Benefits of Physical Activity of Children With Cerebral Palsy in Mainstream Schools


INTRODUCTION[edit | edit source]

The following wiki page is designed primarily for teachers and staff of mainstream schools. The aim of this resource is to highlight, educate and create awareness for the reader of the benefits and requirements of physical activity for children diagnosed with cerebral palsy in a mainstream school setting.

It is hoped that the principles highlighted will be of benefit to mainstream school teachers and the wider population, seeking to promote daily physical activity amongst children with cerebral palsy.

LEARNING OUTCOMES[edit | edit source]

  • Recognize and describe the common clinical manifestations of CP and the potential impacts on participation in the school setting.
  • Evaluate the importance and benefits of physical activity in students with CP.
  • Construct a tailored teaching plan to accommodate specific needs of students with CP.
  • Demonstrate improved awareness and application of current guidelines and recommendations for students with CP in the mainstream school setting.

WHAT IS CEREBRAL PALSY[edit | edit source]

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a well recognised neurodevelopmental condition beginning in early childhood and persisting throughout an individual’s life. Mutch et al (1992) defined CP as “an umbrella term covering a group of non- progressive, but often changing, motor impairment syndromes secondary to lesions or anomalies of the brain arising in the early stages of development”. In the western world, a total of 2-2.5 of every 1000 born children have CP. Cerebral Palsy is caused by a brain injury or brain malformation occurring during either the foetal development, at birth or after birth during which time the brain is still developing.

The primary conditions affected by Cerebral Palsy are motor impairments, such as:
• muscle stiffness or floppiness
• muscle weakness
• random and uncontrolled body movements
• balance and co-ordination problems

What are the different types of Cerebral Palsy?[edit | edit source]

Cerebral Palsy can be characterised in a number of different ways.
Physiological grouping
• Spasticity – This causes the muscles to become stiff, making movement difficult and the muscles are referred to as having “high Tone”. Spasticity is present in around 80% of cerebral palsy cases.

• Athetoid or Dyskinesia – This causes unwanted abnormal movements and involuntary muscle spasms which can be difficult to control and are sometimes painful. These are a result of incorrect signals from the brain which cause fluctuations in muscle tone that affects the entire body. It occurs in 10-20% of cerebral palsy cases.

• Ataxia – this causes the muscle to have low tone and is often described as being floppy. There is generally a disturbance of the coordination of voluntary movements due to muscle dysnyergia which leads to an unsteady gait and difficulty with fine motor tasks.. It affects 5-10% of cerebral palsy cases.

• Mixed group - Individuals in this group generally have a combination of the above mentioned dysfunctions.

Anatomic Grouping
Another way used clinically to categorise children with CP is by the parts of the body affected in. It is known as topography of Cerebral Palsy:
• Hemiparesis (hemiplegia) - predominantly unilateral impairment of arm and leg on the same side.

• Diplegia - motor impairment primarily of the legs (usually with some relatively limited involvement of arms).

• Triplegia – three limbs involved

• Quadriplegia (tetraplegia) – all four limbs are functionally compromised.

Motor Function
Functional status can be categorised by using the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS). This classification system groups children with cerebral palsy into one of five levels dependent on functional mobility or activity limitation and the distinctions between levels must be meaningful in everyday life. The GMFCS for cerebral palsy is based on self-initiated movement, with emphasis on sitting, transfers, and mobility. Distinctions are based on functional limitations, the need for hand-held mobility devices or wheeled mobility and to a lesser extent, quality of movement. In 2007 a revised and expanded GMFCS was released. This broke down the categories for different age groups, namely; before 2nd birthday, between 2nd and 6th birthday, between 4th and 6th birthday, between 6th and 12th birthday and between 12th and 18th birthday. The breakdown for each age group can be seen here LINK.

The general headings used for each level are seen here:
• LEVEL I – Walks without limitations
• LEVEL II – Walks with limitations
• LEVEL III – Walks using a hand held mobility device.
• LEVEL IV – Self mobility with limitations, May use powered mobility
• LEVEL V – Transported in a manual wheelchair.


Associated Problems[edit | edit source]

Children with cerebral palsy can also have a range of associated conditions or problems, including:
• learning difficulties: although intelligence is often unaffected
• hearing loss
• visual impairment: 20%
• sensory impairment of hand: about 1/2
• speaking difficulties (dysarthria): up to 80%
• chronic pain: more than 1/4
• skeletal abnormalities, particularly hip dislocation or an abnormally curved spine (scoliosis)
• repeated seizures or fits (epilepsy): 20-40%
• drooling and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia)
• gasto-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD): 1/2
• difficulty controlling their bladder (urinary incontinence)
• constipation
(NHS Choice; Beckung & Hagberg, 2002; Schenker, 2005)

Signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy may not always be apparent at birth. In the first 12-18 months of life, Cerebral palsy except in its mildest forms can be seen and diagnosed in children.

Cerebral Palsy – Some Frequently asked Questions[edit | edit source]

Q. Is CP a life threatening condition?
With the exception of children born with very severe cases, CP is considered to be a non life threatening condition. The vast majority of children with CP are expected to live well into adult life.

