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== Objective Assessment ==
== Objective Assessment ==

From subjective assessment, a clear picture of patient's presenting issue should starting to be developed .
== Treatment and Management ==
== Treatment and Management ==
If any red flags have been identified, patient must be referred immediately or have an urgent appointment for investigation. When it comes to treatment, should the patient not present with any red flags, the NICE guidelines and other research advise management for acute neck pain as following:
If any red flags have been identified, patient must be referred immediately or have an urgent appointment for investigation. When it comes to treatment, should the patient not present with any red flags, the NICE guidelines and other research advise management for acute neck pain as following:

Revision as of 14:40, 19 March 2024

Introduction (Add citation at the end)[edit | edit source]

Neck Pain Diagram.png

Acute neck pain is characterised by its sudden onset, typically lasting less than three months. This discomfort can manifest as localised pain or radiate to the head, shoulders, and arms. According to NICE guidelines, the prevalence of condition-specific acute neck pain ranges from 40 to 70%. Various factors such as injury, disease, wear and tear, or poor biomechanics can stress the spine and lead to this type of pain. However, pinpointing the exact source of discomfort can be challenging. Potential contributing factors may include nerve damage, tissue scarring, arthritis, and the emotional effects of pain.

Functional Anatomy[edit | edit source]

Cervical spine anatomical drawing.jpg

The cervical spine consists of several structural group:

  1. Muscles - anterior muscles, posterior muscles, lateral muscles, muscles that feed into the neck
  2. Ligaments - anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament, intertransverse ligaments, nucheal ligament, alar ligaments, apical ligaments of dens, yellow ligaments
  3. Neurological structures - arteries, nerves, glands, and 2 passageways

These three structural groups in the cervical spine works together to serve the three main functions of the cervical spine:

  1. Protect spinal cord
  2. Support the head and allow movements
  3. Provide a safe passageway for vertebral arteries

Mechanism of injury and Differential Diagnosis[edit | edit source]

Understanding the mechanism of acute neck pain and differential diagnosis are the key parts of a physiotherapy assessment process. Various sources can contribute to acute neck pain:

  • Cervical muscle sprain - Most common cause of acute neck pain, usually caused my overuse of the musculature e.g., sitting hunched over in a chair
  • Muscle weakness - Training muscles asymmetrically can cause pain i.e., training upper traps more than lower traps can lead to overstimulation of the upper traps, the difference can cause pain
  • Concussion - After a concussion, people may experience head and neck pain, it can start quickly after and last anywhere from a few days to months/years. Any symptoms that last longer than 3 months after is considered post-concussion syndrome
  • RTA - Symptoms can occur suddenly or within a few days following an accident , similar to a concussion, how long the symptoms last can range
  • Whiplash- This can occur within a RTA or from another type of trauma e.g., a fall   

Risk Factors[edit | edit source]

Identifying and understanding risk factors is crucial for prevention and early diagnosis, as acute neck pain can potentially evolve into chronic conditions. Potential contributing risk factors include:

  1. Advanced age[1]
  2. Female[2]
  3. History of neck, shoulder, and pelvis trauma[3][2]
  4. Psychological factors[4]
  5. Lifestyle[4]

Classification[edit | edit source]

According to the updated neck pain revision of the Orthopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) in 2017, these are the revised clinical guidelines for neck pain classification:

  • Neck pain with mobility deficits
  • Neck pain with movement coordination impairments
  • Neck pain with headaches
  • Neck pain with radiating pain

Clinical Presentation[edit | edit source]

Every acute neck pain present differently, it often present with more than a simple pain in the neck. Typically, it is accompanied by:

  • Referred pain - headache, shoulder pain, upper or lower back pain, radiated pain with upper extremity numbness. These pain can be explained by refereed or widespread pain from innervated cervical spine structure.
  • Mobility deficit (reduce range of motion)
  • Coordination impairment
  • Muscle tightness and spasm
  • Dizziness, nausea (patients with cervical vertigo may encounter these symptoms)[5]
  • Fever (might indicate an infection extending into the brain)

Ruling out Red Flag[edit | edit source]

Red flags are signs and symptoms found in the patient's history and clinical examination, which could warn us the possibility of life-threatening disorders. Identification of red flags is crucial, it should be carried out before any assessment. Once identified, depending on which one will determine the course of action. Red flags might include:

  • Symptoms pattern - worsening of symptoms, recent bladder or bowel issue, sensory changes, unsteady gait, age above 50, previous history of cancer, unexplained weight loss, severely limiting range of motion (ROM) or pain, 5 D’s or 3 N’s, boy temperature over 36 degree, blood pressure (BP) above 160/95, and resting pulse higher than 100bpm
  • Family history - Any history of cardiovascular disease or any relevant pathology
  • Cranial Nerves - If applicable i.e., you have suspicion they may be involved, test all 12 nerves
  • Mechanism of injury - e.g., car crash or big trauma
  • Psychosocial factors (factors that stop individual from sleeping, returning to activity, or causes extreme pain), despite not including in red flags, should also be taken into consideration.

