User:Barbara Rau

Barbara Rau is currently physiotherapy coordinator/head of sector for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) covering mainly the supported rehabilitation projects in the Middle East (e.g. Gaza, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen).

Specialized in neurorehabilitation with a Master degree in Physiotherapy Sciences from Maastricht University (2005), Barbara has been practicing physiotherapy for the last 20 years, either as a therapist, educator, researcher or team manager. At the University of Applied Sciences (Lausanne, Switzerland), she has taught or coordinated pre- and post-graduated physiotherapy courses in the field of neurorehabilitation, evidence based practice, research methodology and humanitarian action; she has also supervised Bachelor and Master theses.

Barbara has done and participated in a few research projects and has presented her work at both national and international conferences. She was also member of the 2011 WPT congress scientific committee. She has worked as physiotherapy project coordinator with various humanitarian organizations in Romania, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Myanmar. Currently, her main tasks in developing the physiotherapy within the ICRC are those of implementing physiotherapy standards in collaboration with Teesside University, designing a framework for physiotherapy service evaluation as well as improving social inclusion activities in the supported rehabilitation projects.

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