Q. Is CP a curable condition?
Unfortunately CP is not a curable condition. CP is damage to the brain that cannot be reversed. However treatment and therapy can help manage its effects on the body.

Q. Is CP a Progressive Condition?
No CP is not a progressive condition due to it being as a result of a one time brain injury and no further degeneration of the brain will occur.

Q. Is Cerebral Palsy a permanent condition?
Yes CP is permanent as the injury to the brain is permanent. The brain does not have the have the same healing properties as other parts of the body. Due to this, CP itself will not change for better or worse throughout the individuals lifetime, however associative conditions may change over time.

Q. Is Cerebral Palsy manageable?
Yes!! Treatment, therapy, surgery and technology can help maximise the independence of individuals with CP. These can help reduce barriers, increase inclusion and lead to a better and enhanced quality of life.

Q. Is Cerebral Palsy a chronic condition?
Yes, the effects of CP are long term, not temporary. An individual diagnosed with CP will have the condition for the entirety of their life.

Benefits of Physical Activity for Children with Cerebral Palsy [edit | edit source]

Although cerebral palsy is defined as a non-progressive neurological disease, the associated secondary complications such as reduced muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance and range of motion adversely affect the child’s functional independence as they enter their adolescent years (Darrah et al, 1999), In turn, these secondary changes contribute to a vicious cycle whereby the disability leads to deconditioning, that ultimately worsens the level of the disability. Furthermore, natural aging processes for everyone involves the gradual loss of muscle strength, elasticity, and bone density which poses a distinct threat for those with CP who are already compromised in these areas. Unfortunately, this results in a drastic number of adolescents with CP to enter into their early adulthood and experience a loss of independence much sooner than their age-matched peers (Damiano), 2006). These findings are of concern because the benefits of physical activity and exercise to overall health are well known and those who are diagnosed with a disability are less likely to adopt physically healthy lifestyles than those without disabilities (Fowler et al, 2007). In the past, physical activity was commonly avoided due to the concern about the effect of such effort on muscle spasticity and children’s movement patterns (Kelly & Darrah, 2005; Verschuren et al, 2007), however, recent research has shed light onto physical activity as a primary combatant against the secondary complications of cerebral palsy, providing adolescents living with the disease with improved body function (Verschuren et al 2007, Pinkham et al, 2008), participation, perception of self-worth, and functional competence (Darrah et al, 1999; Darrah & Kelly, 2005).
Body Function
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines physical activity as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure (2014). Exercise on the other hand refers to planned, structured activities of repeated body movements that seek to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness (Darrah & Kelly, 25005). Physical activity is quickly becoming a recognized intervention therapy for children with CP to improve levels of muscle strength, aerobic capacity, and muscle function (Kelly & Darrah, 2005). Due to the existing impairments that many adolescent teens living with CP have, activities such as walking independently, negotiating stairs, running, and even navigating uneven terrain proves to be difficult (Verschuren et al, 2007). Because of this, the primary therapeutic goal for (anyone?) physiotherapists aiding children with CP is to improve their ability to perform meaningful, functional tasks in everyday life, (i.e. walking, stair climbing, etc.), and thereby changing the level of the disability (Cerebral Palsy Guidelines, 1999; Chad et al, 1999; Darrah et al, 1999; Unger et al, 2005; Verschuren et al, 2007).
‘An exercise training program improves physical fitness, participation level, and quality of life in children with cerebral palsy when added to standard care’ (UCPREF, 1999).