Subjective Assessment[edit | edit source]

Subjective assessment involves a series of questions to understand patients' problems and goals. It helps to direct and guide further objective assessment, as well as provides information for accurate diagnosis. Questions you may ask in subjective assessment include:

  • Onset​ - acute/recurring/sudden/chronic
  • Nature of the pain​ - type of pain, pain severity, timing when pain occurs, and what triggers aggravation/eases of symptoms
  • Pain location​ - or if there is any radiating pain
  • Past medical history​ - such as previous injury or infection, not just red flags for example cancer
  • Occupational history​ - if their job is physically strenuous or sedentary. Gives an idea if this impacts their pain
  • Current presence of a fever​
  • Symptoms of anxiety or depression​ - on occasion pain may be made worse by the psychological state of the patient
  • Yellow flag questions - this may increase the patient's risk of developing a long term condition

Objective Assessment[edit | edit source]

From subjective assessment, a clear picture of patient's presenting issue should starting to be developed .

Treatment and Management[edit | edit source]

If any red flags have been identified, patient must be referred immediately or have an urgent appointment for investigation. When it comes to treatment, should the patient not present with any red flags, the NICE guidelines and other research advise management for acute neck pain as following:

  1. Reassurance
  2. Initial early exercises - Depending on the objective findings of an assessment, the NHS recommends some initial, early exercises such as ROM exercises can be given followed by later exercises that include more resistance exercises
  3. Advice and education - e.g. a firm pillow can help support the head, maintain activity
  4. Manual therapy

Example Case Study[edit | edit source]

Treatment varies from person to person depending on a variety of things, therefore this case study provides a clear idea on how you may treat a patient with acute neck pain.

A Clinical Perspective Subjective[edit | edit source]

A 28-year-old male complains of decreased range of motion, daily headaches and cervical pain. He was involved in an accident 3 weeks ago where he suffered a whiplash mechanism injury in a road traffic accident (RTA).

He visited the emergency department the same day and was found to have symptoms of whiplash associated disorder (WAD) in line with the Grade II classification on the Quebec Task Force of WAD. The doctor ruled out the presence of a fracture with an x-ray.

Upon entering the clinic, in addition to the decreased ROM and headaches, the patient presents with right-sided neck pain (4/10) with poor concentraction and coordination. Aggs include work as he is a teacher so he had to look around a lot, and eases include not moving. Pain does not wake him up at night as he usually sleeps on his back.

  1. Jeanmonod, R. and Varacallo, M. (2018). Geriatric Cervical Spine Injury. [online] Available at:
  2. 2.0 2.1 Safiri, S., Kolahi, A.-A., Hoy, D., Buchbinder, R., Mansournia, M.A., Bettampadi, D., Ashrafi-Asgarabad, A., Almasi-Hashiani, A., Smith, E., Sepidarkish, M., Cross, M., Qorbani, M., Moradi-Lakeh, M., Woolf, A.D., March, L., Collins, G. and Ferreira, M.L. (2020). Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain in the general population, 1990-2017: systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. BMJ, p.m791. doi:
  3. Clayton, J.L., Harris, M.B., Weintraub, S.L., Marr, A.B., Timmer, J., Stuke, L.E., McSwain, N.E., Duchesne, J.C. and Hunt, J.P. (2012). Risk factors for cervical spine injury. Injury, [online] 43(4), pp.431–435. doi:
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kazeminasab, S., Nejadghaderi, S.A., Amiri, P., Pourfathi, H., Araj-Khodaei, M., Sullman, M.J.M., Kolahi, A.-A. and Safiri, S. (2022). Neck pain: global epidemiology, trends and risk factors. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, [online] 23(1). doi:
  5. Brandt, T. and Huppert, D. (2016). A new type of cervical vertigo: Head motion–induced spells in acute neck pain. Neurology, 86(10), pp.974–975. doi: