Physical Activity, Sport and Recreation for Young People with Physical Disabilities: Difference between revisions

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== Introduction  ==
== Introduction  ==

The aim of this online resource is to provide parents of young physically disabled people with information regarding the importance of physical activity in their child’s lives, along with current sporting and recreational opportunities available for their children in Edinburgh and the Lothian’s. The following will take you through the health benefits of physical activity, possible barriers to your child being physically active, along with facilitators to participation. It hopes to provide a one stop resource with all the key information parents require to engage their children in the variety of physically active opportunities in the Lothian area. Throughout this resource Theo will encourage you to reflect your thoughts by allowing you to question yourself.

[[Image:Thinking_Theo.jpg]]&nbsp; &nbsp;Hi Im Theo and I am going to help take you through this online resource !<br>
The aim of this online resource is to provide parents of young physically disabled people with information regarding the importance of physical activity in their child’s lives, along with current sporting and recreational opportunities available for their children in Edinburgh and the Lothian’s. The following will take you through the health benefits of physical activity, possible barriers to your child being physically active, along with facilitators to participation. It hopes to provide a one stop resource with all the key information parents require to engage their children in the variety of physically active opportunities in the Lothian area. Throughout this resource Theo will encourage you to reflect your thoughts by allowing you to question yourself.

=== Learning Outcomes  ===
=== Learning Outcomes  ===

Revision as of 18:37, 28 November 2016


Introduction[edit | edit source]

The aim of this online resource is to provide parents of young physically disabled people with information regarding the importance of physical activity in their child’s lives, along with current sporting and recreational opportunities available for their children in Edinburgh and the Lothian’s. The following will take you through the health benefits of physical activity, possible barriers to your child being physically active, along with facilitators to participation. It hopes to provide a one stop resource with all the key information parents require to engage their children in the variety of physically active opportunities in the Lothian area. Throughout this resource Theo will encourage you to reflect your thoughts by allowing you to question yourself.

Thinking Theo.jpg   Hi Im Theo and I am going to help take you through this online resource !

Learning Outcomes[edit | edit source]


Physical Activity[edit | edit source]

What is Physical Activity and How Much is Enough For My Child?[edit | edit source]

Did you know that Physical Activity (P.A) is any movement made by your body that uses energy? (WHO, 2016). So, thinking about what P.A is, how much would you think is actually enough..?
I’ll give you some help  

Thinking Theo.jpg

Your child, as well as any other child should be doing at least one hour of medium to hard P.A daily. (WHO, 2016). These types of activities will increase your childs’ breathing and heart rate, which will warm up their body in preparation for further activities. Your child may also work up a sweat on hot days with this level of intensity.

The more difficult activities may leave your child feeling out of breath during the activity - don’t worry, this in completely normal! An example of hard physical activities could be dancing, swimming or skateboarding, or other activities that your child would do on a daily basis, for example, walking or cycling. You should try to get your child to do some of these activities two or three times a week, to improve their aerobic capacity, cardiovascular health, bone health, muscle strength and their flexibility. (NICE GUIDELINES 2016).

These guidelines are set out for both children living with and without disabilities, and those with medical conditions, provided suitable adaptations and modifications are put in place for each child based on their exercise capacity and any other special health/risk issues they may have. If your child has a disability, they should engage in regular physical activity based on their own abilities and should always avoid inactivity.

If you are concerned about the amount and type of physical activity that would be suitable for your childs abilities click <a href="">here</a>, or if you are still unsure, you can get further information from your local G.P or a physiotherapist. Your G.P and also Physiotherapists will play a major role in promoting P.A options for you and your child with a disability.Would you believe that people with disabilities were 82% more likely to engage in P.A if a doctor or physiotherapist recommended it, ‘Centres for Disease Control and Prevention’ (2016).

In Summary[edit | edit source]
  • It is most important your child participates in an appropriate amount and type of P.A to suit their ability.
  • Your child should begin slowly, based on their ability and current level of fitness, e.g. begin with 10 minutes of regular activity if your child has been inactive for some time, gradually increase the amount of time, followed by increasing the intensity of the activity
  • Include aerobic activities to increase your childs’ breathing and heart rate
  • Familiarise yourself with adaptations and modifications for your child, and be comfortable making alterations where necessary
  • Always avoid your child being inactive, any P.A is better than none!

More Benefits of Physical Activity!
[edit | edit source]

Now, just incase we haven’t convinced you just yet to sign your child up (or yourself!) to some sort of P.A, here's a few more reasons why you should get those running shoes on, and get your body moving…!

