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What is Developmental Coordination Disorder?[edit | edit source]

Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a diagnosis given to children who have marked impairment in motor coordination that significantly impacts on their academic achievement and activities of daily living and is not due to any known medical or mental condition as stated in the DSM-IV-TR [1](APA 2000).

Why is participation in physical activity important?[edit | edit source]

The international classification of function, disability and health considers activity and participation limitation due to disability important [2](WHO 2001). Research in participation of children with DCD has shown decreased physical activity (PA) and fitness [3](Rivilis et al 2011). This has a negative impact on physical health [3](Rivilis et al 2011), mental health and social development [4](Hands and Larkin 2002).

What outcome measures are used to measure physical activity in this population?[edit | edit source]

Studies of PA use subjective methods such as questionnaires and diaries or objective measures such as accelerometers. Objective measures are more reliable but only measure frequency and intensity of activity [5](Green et al 2011). Subjective methods are less reliable and error in reporting occurs [6](Dockrell et al 2000). However, they can address numerous aspects of PA participation such as diversity, intensity, frequency, enjoyment and whether they participate in group activities or choose solitary activities [7](Jarus et al 2011). There is a bias toward parent and teacher reported PA participation in children with DCD in the literature [8](Magalhaes et al 2011). It is important to consider childrens’ perspectives and priorities as they do not mirror that reported by adults [9](Lloyd-Smith and Tarr 2000, Pollock and Stewart 1998)[10]. Therefore, research of children with DCD should examine their unique perspective so that research is of children rather than about them [11](Winn-Oakley 2000).

Elements of PA in children with DCD that were considered are frequency, intensity and diversity of participation.

Frequency of participation in PA[edit | edit source]

Frequency of participation in PA is reduced in this population of children. Children with DCD between the age of 9 and 14 years report lower frequency of participation in free-and organised-play [12](Cairney et al 2005a,2005,2006). [13]Fong et al (2011) and [7]Jarus et al (2011) agreed with this finding for children aged between 6 and 12 years and 5 and 7 years, respectively. [12]Cairney et al (2005,2005a,2006) and [7]Jarus et al (2011) used a small sample of children that was not randomly selected. [13]Fong et al (2011) had a larger sample based on statistical power calculations. This was the only study to calculate sample size based on statistical power but the sample was still a convenience sample. Therefore there is a risk of selection bias in these studies. While [7]Jarus et al (2011) and [13]Fong et al (2011) had a sample of children with DCD diagnosis those included in [12]Cairney et al (2005,2005a,2006) had no formal diagnosis. Only one other study used a sample of children with a formal diagnosis of DCD [14](Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis 2010). No studies blinded the assessors which may lead to detection bias. Frequency of PA participation was consistently reduced in all studies of children with DCD.

Intensity of participation in PA[edit | edit source]

[15]Poulsen et al (2008,2008a) reported adolescent boys with DCD spent decreased time in high intensity PA and had a preference for low intensity PA compared to boys without DCD. This was estimated from a one week diary log of PA which has a high risk of reporting error as it relies on recall abilities of participants [16](Anderson et al 2005). Jarus et al (2011) and Fong et al (2011) included both genders and reported decreased intensity of PA in children with DCD . These results are more reliable as it was calculated using the Child Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE) questionnaire (King et al 2007). Both studies matched controls and participants for age, gender and socio-economic class but like the other studies in this review they did not account for other confounding variables such as birth weight, gestational age or maternal PA levels during pregnancy in the statistical analyses which have been shown to influence PA in childhood (Mattocks et al 2008). Therefore differences in PA may be due to factors other than DCD.