Exercise Goals for Individuals with Cerebral Palsy
The United Cerebral Palsy Research and Education Foundation (UCPREF) has noted several exercise goals for children with CP. These include improved bone structure and strength, increased flexibility and range of motion, heightened lung and heart efficiency, enhanced muscle strength and endurance and lastly, boosted participation levels (UCPREF, 1999).
Strengthen Muscles and Increase Endurance
Children with CP experience reduced levels of activation of the nervous system, inappropriate activation of opposing muscle groups, and altered muscle physiology leading to insufficient force generation, or muscle weakness – a major secondary complication of CP (Fowler et al, 2007). Strength training is an excellent way to reduce muscle weakness, thereby increasing the amount of force produced at a joint and overall functional ability (Unger et al, 2006; Fowler et al, 2007). As mentioned earlier, one of the hypothetical contraindications for using strength training to minimize muscle weakness was because it would inadvertently increase the strength of the muscles that are already overactive, increasing the patients ‘stiffness’ (Damiano et al, 1995; Damiano, 2006). However, studies proving this to be false have shed new light onto the importance of strength training as an efficient intervention (Damiano et al, 1995).
Research has supported the notion that strength is directly related to motor function; strengthening programs focusing on the lower extremities have been shown to improve functional abilities such as gait. Enhanced stride length, walking speed, walking cadence (Damiano et al, 1995; Damiano & Abel, 1998), reduced crouch gait, and time taken to perform the Timed ‘Up and Go’ (a test used to assess an individual’s mobility) have been reported as some of the many positive outcomes (Fowler et al, 2007). Additionally, improvements were found in the scoring of the GMFM upon strength training completion (Damiano & Abel, 1998; Fowler et al, 2007). The improvements found in gross motor function promotes physical exercise as a major intervention because it was previously believed that gross motor development did not significantly increase after the age of seven in children with CP (Eek et al, 2008).
Using a strength training program is also an excellent way overcome tight muscle groups. By focusing exercise on the muscle groups opposite to tight muscle groups, over time the increase in strength of the weaker muscle will compensate for the tight muscle and restore the natural biomechanics of the joint, improving the functional capacity of the child. An example of this could be if the flexors of the elbow are tight (e.g. the biceps), stretch and strengthen the elbow extensors e.g. the triceps) (UCPREF, 1999).
Recent evidence has highlighted the importance of physical activity for the establishment and reinforcement of neural pathways that act to transmit information regarding physical movement and sensation to, and from the brain (Damiano, 2006). The phrase, ‘if you don’t use it , you lose it’ holds true in this scenario- if activity was to be significantly reduced in children and adolescents with CP, then the number and quality of transmission of these neural structures would be greatly reduced, minimizing the individual’s functional ability and independence. Fortunately, children with CP appear to gain strength at the same rate compared to those without any pathological impairments. Due to this, the general strength training principles with respect to overload, progression, and specificity require few, if any modifications when being implemented into a program for a child with CP (Damiano et al, 2002). In the initial stages, strength training can be anything that challenges your body to move more weight than it is accustomed to. It doesn’t necessarily have to take place in the gym; lifting a tin of beans or water jugs can be classified as strength training and can be quite taxing on the body depending on the weight, repetitions and exercise selection (LBORO). It is important to keep in mind that higher weight, not repetition, increases strength.
A good way to start the strength training program is to perform 10 repetitions of the exercise at a slow, smooth pace, with a light weight as to prevent fatigue. Gradually increase the resistance and reduce the number of repetitions as you progress through the program. If muscle groups are fatiguing after 2-4 repetitions, the load is too heavy. Inversely, if the individual is capable of performing 15 or more repetitions without muscle fatigue setting in, the load is too light; repetition ranges such as these will tend to focus more on improving muscle endurance, not muscle strength (UCPREF, 1999).
In order to prevent muscle strains from occurring, it’s vital to have a warm-up and stretching period before and after the strength training exercises. For persons with athetosis (involuntary body movement), free-weight exercises (i.e. bar bells) should be approached with caution or avoided all together. If free-weights are used, having a partner or spotter is recommended to avoid injury (UCPREF, 1999). Mild temporary muscle soreness for up to 48 hours at the initiation of a strength training program and at points where exercise intensity is increased is expected, however, if there is significant muscle or joint pain or swelling lasting more than 48 hours, seek medical help.
Strength training programs lasting anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks have been shown to provide children with significant enhancements in muscular strength (Damiano et al, 1995). Even programs of shorter duration have been shown to improve gait, wheelchair propulsion, and other aspects of motor performance (Fowler et al, 2007). With that being said, it is important to note that training needs to be continued regularly and incorporated into daily life in order to retain the benefits (Damiano et al, 1995). In addition, the intensity of the training program (i.e. number of repetitions or degree of resistance) should be adequate enough to stress the child’s muscles and joints, adhering to the physiological principle noted earlier that the resistance used should be close to, but not more than, the maximal load in order to safely and effectively induce muscular changes. Several studies assessing the effectiveness of strength training programs for children with CP in the past have failed in this regard, noting that the training loads were insufficient, leading to minimal muscular gains (Damiano, 2006).
Due to the intensity and the need for the muscle s to rest and recover, strength training should not be performed for long durations at frequent intervals. In contrast, physical activity provides optimal results if done more frequently with varying intensities and types of programs in order to reduce the occurrence and degree of CP’s associated secondary complications (Damiano, 2006). Ultimately, the degree to which strength training influences activity depends on multiple factors such as duration of the program, level of weakness compared with the strength required for the target task, and the coexisting impairments. Joint contractures and spasticity both act to limit the effectiveness of training and should be addressed prior to exercise in order to maximize the functional benefits (Fowler et al, 2007).

Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Children with CP have significant difficulty performing purposeful, energy efficient physical movements for many reasons; weakness, abnormal muscle activation, involuntary movement, spasticity, contractures, and altered balance limit a child’s ability to play and exercise at intensities sufficient enough to develop cardiorespiratory fitness (Fowler et al, 2007). Cardiorespiratory fitness refers to the ability of the circulatory, respiratory, and muscular systems to supply oxygen during sustained bouts of physical activity (Lee et al, 2010). If reduced, it translates into excessive energy expenditure for everyday activities (e.g. walking); children with CP use 2 to 3 times more energy than children without disabilities, resulting in the child to fatigue much sooner (Fowler et al, 2007).
Aerobic exercise is any activity that raises your heart rate and gets you out of breath for a sustained period of time. It trains the cardiovascular (heart, blood and blood vessels) and respiratory (lungs) systems to help reduce fatigue and improve endurance (UCPREF, 1999). However, in comparison to their typically developing peers, children with CP have distinctly subnormal aerobic and anaerobic (high intensity, short duration exercise lasting < 1 minute) capacities, in addition to reduced muscle mass and strength (Verschuren et al, 2007; Parker et al, 1992).
Training programs lasting 8-months utilizing standardized exercises for both aerobic and anaerobic capacity can greatly benefit children with CP. Results from programs such as these have shown significant increases in aerobic and anaerobic capacities (+38% and +25%, respectively), in addition to improvements in agility (+15%), lower limb muscle strength, and athletic competence (Verschuren et al, 2007). Other studies examining solely aerobic exercises have shown a decrease in submaximal heart rate response, increased maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), and physical work capacity, resulting in an increased efficiency of the child’s running ability and number of sit-ups performed over time (Darrah, 1999). A school-based sport and exercise program found similar findings when it assessed the cardiorespiratory changes of children with CP after engaging in either cycling, swimming, wheelchair propulsion, running or mat exercises 4-times a week. When compared to a group of children with CP who did not partake in these exercises (the control group), the children participating experienced a significant improvement in their peak VO2 scores (+35%) and avoided the increase in fat mass seen in the control group over the same period. These results reflect the fact that a child will be able use their body’s energy more efficiently and do more work in a given timeframe with reduced fatigue.
Key: Exercise Benefits
B Bone Structure and Strength
FR Flexibility and Range of Motion
CF Cardiorespiratory Fitness
M Strength and Endurance
As noted briefly earlier, aerobic exercises are excellent ways to control body weight; optimal results are seen when aerobic exercise is done 3-4 times per week. When first attempting aerobic exercises, it is important to start at a low intensity and for a short duration in order to develop an understanding of the body’s current aerobic capacity. At first, attempt 5-10 minutes of exercise and gradually increase the duration to 20-60 minutes as the individual’s exercise tolerance builds (UCPREF, 1999).
• Suggested Exercises for Improving Aerobic Capacity (UCPREF, 1999)
o Arm cycling (CF, M, FR) - this activity simulates bicycling, however the arms are used instead of the legs. It can be done indoors in a stationary position, such as that seen here, ( or outdoors where the child can ambulate independently, seen here ( If the child is cycling outdoors, be sure they’re wearing a helmet!
o Chair aerobics (CF, M, FR) - For children with a lower degree of function in their legs, chair aerobics is a great way to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, combining upper body movements and stretches for a fun, calories burning workout. Check out the video link for a full chair aerobic workout (
o Dancing (CF, B, FR) - Dancing is an excellent way to burn calories and get the child’s heart rate up done either independently or in a group setting. The exercise is performed to music; it is important to note that the tempo of the music will determine the speed and intensity of the dance – the higher the tempo, the more intense the workout will be, and vice versa. Try and have a specific target heart rate set prior to the start of the exercise. Ideally, the heart rate should be 70%-80% of the child’s maximal HR (the methods for calculating and measuring HR is depicted below in the Aquatic Therapy section) (Kelly & Darrah, 2005). Caution: children with significant contractures or bone density loss should avoid this exercise due to the risk of injury.
o Exercise Bands (M, B) – These exercises involve the use of coloured resistance bands for the main purposes of muscle strengthening and stretching. The bands are colour coded according to resistance with the more colourful bands providing less resistance and darker bands providing the most resistance. Typically, the band is anchored to a stationary object or body part while the opposite end is either gripped or attached to the body segment being exercised, however, exercise techniques vary. These exercises are an excellent way for children to receive a full body strengthening exercise when a gym is not made available; the bands can easily fit into any bag and are very durable. Additionally, they provide a mechanical advantage in resistance because resistance is maintained throughout the entire range of the exercise, as oppose to similar free weight exercises where no resistance is provided, such as during parts of the lift where the movement isn’t against gravity at a large enough angle ( Be sure to avoid releasing the band when it is in a stretched position in order to avoid harm. Here is an excellent resistance band workout you can use with a child -
o Jogging (CF, B, M) – Jogging can be done indoors on the spot, on a treadmill or on a track; it can also be done outdoors. Fast walking also falls into this category, however, in order to reap the full benefits of both, try to keep a steady pace throughout the exercise. Be sure to use properly fitting shoes with good support. At the start of the program, mild muscle soreness is very common, however if joint discomfort develops, try switching to an exercise that has less impact on the body such as swimming or walking. Caution: this exercise should be avoided if the child has significant contractures, bone density loss or degenerative joint disease.
o Leg cycling (CF, M, FR) – This can be done on a stationary piece of equipment that has mechanical or electronic programs for controlling resistance and measuring heart rate. Conversely, the child could cycle outdoors using either a 2-wheel or 3-wheel bike, but ensure the child is wearing a helmet!
o Rowing (CF, M, FR) – This is done on a piece of indoor, stationary equipment that involves the repetitive pulling of both arms against resistance with the coordinated bending and straightening of both legs. This is an excellent exercise that incorporates various large muscle groups into a full body workout. Exercises such as these take advantage of the human body’s various muscle connections, sometimes referred to as ‘kinetic chains’. When one muscle group is activated (i.e. the hamstrings), the muscle group opposing it (i.e. the quadriceps) becomes activated as well in order to stabilize the joint (Eek et al, 2008).
o Stair climbing (CF, M, B) – This can be done on equipment that simulates a set of stairs or stairs themselves. If possible, use equipment that has handrails to provide safety and assistance.
o Swimming & Water Exercises (CF, M, FR) – It is important to ensure that the pool water is not cold in order to prevent muscles from becoming tight. Ideal temperatures range from 30-34 degrees centigrade (86-93 degrees Fahrenheit); warm water has a relaxing effect and can help decrease muscle tone (TCCP, 2013). When performing the exercises, focus on one area at a time, gradually increasing the intensity and duration as the child’s ability improves. It’s imperative to never let the child swim alone. Additionally, if necessary, use properly fitting flotation devices. Aquatic exercise will be explored more in-depth later on in An In-Depth Look: Aquatic Therapy.
o Weights Training (M, B) – This can be done either with free weights or exercise machines that provide resistance. Weight training can be focused to improve muscular strength or muscular endurance; increasing the load will increase strength while increasing the repetitions will increase endurance.
o Wheeling (CF, M) – Wheeling is an excellent exercise for children with reduced function in their legs. It involves the propulsion of a wheelchair by the arms or legs over an extended distance. Either a conventional wheelchair or a specialized sport wheelchair can be used. If wheeling outside, ensure precautions are taken to ensure safety whilst in traffic.
o Yoga and Tai Chi (FR, B) – Yoga involves controlled breathing and stretching exercises while maintaining positions for short periods of time. Tai Chi involves a series of individual, dance-like movements performed in a slow, rhythmic sequence. Both can be accompanied by music to provide a relaxation response. When practiced regularly, these activities can lead to reduced levels of everyday stress and anxiety, as well as muscle tension, while improving mood, energy, and focus (Raingruber & Robertson, 2007).