  • It boosts confidence and self-esteem, and makes you feel good and happy in yourself
  • It helps to control weight - (so you wont feel as guilty for having that extra donut!)
  • Improves gross and motor skill development, e.g. assists with writing (REF EMCK)
  • Improves their ability to be competent in school and in P.A (REF EMCK)
  • Increases their adjustment towards their feelings and emotions (REF EMCK)
  • Improves muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness
  • Improves bone and functional health
  • Reduces the risk of falls and fractures
  • Physically active wheelchair users tend to go to hospital less than those wheelchair users who don’t do P.A.
  • Wheelchair athletes who do P.A have fewer pressure sores and kidney complications than wheelchair users who don’t do P.A
  • P.A also has a lessening effect on challenging behaviour (Moon et al, 1982; Nishiyama et al, 1986; Lancioni et al, 1994 and 1998; Washburn et al, 2002; Nary et al, 2000 cited by Boland, 2005).
  • P.A is important in maintaining fitness for daily living, reducing functional limitations, helps with independent living and preventing, delaying and reducing chronic illnesses and secondary conditions (Fentem, 1994).

What If My Child Has Cerebral Palsy?[edit | edit source]

You may want to consider the following if your child has cerebral palsy:

Children with cerebral palsy are said to participate in lower levels of P.A than any other child, and they are beginning to show an increase in mobility problems as a result of this decreased P.A level. 2,3,4,5 Some of the things you might also want to remember if this is the case with your child, they are more likely to be less fit than others, more likely to have issues with their mobility down the line, and reduced muscle tone. However, not to worry, this can all be prevented by participating in regular activity weekly, rather sooner than later to avoid this inactivity creeping further into their teenage years!6
“Physical activity stimulation program for children with cerebral palsy did not improve physical activity: a randomised trial “Leontien Van Wely, Astrid CJ Balemans, Jules G Becher, Annet J Dallmeijer (REFERENCES 2,3,4,5 & 6 USED)

What Can Happen If My Child Doesn't Exercise?[edit | edit source]

Now take a look at some of the more serious health risks associated with inactivity, would make you think eh?

  • Not having enough P.A is 1 of the 10 leading risk factors for death across the world and is on the rise in many countries, adding to the burden of NCDs (noncommunicable diseases, i.e cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes) and affecting general health worldwide.
  • People with disabilities are three times more likely to have the above complications than those without disabilities, but thankfully aerobic P.A can help reduce the impact of these complications.
  • People who are less active have a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to people who meet the above P.A recommendations.
  • Inactivity can also lead to an increase in needing others, a decrease in socialising with friends and becoming more tired, feeling low or upset, putting on weight and an increase in pressure sores.
  • Physical inactivity increases the risk of coronary heart and cerebrovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, stroke, several cancers (e.g. lung, prostate, breast, colon, others), osteoporosis/fractures, depression and dementia, among others.
Interested In Some Random Facts About Inactivity?[edit | edit source]
  • Globally, 1 in 4 adults is not active enough.
  • More than 80% of the world's adult population doesn’t do enough physical activity.
  • Policies to address insufficient physical activity are operational in only 56% of WHO Member States.
  • WHO Member States have agreed to reduce insufficient physical activity by 10% by 2025.
  • Globally, 81% of adolescents aged 11-17 years were insufficiently physically active in 2010.
  • Adolescent girls were less active than adolescent boys, with 84% vs. 78% not meeting WHO recommendations.
  • Globally, around 23% of adults aged 18 and over were not active enough in 2010 (men 20% and women 27%).
  • In high-income countries, 26% of men and 35% of women didn’t do enough physical activity, as compared to 12% of men and 24% of women in low-income countries.
  • The drop in P.A is partly due to inaction during leisure time and sedentary behaviour on the job and at home.
  • Likewise, an increase in the use of "passive" modes of transportation also contributes to insufficient physical activity.

How Much Exercise Do Parents and Grandparents Need?[edit | edit source]

So, after becoming aware of the importance of P.A and the effects of not being active enough, would this cause you to think about your own P.A levels? If is some more information for parents and grandparents who want to spend time being physically active with their children and grandchildren!

Parents and Grandparents Aged 18-64 Years[edit | edit source]
  • Adults aged 18-64 should do at least 150 minutes of medium intensity, and at least 75 minutes of hard P.A throughout the week, or a combination of medium and hard activities.
  • If you want to go that extra mile, adults should increase their medium intensity P.A to 300 minutes per week, or equivalent.
  • Muscle-strengthening activities should be done involving major muscle groups on 2 or more days a week.
Parents and Grandparents Aged 65 Years and Above[edit | edit source]
  • Do at least 150 minutes of medium intensity P.A or at least 75 minutes of hard P.A throughout the week, or an equivalent combination of medium and hard activities.
  • Again, to go that extra mile, you should increase medium intensity P.A to 300 minutes per week, or equivalent.
  • If you consider yourself to have poor mobility, you should still perform P.A to improve your balance and prevent falls, 3 or more days per week.
  • Muscle-strengthening activities should be done involving major muscle groups, 2 or more days a week.
  • The intensity of different forms of P.A varies between people. In order for P.A to benefit your cardiorespiratory health, all activities should be performed in bouts of at least 10 minutes duration.

Barriers and Facilitators to Exercise[edit | edit source]

Barriers: Things That Get In The Way[edit | edit source]

So, you’re now aware of the importance and benefits of your child’s involvement in PA. It’s understood however things aren’t always easy and you may encounter a number of barriers when trying to engage your child in PA. Here are some you may come across...

Physical Barriers[edit | edit source]
  • Limitations of your child’s body may make participation in PA more difficult. This may include restricted range of motion at joints, reduced flexibilty and agility, along with reduced strength and endurance. Additionally your child may have difficulties with balance and coordination resulting in fear of falling while attempting to be physically active (Conchar et al. 2014). Each of these deficiencies may unfortunately demotivate your child to participate in PA.
  • Pain and fatigue may also limit your child from being active. This can result from; wearing their assistive devices e.g. orthosis, from training, or from sitting for long periods (Conchar et al. 2014).
  • Requiring more time to get outdoors during break times at school as a result of handling orthoses may come as an inconvenience to your child and inhibit them from using this time to be physically active with their peers (Lauruschkus et al. 2014).
  • Physical strength and skill developed by your child may unfortunately be lost as a result of interruptions in training during recovery period after surgery (Conchar et al. 2014).
  • As your child gets older, the gap in physical strength and agility increases between able bodied children and disabled athletes. With this, the skill gap also widens and sports become more competitive; potentially making it more difficult for your child to continue participating in mainstream activities (Conchar et al. 2014).

Psychosocial And Emotional Barriers[edit | edit source]
  • Embarrassment, vulnerability, disappointment and shame at appearing physically incapable are just some of the uncomfortable emotions your child may experience . These may lead to reduced confidence and self-esteem, along with frustration at taking longer to acquire a skill than their peers of typical development, resulting in avoidance of participation (Conchar et al. 2014).
  • Social barriers including negative attitudes from parents, staff and peers can inhibit your child’s interest in PA (Jones, 2003). This may come in the form of teasing from other children, along with and/or lack of trained instructors/teachers skilled to adapt activities to suit your child and therefore often fearful to involve them in PA activities at school/clubs (Shields and Sinnot 2012) ....
  • This can result in your child feeling singled out, isolated and forming the opinion of not being good enough; all of which make it more difficult to persevere at PA (Lauruschkus et al. 2014).
Cost and Environmental Barriers[edit | edit source]
  • Finding time in the midst of appointments with various therapists, school runs, caring for other children along with day-to-day duties poses as one of the main barriers to including PA in your child’s life.
  • In conjunction with this, the extra expense of caring for a child with a disability, along with the decreased income due to working less to care for your child, means there is often little money leftover to spend on membership for various classes/clubs (Shields and Sinnot 2012).
  • Sporting opportunities available for your child’s abilities, as well as those available in your local area are often poorly advertised. As a consequence to this lack of easy available information you may have to rely on word-of-mouth, as well as undertake your own research into the opportunities available for your child. (Jaarsma et al. 2014, Shields and Sinnot, 2012).
  • Such sporting facilities that cater for your child’s needs are often lacking in local areas, posing as a fundamental barrier to PA . This may include lack of qualified staff willing to supervise PA for children with motor impairments in addition to lack of equipment to aid sports, especially as your child gets older e.g to aid swimming (Shields and Sinnot, 2016, Lauruschkus et al., 2014).
  • Unfortunately local clubs and societies may also be faced with difficulties recruiting enough numbers to make up teams or finding other teams to compete against (Conchar et al. 2014) .
  • With this comes the barrier of transport if living far away from such facilities and having to travel to introduce your child to such activities, which may not be easy access via public transport. (Conchar et al. 2014).
  • One off programmes in addition to long waiting lists for specialised classes may also pose as a barrier to your child’s participation in PA (Shields and Sinnot, 2012).
  • Specialised adaptive equipment for sports is also costly, making its availability very limited (Rimmer et al. 2004).
  • Natural environmental barriers may also get in the way to accessing sporting facilities. These may include lack of curb cuts and ramps, doors being too narrow for wheelchair access, reception desks too high for communication with reception staff
  • As a parent you may presume your child is meeting the PA daily requirements during free play time in pre-school. However much of the free play in pre-schools involves sedentary activities, thus care must be taken to include PA during after school time.

Facilitators: What Can Make It Easier[edit | edit source]

Find you can identify with some/many of these barriers? Here are some ways in which you can help engage your child in PA, along with motivators to being physically active.