Diversity of participation in PA[edit | edit source]

Fong et al (2011) reported that children aged 6-12 years participate in a smaller variety of activities. Analysis of results shows that participation is less in informal, physical, social, skill-based and self-improvement activities than their peers without DCD. However, participation in formal and recreational activities did not differ between groups. The majority of recreational activities in the CAPE questionnaire are sedentary and do not require motor coordination. Jarus et al (2011) also used the CAPE questionnaire and found that children aged 5-7 years with DCD engage in less physical, skill-based and informal activities. In contrast no statistical significant difference in social and self-improvement activities was found. This may be due to the small sample size as mentioned before. Poulsen et al (2008,2008a) measured diversity of activities in boys with DCD over a week. This may not be accurate due to the short time span. The CAPE questionnaire used by the previous studies considers diversity of participation over the previous 4 months. Taking this into account, results once again show that boys with DCD participated in less diverse activities and the majority of time was spent in sedentary activities. Participation in team sports and unstructured social physical activities were significantly lower than their peers without DCD. Unstructured social PA included street ball games or running games. Interestingly, there was no difference between groups in individual sports. This may be due to these activities not requiring the evaluative skills needed for team sports (Poulsen et al 2008). It is clear from the available literature; diversity of PA is narrower in children with DCD.

Effect of age on participation patterns[edit | edit source]

Suggestions are made that the activity-deficit in children with DCD would increase with age (Wall 2004). This was not seen in children between the age of 9 and 14 years in free- and organised-play (Cairney et al 2006). Appropriate ANCOVA tests were used to analyse this difference but results should be interpreted with caution as this study was cross-sectional. More accurate results would be obtained from a longitudinal study following the same group of children rather that comparing results from different individuals at different ages. The only longitudinal study in this review used mixed-effects modelling analysis which showed a difference over a 3 year period (Cairney et al 2009). Boys showed an increase in frequency of PA while girls exhibited a consistent decrease. The increasing expectations and complexity of PA in adolescence were cited as a difficulty (Missiuna et al 2008). The sample used in this qualitative study was a group of university students which is not representative of the wider heterogeneous population of children with DCD. However, it is important to consider qualitative research as it gives a deeper meaning to the reduced participation in this population.

Effect of gender on participation[edit | edit source]

There are less societal expectations on females to be physically active (Chase and Dummer 1992). Therefore it is suggested that girls with DCD will be less active than boys with DCD. Cairney et al (2005) found that there was no statistical difference in PA frequency between genders. Despite this, there is a trend towards lower participation in free-and organized-play in girls but it does not reach statistical significance which may be due to the smaller sample size. Cairney et al (2009) used a larger sample size and showed that there was increased frequency of PA in boys with DCD compared with girls as they got older. It is important to remember that both these studies used Participation Questionnaire (PQ) which only accounts for organised- and free-play and not other forms of PA such as chores and active transport. Additionally Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis (2010) showed there were differences between genders in preference for certain activities. Girls with DCD favoured skill-based activities whereas boys favoured active PA which was similar to their peers without DCD. This study unlike the others included parent education as well as age and gender as confounding factors in analysis. A limitation of this study is the use of Preference for Activities of Children (PAC) as it just measures preference and gives no indication of whether these activities are performed. Therefore, it does not indicate actual participation patterns.

Effect of motor ability on participation: [edit | edit source]

Limited studies considered the effect of motor ability on participation. Motor ability was shown to positively correlate to PA (Jarus et al 2011, Fong et al 2011). Fong et al (2011) used multiple regression analysis and concluded that after motor ability was added to regression with age and gender it accounted for 7.6% of variance in PA diversity. In contrast, Jarus et al (2011) only used Pearson’s correlation coefficient to analyse this relationship so it only considers two factors in isolation. Preference to participate in active PA was also positively correlated with motor ability (Jarus et al 2011). These findings suggest that children with higher motor ability have an increased ability to activate and sequence motor movements which provides more opportunities for participation (Wrotniak et al 2006). However it is important to remember the cross-sectional design of these studies making it impossible to demonstrate causal pathways for the relationship between these factors.

