or add at least 2 pages per month so that they are aligned with our Quality Standards.
  2. At the end of each month you must submit your Activity Report.

Instructions[edit | edit source]

This is how the Clinical Prediction Rules section in Physipedia is arranged:

  • This is the entry page for the Clinical Prediction Rules section
  • Each CPR has it's own page which is created using this template (in process of being created)
  • Each CPR is added to the 'Clinical Prediction Rules' category gets displayed on the Clinical Prediction Rules page

For further assistance, please contact the Content Manager.