Bone Structure and Strength
Individuals diagnosed with CP and other neuromuscular disabilities are at greater risk of being inactive and immobile. Consequently, osteoporosis (the loss of bone density) and reduced strength occur (UCPREF, 1999). As a result, children with mild to moderate forms of CP are more susceptible to bone fractures not only due to reduced bone density, but also because of other factors such as stiff joints, poor balance leading to falls, and violent seizures (Henderson et al, 2002). In order to prevent bone structure and strength depletion, weight bearing in combination with muscular exercises and general body movement are effective interventions (UCPREF, 1999).
Studies examining children with CP found there to be a significant increase in femoral neck (thigh bone) bone mineral density (a surrogate for bone strength) after an 8-month physical-activity program (Chad et al, 1999). This is an important finding because the most common site for children with CP is the femur (Henderson et al, 2002). Although the physical capacity of children living with CP may be greatly restricted, they could potentially benefit from even a minimal weight bearing program activity. With these children, the promotion of active standing and other forms of weight beating activities should be encouraged in order to reduce skeletal fragility and susceptibility to fractures (Chad et al, 1999; UCPREF, 1999). Similar findings have shown that non-ambulant children with CP can increase their vertebral (spinal) bone mineral density with longer periods of standing, lowering the risk of vertebral fractures (Chad et al, 1999; Caulton et al, 2002).
All children, including those diagnosed with CP, need to have opportunities that not only allow them to participate in physical activities that promote physical fitness, but more importantly, opportunities that provide them with the chance to interact and play with other children. This is why aspects of flexibility and range of motion need to focus on the encouragement of movement opportunities that enable children with CP to experience enjoyable activities while enhancing their physical fitness (Wiart et al, 2008).
Much of the general population neglects the importance of stretching prior to, and following exercise. However, stretching programs incorporated before and after the exercise routines of children with CP are equally as important as the exercises themselves. Stretching will increase muscle extensibility and prevent or delay the need for orthopaedic interventions. Additionally, stretching will help prevent the permanent shortening of muscles or joints from occurring (e.g. muscle contractures), contributing to a reduced joint range of motion and decreased functional movement (Wiart et al, 2008). This is critically important because if the muscle cannot stretch, it lacks the ability to grow with the surrounding bone structure. This can potentially lead to deformities, causing the child pain and discomfort (NHS, 2014).
o 3 types of stretching strategies can be incorporated into the stretching program.
1) Passive Stretching: the stretch is performed by another person. The child does not actively participate in this strategy.
2) Active Stretching: the child initiates and maintains the stretch under their own effort
3) Active-Assisted Stretching: the stretch is initiated by the child but has another individual/object assisting
When individuals with CP followed a training program 3 times per week for 10 week, both active and passive flexibility of the participants tended to improve. In addition, muscle tone decreased after the exercise intervention (Tweedy, 2007).
It’s essential to focus stretching of muscle groups that are causing the most problems with mobility in activities of daily living. Stretch the muscle to the point of tension for 10-60 seconds while avoiding pain. Repeat the stretch 2-3 times repeatedly and do so several times a day to improve flexibility and range of motion (UCPREF, 1999). Stretching is most effective if the muscle being stretched is warm so it is important to do light bouts of aerobic exercise beforehand. Remember that the full range of motion at affected joints may not be possible so it is important to work within your own capability (LBORO).
o Make note how strength training helps alleviate tight muscle groups