Personal Facilitators[edit | edit source]
  • The health benefits of PA may not be motivating factor for young children to exercise. However finding an activity that provides fun and enjoyment is essential for facilitating and maintaining a physically active behaviour (Shields et al 2011).
  • The sensation of speed is something that children have reported as an enjoyable feeling, thus proving to be an internal motivator. Therefore providing your child the opportunity to experience this feeling, be it through running, swimming, dancing, cycling, rolling on a ball or bouncing on a trampoline can be a key start to introducing a physically active behaviour in your child (Lauruschkus et al, 2015).
  • The feeling of being physically capable, along with the sense of achieving mastery of their chosen activity is essential for increasing self-efficacy; a significant factor to adopting a physically active behaviour (Conchar et al, 2014).
  • Thus finding activities that your child can perform independently and feel they are good at provides them with a sense of pride and competency, motivating them to be physically active.
  • Additionally as children enjoy “showing off” every now and again, finding an activity/ playing games with a competitive character can often be a good way to get them involved in PA.
  • Desirable changes in body image along with improved body function, such as increased strength, agility and fitness can be a key motivator. This can enable enhanced mobility and thus become an essential motivating factor for your child as this allows them to; become more independent, provides them with a sense of ownership over their own bodies and may also reduce the need for O.T and Physiotherapy (Conchar et al, 2014).
Social Facilitators[edit | edit source]
  • As a parent, and your child’s primary advocate, your support both practically and financially is a crucial influence on your child’s PA levels.
  • Have you ever thought that your own PA beliefs and levels could have a direct influence on how physically active your child is?
  • Research has reported that children (between the ages of 4 and 7) of active mothers are twice more likely to be active than children with inactive mothers, 3.5 times more likely with active fathers; while those with both parents who are physically active are almost 6 times more likely to be active than children of inactive parents! (Moore et al. 1991). As a parent you are perceived as significant role model to your child’s behaviours, thus, the value you place on PA will directly influence the level of your child’s participation in PA (Trost et al. 2003).
  • So, you’ve managed to introduce a physically active lifestyle from a young age. Great! Maintaining this lifestyle however can be difficult as your child grows older. Parental support is also suggested to be a key contributor to maintenance of physically active habits (Dowda et al. 2007). Thus the importance you place on your child’s PA levels, along with the encouragement and support you give to their skills and talents is essential in facilitating your child to maintain an active behaviour. This involves your willingness and ability to provide transport to practices and competitions, showing support and acknowledging their achievements in order to aid participation (Conchar et al, 2014).
  • As a parent, you are also in a privileged position of controlling your child’s daily schedule. Why not minimize screen time allowed during the day and encourage your child to go outside and play/ factor in time to go to the park/ to a class to include PA as a daily requirement.
    Physically active habits of friends and siblings can also facilitate and promote your child’s participation in PA. Children enjoy belonging to something or someone. Thus activities with friends and family encourage PA as the social interaction provides; a sense of togetherness, of being accepted and noticed as part of a group and reduces the feeling of exclusion (Lauruschkus et al, 2015). It also provides children the opportunity to meet others with similar disabilities and most importantly to be seen as more than their disability!

What To Remember[edit | edit source]

Essentially, helping your child to be physically active boils down to considering the six-F-words of childhood disability!

  1. Function - ways in which your child can be active
  2. Fun - find out what your child enjoys
  3. Family - exercise together to facilitate participation!
  4. Friends - PA encourages friendships, facilitating social development
  5. Fitness - awareness of benefits of PA is important and will help improve physical function.
  6. Future - Try not decide what is impossible. Don’t let opportunities pass by. Try, try, try!!!

[edit | edit source]

As mentioned, cost and funding is a huge barrier to taking part in sport and activity. This section will provide resources for you as parents that are interested in increasing the amount of physical activity/sport for yourself and your child.

Funding In Scotland[edit | edit source]

Sports Aid Scotland[edit | edit source]

This charity provides grants for talented sporting youngsters from the age of 12-22 and to disability athletes to the age of 45 who are competing at national level and have potential to represent Scotland at senior level. The grant is for travel and training costs.

Dream It Believe It Achieve It (DBA)[edit | edit source]

DBA supports anyone with a physical disability regardless of their level from paralympains to complete beginners by offering financial help towards specialist equipment, training and competitions.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0844 414 8288

ECAS Edinburgh[edit | edit source]

You can apply for a transport grant to attend the activity classes which include tai chi, yoga and swimming that cost £1.15.

Take a Break[edit | edit source]

You can apply for a grant if you are a parent/carer of a disabled young person up to the age of 20 who lives at home. Take a break grants can be used for a break away, leisure activities/outings and sports equipment. Grants are usually from £200-400 and have been used previously for gym memberships, horse riding and football equipment.

The Stanley Morrison Trust[edit | edit source]

Supports charities and community groups by supporting activities that encourage young people to increase their participation in sporting activities. No exclusion criteria given.

Telephone: 0141 578 2252

Get Kids Going![edit | edit source]

Provide disabled young people u to the age of 26 years old with funding for specialist wheelchairs to enable them to take part in disability sports. Open to all abilities from beginners to Paralympic level. The charity also gives sport grants from cost of training, travel, physiotherapy and competition fees.

Email: [email protected] for application form 

The Adam Millichip Foundation[edit | edit source]

The foundation provide financial support to disabled people who want t improve their quality of life with the participation in sporting activities. To apply you should have – contact details, condition details, details of funding you require and a personal statement. Medical confirmation is also required by medical authority but can be provided later. Do not fund gym memberships.