Effect of reduced participation on social development[edit | edit source]

Reduced PA may have a detrimental effect on social development (Hands and Larkin 2002). A greater number of children with DCD play alone during out of school activities compared to their peers (Jarus et al 2011). This was reiterated in qualitative studies where individual activities were preferred as they avoid ridicule and pressure from peers (Missiuna et al 2008, Fitzpatrick and Watkinson 2003). Fong et al (2011) concluded that a large number of children in their sample with and without DCD participated in activities with family with no difference between groups. This may be due to cultural influence and a higher emphasis on family in this Asian sample (Kim and Wong 2002). Boys with DCD had a lower perception of their social competence which had a negative impact on the intensity of participation (Poulsen et al 2008). Poulsen et al (2008a) found that motor ability affected loneliness negatively and life satisfaction positively in the same group of boys. They discovered that team sport participation increased life satisfaction and decreased loneliness which is probably due to the social nature of these sports. However, there may be other factors that were not taken into consideration in this study such as social environmental influences because only partial mediation effects were demonstrated. All the participants were from a high socio-economic background and were male which may place social value on participation in sport which affects ability to generalise results. Additionally there are no other studies that investigated these aspects so it is difficult to draw conclusions from these results.

Effect of reduced participation on self-efficacy towards PA[edit | edit source]

Cairney et al (2005, 2005a) and Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis (2010) concluded that self-efficacy in children with DCD was significantly lower compared to their peers. However, Cairney et al (2005,2005a) had a low response rate to the PQ which may affect results as there is no data on non-participants. Another limitation of these studies is that the outcome measures used do not measure efficacy in activities outside of school. Children’s Self-perception of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA) measures self-efficacy in physical education class (Cairney et al 2005) and the Perceived Efficacy and Goal Setting System (PEGS) include school and self-care activities as well as leisure activities (Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis 2010). Therefore, it is difficult to draw a conclusion about self-efficacy in activities outside of school.

Enjoyment of PA and participation:

Studies investigating enjoyment of PA report no difference between children with and without DCD (Jarus et al 2011, Fong et al 2011). This may be due to children choosing to participate in activities that they enjoyed (Jarus et al 2011). These children had not reached adolescence which may affect these results as younger children do not compare themselves to peers and are less frustrated by their inability to perform (Harter and Pike 1984). Missiuna et al (2008) highlighted that adolescents also chose activities that they were good at and enjoyed. Additionally, Fitzpatrick and Watkinson (2003) reported avoidance of activities that caused humiliation. It was exposure of their awkwardness that decreased enjoyment of activities rather than the lack of coordination itself. This study like Missuina et al (2008) used a phenomenological approach and considered the retrospective viewpoint of adults through interview. Thematic analysis was detailed adequately using member checking for verification of accuracy. Neither study considered the authors role and the bias that this may cause in the data. Participants were not diagnosed with DCD but had significant coordination difficulties that affected daily activities. These studies relied on the recall ability of adults rather than interviewing children. Both studies had flaws but they provide information regarding the selection of enjoyable activities and further qualitative research is needed of children with DCD. Available research shows that children with DCD select activities outside of school that they can enjoy.

Research in this area[edit | edit source]