• Participation and Activity
o Strength training programs appear to improve young adolescent teens’ participation in school, leisure, social, and family events (McBurney et al, 2003).
o Adolescent teens participating in strength training programs have commonly reported that they believe the benefits were on-going, emerging well after program completion. This finding suggests that the participants had incorporated increased strength into their activities of daily living (ADLs), allowing them to participate more within society (McBurney et al, 2003).
o ‘For physical fitness to become an integral part of an individual’s lifestyle, the locus of control must be within the person and not externally driven’ (Darrah et al, 1999)
o Cerebral Palsy Sports Association -
o Verschuren article
• ‘It has alsobeen shown that children who are given more opportunities to be mobile tend to be less likely to develop a passive, ‘help me’ personality and are more likely to be independent and have a ‘I can do it’ attitude.’(Damiano, 2006)

Perception of Body Image
Despite being at a time in their lives where they are still attempting to understand their bodies, thoughts and feelings, young adolescent teens have a well-established perception of body image, due in large part to mass media (i.e. magazines, television, etc.) (Hargreaves & Tiggemann, 2004). Recent studies examining the effects of a strength training program on adolescents with cerebral palsy have demonstrated that interventions lasting as brief as eight weeks can significantly improve a child’s perception of body image. When the children were asked to list the aspects of themselves or their bodies they didn’t like, they reported negatively on their arms, legs, surgical scars and excess adipose tissue; however, when asked the same question post-intervention, the same subjects demonstrated less emphasis on body parts and shifted their focus to health behaviours such as drinking, smoking and nail biting rather than physical characteristics (Unger et al, 2006). Similarly, physical activity programs such as these benefit adolescent teens with by engendering them with positive behavioural changes. For example, after participating in a program, a young adolescent boy was confident enough to wear shorts to school for the first time. In another instance, a mother reported her daughter was teased less because ‘she felt better, and it showed’ (Darrah et al, 1999).
Perception of Functional Competence

(Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents)
An In-Depth Look: Aquatic Therapy (Highlighted Dialogue Box)
Exercise for children with CP is quickly gaining recognition and popularity among allied health professionals as a credible intervention. Due to the unique buoyancy of water, aquatic exercises provide reduced joint loading and decreases the negative influences or poor balance and postural control. Additionally, aquatic exercises focusing on aerobic capacity and muscle strength can be modified to accommodate the wide range of motor abilities of children with CP due to the resistive forces of buoyancy and viscous drag.
The aquatic environment may be more appropriate for non-ambulatory children with CP; attaining sufficient intensity, safety and control over land-based aerobic and progressive resistance exercises for children with poor gross motor control, impaired balance, and significant muscle contractures may pose a challenge (Kelly & Darrah, 2005). Moreover, aquatic exercise is ideal for these children because the water provides a gentler environment on their unstable joints, reducing the levels of joint loading due to the diminished effect of gravity.
What if I want to focus the activity on improve the child’s aerobic capacity?
Low-impact aquatic exercises can provide children with CP the opportunity to increase their cardiovascular endurance while avoiding further joint trauma and potential injury (Pinkham et al, 2008; Ehrman et al, 2013). The American College of Sports Medicine suggests that in order to target aerobic fitness, the child should engage in an aerobic exercise for 30-60 minutes most, or all days of the week. The exercise should aim to elevate the child’s HR to roughly 70%-80% of maximal heart rate (Kelly & Darrah, 2005). Heart rate can be gaged using waterproof telemetry heart rate straps or by manually measuring heart rate via the pulse at either the jugular or the radial arteries. (Watch this link to learn how to take your own pulse (Note: if the child’s maximal heart rate is unknown, you can use this simple equation to acquire it: Maximal Heart Rate: 220-age.
o It should be noted, however, that this equation provides a rough estimate for where the majority of the population’s maximal heart rates would lie. Each individual is different; it is not uncommon to have a heart rate that is above or below the predicted value.
 Here is a list of potential aquatic exercises that can help improve aerobic capacity:
• Length swimming
• Shallow-water tuck jumps
• Stride jumps
• Jumping jacks
• On-the-spot and propulsive running
• Wall and sit kicking
What if I want to focus on improving the child’s muscle strength?
The American College of Sports Medicine suggests at least 1 set of 8 to 12 repetitions of an exercise to volitional fatigue two times per week. This follows the muscle strengthening principle noted earlier, where the resistance of the exercise should be high enough to offer muscle fatigue by the last repetitions. Progressive resistance exercise in water differs from that on land in the way that resistance is applied; in water, velocity and drag are used to produce resistance rather than gravity based weights. As the velocity of an object (i.e. a child’s arm) doubles in the water, resistance provided by water’s drag force quadruples. Essentially, the resistance will increase as a child attempts to move their limb through the water with increasing speed. These unique characteristics may allow children with CP to exercise in water with more freedom than land-based exercise environments.
To reap the full potential of your aquatic exercise session, the use of equipment aids can help facilitate the child’s participation. These aids include:
o A long flexible buoyancy device (i.e. floating noodle)
o Floating kickboard
o Floating barbell
o Life jacket
o Support from the wall
o A skilled individual
The success of exercise also depends on the suitability and safety of the aquatic environment to the child. The use of ramps, chair lifts, stairs, and handrails are excellent examples of equipment that can be used in order to help facilitate access to the water for children of all motor capabilities. Once in the water, it is recommended the child be able to touch the bottom of the pool. It’s equally important to consider the child’s ability to hold the ledge for support or reach the support quickly when need be. This can greatly facilitate a child’s ability and safety in participating, particularly if the child has a balance impairment.
Acts as an excellent alternative- ‘Through such program, children with CP could become active participants in fitness programs that encourage flexibility instead of passive recipients of therapeutic stretching routines’