Telephone: 07866424286

The Richard Overall Trust[edit | edit source]

In memory of Richard who Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy to help disabled children and young people participate and enjoy sport. It provides funding for training, sports clothes, transport, specialist equipment and ticket to sport events. Applications can be made by UK individuals, groups, families and carers. Download application form with supporting evidence from Occupational therapist, physiotherapist, GP or teacher.

Equipment Funding                    [edit | edit source]

The Dan Maskell Tennis Trust[edit | edit source]

The trust create opportunities for disabled people that wish to play tennis by providing grants for specialist wheelchairs for individuals and for clubs and special schools as well as running disability programmes. The application is completed online by downloading the form or printed and posted.

Dates of trustee meeting and deadlines:
15/03/16 (closing date for applications for 16th February)
6th June (closing date for 9th May applications)
27th September (closing date for applications 30th August)

Wheel Appeal[edit | edit source]

The wheel appeal provides new sport wheelchairs, training and coaching to enable disabled adults and children to take part in sport. It only funds manual sport wheelchairs, hand cycles and hockey sledges to a maximum grant of £1,500. Applicant could be asked to contribute £250 towards their equipment. To apply you need to sign up to wheelpowers’s free membership. All applications should be supported by a recognised sport club, school, sport body or spinal unit.

Caudwell Children (Enable Sport)[edit | edit source]

Provide funding for sports equipment for disabled children and young people under 19 years old. Applications only accepted where parental gross income is less than £45,000, evidence of sporting involvement is required from sport club/coach as well as conformation of disability from health professional.

The Adamson Trust[edit | edit source]

This charity help finance holidays and respite breaks for disabled children up to the age of 17. On the holidays there are adapted physical activities such abseiling and canoeing. The application form is short form that is on the website to complete but should be completed by 31/12/16 for the February meeting of the trustees.

Holiday Grants[edit | edit source]

Are you planning a holiday? And want more information about funding for respite holidays. Well head over to for holiday grants that are available for the whole family.

Physical Opportunities In Lothian[edit | edit source]

As a parent, regardless of whether your child has a physical disability, you will often worry about how to provide the best opportunities for your child. By now, you should know that physical activity plays a very important part in every person’s life.

Take a moment to think about how active you are as a family.

Every family is different. Some families lead very active lifestyles, but find it hard to include their child when taking part in certain activities. Others may be a lot less active and then the challenge becomes even greater.

This section will explore a number of different sports and activities. It will also direct you to the opportunities out there for your child and family to become more physically active.

Wheelchair Inclusivity.png

( ) Areadne. Towards the inclusive classroom: best practice [Picture]. 2015. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd November 2016]

Indoor Sports[edit | edit source]

Swimming[edit | edit source]

Have you ever thought about swimming for your child, but were unsure whether swimming pools near you cater to the additional support needs your child may have? Edinburgh Leisure offers Disability Swim in three locations across Edinburgh. The information for these is as follows:

Dalry Swim Centre: Wednesdays from 10:30am - 11:30am
Dumbrae Leisure Centre: Mondays from 11:00am - 12:00pm
Warrender Swim Centre: Mondays from 10:30am - 11:15am

Prices: Standard £5, Discount card £3.75, Junior and Disability Discount card £2.50.

Go to the <a href="">Edinburgh Leisure website</a> and book!

Wheelchair Basketball[edit | edit source]

Does your child prefer a team-based sport perhaps? Why not give wheelchair basketball a try? Playing this fully inclusive, fast-paced game is a great way for your child to stay physically active, build their self-esteem and make new friends.

Hear what parents and kids have to say about wheelchair basketball:

If your child wants to shoot hoops, Lothian Phoenix Wheelchair Basketball Club (LPWBC) offers weekly training for children at the following site in West Lothian:

Armadale Academy: Thursdays from 7:00pm - 7:45pm

To get in touch with LPWBC and learn more about the rules of wheelchair basketball, visit their website!

( ) Newsocracy. Wheelchair Basketball is a Game Changer for Mississippi Kids [Video]. 2014. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd November 2016]

Judo[edit | edit source]

How about something more rough and tumble? Practicing judo can help build physical and mental toughness and improve self-confidence. If your child is interested in judo, Jidel Judo Club (JJC) run training sessions specifically for individuals living with disabilities at the following locations:

Craigswood Sports Centre (Livingston): Mondays from 6:45pm - 7:30pm
Napier University (EN)GAGE Sports Centre (Edinburgh): Tuesdays from 7:00pm - 7:45pm

To book a taster session and learn more about the classes at JJC, head over to their website or call 07411 722240.

Badminton[edit | edit source]

Have you ever thought about badminton for your child but were unsure where to start? Playing in the Lothian Disability Badminton Club (LDBC) is a great way for your child to develop better hand-eye coordination and meet new people in a friendly environment. The LDBC is open to individuals of all ages and abilities. Sessions are held at following two sites:

Musselburgh Sports Centre: Tuesdays from 6:00pm - 7:00pm (for beginners of all ages and abilities) and 7:00pm - 9:00pm (for individuals with physical and learning disabilities)
Bathgate Academy: Wednesdays from 6:00pm - 8:00pm (for individuals with physical and learning disabilities)

Prices: Free first session, then £4 per session or £25 for an annual membership.