There is limited evidence in this area and the available literature has many limitations which makes it difficult to judge the value of these results. Most of the quantitative studies in this review are cross-sectional cohort studies (Cairney et al 2005,2005a,2006, Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis 2010, Fong et al 2011, Jarus et al 2011, Poulsen et al 2008,2008a). This is a lower level of evidence which affects the impact of results. The methodology of studies was poor. No study reported blinding of the assessor from diagnosis. Few confounding factors that may influence PA were considered. Most studies considered factors such as age, gender, weight and socio-economic class in analysis (Poulsen et al 2008,2008a, Cairney et al 2005,2005a,2006, Fong et al 2011 and Jarus et al 2011) with only Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis (2010) considering parent education as a factor. Many other potential factors such as birth weight and maternal PA during pregnancy were not considered (Mattocks et al 2008). Some studies also used convenience samples (Fong et al 2011, Cairney et al 2005,2005a,2006) or were single centre studies (Missiuna et al 2008) leading to selection bias and reduced ability to generalise results. Four studies described a random recruitment from a wide area which reduces the risk of bias in these samples (Poulsen et al 2008,2008a, Cairney et al 2009, Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis 2010). The majority of studies did not confirm all diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV for DCD. Jarus et al (2011), Fong et al (2011) and Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis (2010) used a sample of children with confirmed DCD. However, all quantitative studies used M-ABC or Bruininks-Osretsky test of motor proficiency to assess motor ability. Another limitation is the varying outcome measures of PA making comparisons difficult although both the CAPE and PQ were validated in this population (King et al 2007, Hay 1992). Also the PQ only measures frequency and intensity but the CAPE questionnaire considers other aspects of participation such as diversity, enjoyment and social factors as well. The qualitative studies (Missiuna et al 2008, Fitzpatrick and Watkinson 2003) included used an appropriate approach to gather information and the data analysis was thoroughly described. Both studies had a small sample size but this is acceptable in phenomenological studies (Cresswell 1998) and saturation of data was discussed. The main limitations in these studies were the possibility of researcher bias, lack of description of the interview procedure and reliance on the recall ability of adults.

Main Findings:

These children have reduced PA frequency (Cairney et al 2005,2005a2006, Fong et al 2011, Jarus et al 2011), intensity  and diversity (Jarus et al 2011, Fong et al 2011). This is important for health professionals to be aware of as these elements need to be targeted in treatment. Studies considered the link between age (Cairney et al 2006, 2009), gender (Cairney et al 2005, 2009), and motor ability (Jarus et al 2011, Fong et al 2011) and PA. Due to study limitations and contradictory results it is difficult to draw conclusions about the effects of these factors. Enjoyment of PA is not reduced in this population due to them choosing activities that they prefer (Jarus et al 2011, Fong et al 2011). Research on self-efficacy towards PA demonstrates a consistent decrease in children with DCD (Cairney et al 2005,2005a, Engel-Yeger and Hanna Kasis 2010). The impact of decreased PA on social development is considered in a number of studies that showed increased loneliness during activities in boys with DCD (Poulsen et al 2008,2008a) as well as isolation in both genders (Missiuna et al 2008, Fitzpatrick and Watkinson 2003). However, only a small number of studies investigated these elements.

Further research needed[edit | edit source]

There are many areas that need further research. There are limited studies considering PA participation that is child-reported especially in older adolescence and children below the age of 7 years. Research is needed to consider the impact of gender and age on PA and the impact of reduced PA on social development. The design of quantitative studies also needs to be improved with more emphasis on reducing bias in the results. Future studies should blind assessors. Sample sizes should be determined by calculating statistical power so that differences can be detected and confounding factors considered. Qualitative studies should account for the influence of the researcher and study children with DCD instead of adults. None of these studies considered the impact of a motor skills intervention on the participation of this population in PA. This would be important to address in future research so health professionals could know if they are impacting participation in PA. A quantitative study of PA participation in children with DCD is needed. The use of child-reported PA questionnaire to measure participation will gather information regarding the child’s perspective. Studying the effect of motor skills intervention on participation patterns in children with DCD would also be valuable. Care should be taken to minimize bias in the study design. Conclusion: Children with DCD have reduced frequency, intensity and diversity of PA participation. Gender, age and motor ability may affect this activity deficit. Enjoyment of PA appears to be high in both children with DCD and those without. Self-efficacy towards PA and social aspects of PA may be reduced in this population. However there are many limitations to this research and there is a need for further research on child-reported PA addressed through both quantitative and qualitative designs. There is also a need to consider wider aspects of PA participation rather than just intensity and frequency to get a more accurate account. The impact of a motor skills intervention on PA participation needs to be researched as it is an important element for health professionals to consider.

References[edit | edit source]

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