Current state of physical activity inclusion of students with CP in mainstream primary schools[edit | edit source]

Schenker’s study (2005) found that there were significant differences between participation and activity performance of body-abled students and students with CP included in mainstream primary schools. Furthermore, activity performance limitations had negative impact on school participation (Figure 1-3). Children with CP were actively involved in a wide range of leisure activities and experienced a high level of enjoyment. However, involvement was lower in skill-based and active physical activities as well as community-based activities (Majnemer, 2008).


Figure 1. Children with CP had reduced participation in 6 different school environments compared to body-abled children; the level of participation depends on the physical demand of environment. For example, children with CP had lowest participation in activities in playground and recess which demand highest active physical abilities (modified from Schenker, 2005).


Figure 2. Children with CP had lower level of performance in both physical tasks compared to body-abled students (modified from Schenker, 2005).


Figure 3. Children with CP also had lower level of performance in cognitive/behavioural tasks compared to body-abled students (modified from Schenker, 2005).

Challenging behaviour
Children with CP in mainstream school appear to have some form of challenging behaviour which may reflect some need being unfulfilled, or a problem with communication. Figure 2 showed that behavior regulation of students with CP was much lower than that of body-abled students. Challenging behaviour reflects the fact that there is something going wrong that needs to be addressed. It can be a challenge to professionals, teachers, carers and parents. It shows that there is some need being unfulfilled, or a problem with communication, not that there is a person doing something wrong who needs to be stopped. A child with CP is more likely to have challenging behaviour, which is contributed by a combination of impairments, environment, interpersonal relationships and other factors. Children with CP have to develop some form of behaviour in order to have their needs met (Scope). 

Learning Difficulties

A large proportion of children with cerebral palsy have learning difficulties, though they have a similar range of intelligence as body-abled children (Beckung & Hagberg, 2002; Schenker, 2005). The prevalence of learning difficulties increases when epilepsy is present. Learning difficulties include the difficulties understanding new or complex information, learning new skills, and coping independently. Children with learning difficulties can suffer from the same mental health and emotional difficulties that others do. In many cases they can be less well equipped and supported to deal with them (Scope).


It is the right of every child between the ages of 5 – 16 years old to receive an education, and to be offered a free place at a state school (Education and Learning, 2014). This framework extends to children and young adults with disability. The Equality Act (2010) states that it is against the law for schools and other education providers to discriminate against children with disability. 

Special education needs (SEN) is an umbrella term utilized to describe individuals who have learning difficulties or disabilities which make it harder for them to learn than most other individuals of the same age. The four areas highlighted to be challenging are: 

-Communicating and interacting

- Cognition and learning

- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties

- Sensory and/ or physical needs

                                                                                                                                 (0-25 SEND Code of Practice(2014)

Disability exists in many children and young people who have SEN. The Equality Act (2010) defines disability as; ‘A physical or mental impairment which has a long-term (a year or more) and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’ Cerebral Palsy is classed as a disability as it is a life-long condition which needs regular input for specialists and therapists.

Individuals with disability often require higher levels of provision, to ensure they are given the same opportunities than those who are not disabled (Debenham, 2012). In order to aid the delivery of the national curriculum to children and young people with SEN, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) can be designed to optimise the education that individual receives. Using the curriculum being followed as a basis, the IEP creates strategies which are being utilised in order to help them meet their additional needs. 


In the 1980’s, Linda Bidabe designed the Movement Opportunities Via Education (MOVE) program. The program was designed, as it was being found that pupils with severe disability were leaving school with less skills than when they first attended. The emphasis of the program is to develop functional and meaningful outcomes for the individual utilising current theories of motor development and activity based programs (Kern County Superintdent of Schools, 1990). The program has been developed to support those with differing levels of abilities and in a multitude of different settings. A top-down Motor milestone assessment is used; therefore concentrating on the current abilities of the child.

Child centred approach to MOVE program

From the simpler tasks to a more complex tasks, individuals are taught skills to optimise their independent functioning (van der Putten, Vlaskamp, Reynders, & Nakken, 2005). Activities relate to sitting, standing, transferring and walking. By using a collaborative team approach and a six step method, MOVE develops goals and priority goals to implement an intervention (Bidabe, Barnes, & Whinnery, 2001). The six steps of MOVE are as follows:

six steps involved in MOVE program


                                                                                          “BEING A PART, NOT APART”

The Council for Disabled Children (CDC) is an blanket term for a group of organizations that hold a range of perspectives on inclusion. It is a group of council members with diverse backgrounds including professionals, parent representatives and representatives of disabled people. The CDC’s main sector is based in England, but with links to other UK nations. The CDC celebrates what is working well in the education system and family life for children and young people with disabilities and demonstrates this through their policies (CDC 2014).