Listen to a mother talk about how the LBDC has changed her son’s life:

For more information, visit their website.

( ) Fiona Christie. Lothian Disability Badminton Club [Video]. 2013. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd November 2016]

Tennis[edit | edit source]

Does your child look up to Andy Murray and dream of playing tennis? Edinburgh Leisure and Winning Wheels Wheelchair Tennis Club (WWWTC) have partnered up to make it a reality. Tennis classes for children using wheelchairs and those with additional support needs are held at Craiglockhart Tennis Centre during school term times. The information for Junior sessions (aged 16 and under) and Adult sessions (aged 16 and over) are as follows:

Sundays from 3:30pm - 4:30pm (for children with additional support needs)
Sundays from 4:30pm - 5:30pm (for children using wheelchairs)
Sundays from 5:30pm - 7:00pm (for adults using wheelchairs)
Mondays from 11:00am - 12:00pm (for adults with additional support needs)

Prices: £4.40 per session for Juniors, £4.40 per Additional Support Needs session for Adults, £5 per Wheelchair session for Adults.

Call 0131 443 0101 or email [email protected] to arrange a FREE taster session.

If you want to know more about WWWTC, go to their website.

Multisports[edit | edit source]

What if your child want a mixture of different sports? What happens then? Well, No Limits Sports Club is a club for children and young adults living with a disability. The only issue is that it is not well known to all of you out there. It is based at the Linlithgow Leisure Centre and includes sports such as boccia, badminton, carpet bowls, table tennis, archery, football. To make it sound even better, the attendance fee for your child is £2 and siblings go for £1.50. Why not make it a family outing?

If you don’t believe it, head to this website and have a look at what the club goers have to say about it.

Outdoor Activities[edit | edit source]

Walking[edit | edit source]

Who says you have to run a marathon or kick a football to be active? Did you know that walking is a great way to enjoy fresh air and beautiful scenery with your family? Walking as a family is not always easy if a family member is using a wheelchair; but, this is not to say that it is impossible. With the wonderful and accessible walking routes Edinburgh and the surrounding Lothian area has to offer, you are bound to find somewhere you can enjoy walking as a family. Here are just some of the places you and your family can take a lovely stroll:

Britannia Walk[edit | edit source]

Do you live near or frequently visit Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre in Leith? If so, then why not enjoy a nice walk along the water where the Britannia is docked. It's less than a mile, mostly flat and ideal for buggies and wheelchairs. Perhaps after a day of shopping in Ocean Terminal, you could head down there for the fresh air and stunning view. For those of you who still don’t know where it is, pop EH6 6JJ into maps on your phone or your GPS and it should lead you next to the blue car park of Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre.

The Meadows[edit | edit source]
The meadows.jpg

This is another scenic walking route that you and your family can enjoy in Edinburgh. It's mostly flat and quite short, but it’s accessible to people using wheelchairs. So, if you are willing to get out and take part in some exercise, head over to the Meadows off Melville Drive on the A700 with your entire family.

()Jess Dante. The Abroad Guide to Edinburgh. [Picture]. Available from: [Accessed on 28th November 2016]

The Water of Leith – Walkway[edit | edit source]

This wonderful walkway passes through many areas in Edinburgh such as Stockbridge, Royal Botanic Gardens, and Scottish Gallery of Modern Art. It's ideal for family strolls as it’s a great getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life. This route is suitable for cycling and can be accessed in part by wheelchairs and even by horseback! If you are keen on planning a trip with your family to explore this route, visit here and download the PDF of the walkway map.

North Berwick – Beach Wheelchairs[edit | edit source]

()Scottish Seabird Centre. Learning: North Berwick beach wheelchairs. [Picture]. Available from: [Accessed on 28th November 2016]

Thinking Theo.jpg

"If you thought it was impossible to push a wheelchair on the sand, think again."

Beach Wheelchairs is a Scottish Charity that makes it possible. They believe that everyone has the right to enjoy the beautiful beaches Scotland has to offer. This amazing charity provides beach wheelchairs and walkers for children and adults which can be collected from the Beach Hut at North Berwick Harbour in East Lothian. Not only that, if you want to, you can loan a beach wheelchair for free! If you're wondering how to book this fantastic opportunity, all you have to do is keep reading.

How to book: Call 03001112112 to discuss the available equipment and book a session which suits you. Sessions can be held in the morning, afternoon or evening, every day of the week. For more information click here.

Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh (RBGE)[edit | edit source]

Did you know that the RBGE has wonderful gardens and glasshouses, an art gallery, a visitor centre and some restaurants? The gardens are largely accessible to wheelchair users and the all the buildings have level or ramped ground floor access. Also, any steep paths which are not wheelchair accessible are signposted and garden staff can advise you on the glasshouses that are not accessible. This will prevent any disappointments! If you visit their website, you can read more about the access to the gardens you want to see.

If you are a lover of plants, science, and horticulture and would like to share this love with your child and family, then why not get front row seats to their world class living collection in the RBGE?

Edinburgh Royal Mile Wheelchair Accessible Walking Tour:[edit | edit source]

If you have family or friends visiting from other parts of the world, perhaps a walking tour of Edinburgh is just what you are looking for. Due to the prices, this may not be an option for everyone; but it's definitely worth knowing about. The tours run 7 days a week and an 8-hour tour costs £360 for 2 people or £420 for a group of 4. The highlights of the tour include the Royal Mile, Princes Street and Holyrood Palace to name a few. The walking tour also takes time out for some lunch.

If you are interested in finding out more or booking a tour, click here!

Cycling[edit | edit source]

Learning to ride a bike is part of a normal childhood; but, as you may already know, for some children this is not always possible. No child should have to be told that they can never go for a bike ride; and thankfully, with the development of adapted bikes it should no longer be an issue. Yet as a parent, you are probably wondering whether you can even afford one of these specially designed bikes. Well, you will be happy to hear that there's a cycling hub in Edinburgh where bikes can be used daily/weekly. Not only will this recent project provide more opportunities for you and your family, but it will also support the growth and learning of your child.

FABB/Blazing Saddles[edit | edit source]

FABB/Blazing Saddles is a mobile all-ability cycling initiative. They provide cycling for disabled people by lending adaptive bikes and equipment through 12 local hubs. Luckily, there is a cycling hub right here in Edinburgh! The aim of this fantastic initiative is to challenge barriers and improve access for disabled individuals, so that they can take part in social, leisure and educational activities of their choice. Cycling may, be something your child would like to participate in and Blazing Saddles makes it much more possible for them.

In the Lothian area, there’s an all-ability cycling hub based in Bangholm Outdoor Education Centre. Currently, this bike centre is approaching winter break and will be closed from 30th November, 2016; however, activities will resume on 20th February, 2017 as follows:

Tuesdays from 10:00am - 12:00pm (for pre booked groups)
Tuesdays from 12:00pm - 4:00pm (open drop in sessions for individuals)
Wednesdays from 10:00am - 1:00pm (for pre booked groups)
Fridays from 12:00pm - 4:00pm (open drop in sessions for individuals)
Sundays from 10:00am - 12:00pm (bookable sessions for individuals)

They have a range of adaptive bikes, trikes, side by sides, hand-cycles, wheelchair transporters and standard bikes of different sizes. All sessions are supported by trained staff and volunteers to ensure that everyone can enjoy cycling regardless of their age, backgrounds, experience or ability. All sessions are FREE and new riders should get in touch to arrange a first visit for a trial of the bikes.

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"What's your excuse?"

This will be a great chance for you and your family to enjoy cycling together. They also has a Facebook page and Twitter account so that you can follow all the updates. Have a look at the attached flyer below for contact details and more information about this amazing opportunity.

Enjoy the ride!

Horse Riding[edit | edit source]

If you have a burning desire to enrol your child in riding school then who is to say it’s not possible? Or, has your child ever expressed their wish to ride a horse, but you think it’s impossible? Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA), is a national charity set up to provide therapy, achievement and most importantly, fun. Dedicated physiotherapists, staff members and volunteers work regularly with horses and ponies to fundamentally improve the minds of 28,000 people across the UK. Luckily, the RDA has a few sites here in the Lothian area. Unfortunately, due to the costs of horses and the growing demand, most place have waiting lists. 

Did you know that riding creates friendships, helps muscle coordination, builds self confidence and is great fun?

Here is a list of the different locations and their websites around Edinburgh: Drum (Gilmerton) Muirfield (North Berwick) Ravelrig (Balerno) Thornton Rose RDA (Rosewell) West Lothian

Now for some more information on the riding sites for your child:

Muirfield Riding Therapy[edit | edit source]

Muirfield Riding Therapy (MRT) is a riding school that operates 7 sessions per week. It is open to children, teens and young adults, for FREE; however, you do have to apply before you show up. All you have to do now is go to MRT’s website and complete the form. In some instances, you may even get a referral from your GP.

Check out what MRT school has to offer and fall in love instantly:

()Bank of Scotland. Muirfield Riding Therapy - Bank of Scotland Community Fund. [Video] 2014. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd November 2016]

Thornton Rose[edit | edit source]

If MRT seems far away, Thornton Rose is another option for you. This riding group provides opportunities for people of all ages and disabilities to enjoy a safe, stimulating and therapeutic activity. Although Thornton Rose is the only group based in Midlothian, it is open to everyone in the Lothian area. Interestingly, not all participants are riders; some members come and care for the horses while others do chores around the stables. Sessions are FREE and usually last about 30-35 minutes. During this time, parents and carers are asked to stay on the yard, but are also welcome to ride with their child for the first few weeks to settle them in. To further entice you, there is a caravan in the yard with tea and coffee! This all sounds perfect right? Unfortunately, the waiting list can be quite long. Participants also need to be matched to particular horses and the amount of time this may take is unknown. For some this wait is short, but for others, it may be several years.