(CDC, 2014)

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The CDC, Inclusion Scotland and Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS) are three organisations which support and promote the inclusion of children with disabilities into mainstream schooling. The CDC believes that special schools should hold a close link to the mainstream setting so that one day all children are included into the mainstream schooling system (CDC, 2014).

“With the proper support and encouragement, many more disabled children could be included into the mainstream school system” (CDC 2014, p.5).

LTS agrees, stating that;
"All children and young people will have access to mainstream education unless there are exceptional circumstances" (LTS 2014, p. 7).

The CDC believe that by promoting inclusion, both disabled children and their non-disabled peers benefit (CDC, 2014). Separating children with disability does not prepare them for life in a predominantly non-disabled world (ISDPO 2014, p.4). It is believed disabled individuals are happy to attend mainstream schools, as it allows both them and non-disabled individuals for later in life (ISDPO 2014, p.4-5). All the while, The Education Act (2004) ensures those who require extra support receive it (LTS, 2014).

Creating and Maintaining an Inclusive Community; “School is a Place for Everyone”[edit | edit source]

The Education Scotland Act 2004 states that School must be considered a place where;
◘ certain principles are the heart of all that happens
◘ each and every individual has a value and worth
◘ people feel they belong
◘ people learn
◘ everyone can achieve
◘ responsibility is shared
◘ there is no exclusion by expectation
◘ prejudice and discrimination are countered and their negative effects greatly diminished” (LTS 2014, p.16))


It is important for teachers to understand that children with CP enjoy the same types of activities and can do the same types of activities that children without CP can (The Nemours Foundation 2014).
The following tips may help mainstream primary school teachers promote inclusivity for students with CP;
★ Allow children with CP more time to travel to and from classes
★ Allow children with CP a longer amount of time in order to complete assessments
★ Ensure your classroom is easy to get around and free of obstacles
★ Understand that children with CP may miss more class time due to medical appointments
★ Include parents, medical staff, therapists, and the student in order to develop the best education plans for a student with CP
★ Be prepared for possible medical emergencies by planning ahead with parents in case your students with CP need advanced assistance (The Nemours Foundation 2014)


In 2012 Scottish Disability Sport (SDS) received financial backing from both the Scottish government and Education Scotland in order to offer disability inclusion training. The training is aimed at early years and primary teachers, specialist PE teachers, trainee teachers and learning support staff. It is offered at no cost. The training is tailored to encourage disabled children to lead a full and active lifestyle, through inclusion with their non disabled peers (SDS 2012).

Including Children with CP in mainstream physical education lessons
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A study was done in order to investigate elementary school children with CP’s perceptions on the advantage of and barriers to, attending mainstream physical education classes. The study was conducted through individual interviews with students with CP, teachers and teaching assistants (Hilderley and Rhind 2012).

 Three main advantages of CP students attending mainstream physical education classes;

1. Psychological benefits (improved self-esteem/body image)

2. Social Benefits (developing relationships)

3. Physical benefits (improved mobility)

BARRIERS were identified as being;

1. Environmental (appropriate facilities)

2. Organizational (appropriate staff:class size)

3. The disability (wheelchair)

4. Attitudinal (of peers/staff and child)

In conclusion, there is a an obvious need for mainstream school teacher’s to work on promoting the potential advantages and overcoming barriers to the inclusion of students with CP. Additionally, it is clear that this is done most easily through understanding people’s own perceptions on inclusion (Hilderley and Rhind 2012)

REFERENCES[edit | edit source]

COUNCIL FOR DISABLED CHILDREN., 2014. Council for Disabled Children Inclusion Policy [online]. London. [viewed 9 November 2014]. Available from:

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INCLUSION SCOTLAND DISABLED PEOPLE’S ORGANISATION., 2014. A Vision for an Inclusive Scotland [online]. Edinburgh. [viewed 1 November 2014]. Available from:

LEARNING AND TEACHING SCOTLAND., 2014. Focusing on Inclusion: a Paper for Professional Reflection [online]. 3rd ed. Scotland. [viewed 7 November 2014]. Available from:

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DEBENHAM, L. . (2012). The Special Education Needs and Disability Act. . [online]. [Viewed 8 November 2014]. Available From:

KERN COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. (1990). MOVE: Mobility Opportunities Via Education. Bakersfield, CA, Little green press. VAN DER PUTTEN, A., VLASCAMP, C., REYNDERS, K & NAKKEN, H. (2005). Reducing support: research into the effects of movement-oriented activities on the level of support when performing movement skills for children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities. Postbus, Groningen: Stichting kinderstudies.

BIDABE, L., BARNES, B., WHINNERY, W. (2001). MOVE: Raising expectations for individuals with severe disabilities. Physical Disabilities: Education and Related services. 19 (2), 31-48.

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BECKUNG, E., 2014. Making it possible ? interventions for children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. , vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 418-419.
CROMBIE, S., 2010.The Phsyical Management of Children with Cerebral Palsy Attending Mainstream Primary School.


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