() TommyLawson. Thornton Rose Riding for the Disabled. [Video] 2011. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd November 2016]

Golf[edit | edit source]

Golf may not appeal to most of you, but for those of you who are interested, there's an opportunity for you and your family to enjoy a round of golf at the 12-Hole Hermitage Family Golf Course here in Edinburgh. Known as the first course of its type in the UK, it enables people living with disabilities to enjoy a game of golf at their own pace. This fantastic golf course is located in Braid Hills Drive and caters for the additional support needs your child may have. If that hasn’t persuaded you, a resident PGA golf professional offers private and group sessions. Golf camps are also held all year round and there’s an open-to-all coffee house on site.

For more information don’t hesitate to visit the Hermitage Scotland website.

How to book: Call 0131 447 5700
Prices: For the day, family (up to 4) is £22, child (up to 16 years) is £4, parent and child is £10, full membership is £275.

If you are keen to get your child involved in golf, there are locally based PGA professionals who offer lessons. Prices range upward of £20 per half hour. Scottish Disability Golf, which supports golf for the disabled person in Scotland, have also used professionals at Melville, Duddingston, Dalmahoy and Houston in recent months.

Indoor Activities[edit | edit source]

Play[edit | edit source]

If you thought things could not get any more fun, they just have! The Yard is a purpose built indoor and outdoor adventure playground for children and young people living with disabilities. It lies in the heart of Edinburgh and, quite simply could not cater for people with additional support needs any better than it already does. This is a place for your whole family; it will give you and your children the chance to explore your surroundings and interact with others. Most importantly, your child will make new friends who won’t look at them differently and who experience the same struggles they do.

"Check out what parents have to say about The Yard"

( ) The Yard. The Yard DIY SOS short film [Video]. 2016. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd November 2016]

Ages: 3-25

Prices: £5-7 per month, for visiting members £15 (5 visits) and £25 (10 visits) years.

How to find it: The Yard has a site here in Edinburgh (22 Eyre Place Lane, Edinburgh, EH3 5EH)
For more information, visit their website or call 0131 476 4506.

Dance[edit | edit source]

Did you know that you can get a great workout from dancing? If your child enjoys watching Strictly Come Dancing’ and moving along to music, why not head over to Dance Base?

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Based in Grassmarket, Dance Base is a centre that provides dance courses and drop-in sessions for people of all ages and abilities. They have classes specifically designed for individuals with additional support needs and cover a range of different styles from hip-hop to ceilidh and much more. In terms of facilities, there is lift for level access, a family play area and wheelchair accessible toilets and changing space.

For more information on timings, prices and booking classes, click here or call 0131 225 5525.

( ) GDJ. Colourful Dancing Women Silhouette [Picture]. 2015. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd November 2016]

Active Video Gaming[edit | edit source]

Did you know that everyone in your family can enjoy getting physically active from your very own living room? Active Video Gaming (AVG) can be a fun way for your child to get themselves moving. Investing in a safe and user-friendly gaming console such as the Nintendo Wii or XBox360 with Kinect will enable your everyone in your family to take part in AVGs. Where Nintendo Wii uses handheld remotes and ‘nunchuks’ to activate the motion sensors, the XBox360 with Kinect uses a camera and sensors to track movements. Once you have your chosen gaming console linked up to the television and a game, all your child needs is some space and they are set to play.

Here are just a few games that you and your child can play together. Depending on what your child is interested in, there are plenty of other games out there for you to choose from.

Wii Sports[edit | edit source]

This standard game for the Wii offers five different sporting experiences - boxing, tennis, golf, bowling and baseball. The more recent release Wii Sports Resort offers twelve sporting experiences including archery, swordplay and canoeing. It is best suited for anyone aged 7 or older and four family members can play at the same time (depending on the number of remotes).

Have a look at the different movements involved in the Wii Sports Resort games:

Kinect Sports[edit | edit source]

This Kinect game can be played by anyone aged 3 or older. It offers six different sporting experiences - volleyball, boxing, bowling, football, athletics and table-tennis. The more recent release Kinect Sports: Season 2 offers six other sports including tennis, darts and baseball.

Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure - If your child is a fan of Disney, they might love playing this one. Using their arms, they can command their on-screen characters to throw, steer, swing, climb and run in various movie-based games.

If you are interested in knowing more about which consoles and games are best suited for your child, talk to the salesperson in the store.

( ) IGN. Wii Sports Resort: Motion Plus Demo [Video]. 2009. Available from: [Accessed on 23rd November 2016]

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

We are aware that new opportunities are born every moment and we welcome others to update/edit the page if they are know of others that already exist or new ones that are available. The opportunities on this page are just several of many different sports and activities you can get your child involved in.

Useful Resources[edit | edit source]

These are some additional resources you may find useful. Go have a look when you have a spare moment.

Recent Related Research (from <a href="">Pubmed</a>)
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