How to Focus for Learning: Difference between revisions

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* Try mindfulness meditation  
* Try mindfulness meditation  
** Evidence suggests that mindfulness meditition can help you develop the ability to focus for longer periods of time<ref name=":4" /><ref>Verhaeghen P. Mindfulness as attention training: meta-analyses on the links between attention performance and mindfulness interventions, long-term meditation practice, and trait mindfulness. Mindfulness. 2021:12:564-81. </ref>
** Evidence suggests that mindfulness meditition can help you develop the ability to focus for longer periods of time<ref name=":4" /><ref>Verhaeghen P. Mindfulness as attention training: meta-analyses on the links between attention performance and mindfulness interventions, long-term meditation practice, and trait mindfulness. Mindfulness. 2021:12:564-81. </ref>
=== Sources of Distraction and Solutions ===
There are three main sources of distraction:<ref name=":4" />
* Environment
** For example, how many tabs you have open, are you online, are your phone notifications turned off?
** Structure your working enviornment to make it easier to focus:
*** Disable phone and computer notifications or leave your phone in another room
*** Consider browser extensions or apps that allow you to lock down your device for a period of time
**** Mobile apps that can be useful include the Pomodoro timer, Headspace, Waking Up, 10% Happier (meditation), Forest (to avoid your phone), airplane mode (to stop notifications)
** Work in a quiet space (e.g. a library), turn off your TV and music (for deep work)
** You may like to work early in the morning or late at night
* Task
** Consider what format is more distracting for you
* Mind
** For example, are you experiencing relationship issues, are you feeling restless or angry?
** It is important to recognise these feelings, notice them and let them go

== Resources ==
== Resources ==

Revision as of 12:25, 29 August 2023

Original Editor - Robin Tacchetti based on the course by Michael Rowe
Top Contributors - Robin Tacchetti, Jess Bell and Kim Jackson

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Attention, or an ability to focus, is fundamental to learning. It is a cognitive process that requires a state of mental alertness. Once in a focused state, the mind can concentrate, so an individual can acquire information and learn. Attention is a catalyst to learning.[1][2]

"Being able to learn new things quickly is a defining characteristic of people who are outstanding in their fields."[3]

Learning quickly requires us to focus our atention on the tasks or details that matter. However, much of our learning takes place in environments that do not support the focused attention that is necessary to learn.[3] Sustained concentration can be particularly challenging in a digital world.[1] This page, therefore, provides strategies to help students focus when learning.

Deep Work Vs Shallow Work[edit | edit source]

Deep work refers to the learning activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration[3][4]

  • it pushes an individual's cognitive capabilities to their limit
  • it is cognitively demanding and feels like hard work
  • examples include: synthesising information from multiple sources, solving complex problems, close reading of challenging materials, etc

Shallow work often describes logistical-style tasks that can be performed while distracted.[3][4]

  • it is not cognitively demanding
  • examples include: writing emails, formatting lecture notes, scheduling learning activities in your calendar, and identifying concepts that need further elaboration

Both deep and shallow work are necessary for learning. However, we should focus on deep work when feeling mentally energised and on shallow work when we are low on mental energy.[3]

Environment[edit | edit source]

Learning and our ability to focus are greatly affected by the environment. 'Multi-tasking', social media, constant phone notifications, and other distractions create environments where "learning happens despite our actions rather than because of them".[3] Thus, we must focus on creating environments that reduce distraction and support our need to pay focused attention.[3] This might initially feel 'boring', so it is important to create good learning habits.

Technology and Learning[edit | edit source]

With emerging technology, information can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Technology and mobile devices have made it quick and easy to obtain a lot of information. However, it has been argued that our ability to access information so quickly actually has a negative impact on "our capacity to learn, understand and interact with each other"[5] In particular, technololgy is having a negative impact on our attention.[5]

Multi-tasking[edit | edit source]

Multi-tasking, which is sometimes referred to as switch-tasking or task-switching, is when an individual attempts to perform multiple attention-requiring tasks at the same time. Multi-tasking or distracted learning can have a negative impact on learning. Students who attempt perform multi-learning tasks require more time to complete the tasks:[6]

  • They need to keep refamiliarising themselves with an assignment or task after switching tasks, which increases the overall time to complete the task
  • Switching between tasks causes mental fatigue, which makes it take longer to finish the tasks
  • Long-term retention of information is weakened when attention is divided during the encoding process
  • During distracted learning, the brain "processes and stores information in different, less useful ways, resulting in knowledge that is much less adept at extending and extrapolating to new contexts (decreased transfer)."[6]

Types of Attention[edit | edit source]

The “clinical model of attention” divides attention into five groups:[7]

  1. Focused attention:
    • the ability to directly respond to specific auditory, visual or tactile stimuli[7]
  2. Sustained attention:
    • referred to as "concentration" or "focus"[2]
    • "the ability to maintain consistent behavioral responses during continuous or repetitive activities"[7]
    • supports more complex forms of attention, (divided, selective) and other cognitive domains (memory, learning)
    • example: reading a book[2][7]
  3. Selective attention:[7]
    • the ability to maintain cognitive or behavioural focus when faced with competing or distracting stimuli
    • stimuli can be external or internal
      • external stimuli examples include: sounds, activity, scenery
      • internal stimuli examples include: internal thoughts, worries or contemplations
  4. Alternating attention:[7]
    • the ability to shift between tasks with different cognitive requirements
      • the two tasks have different cognitive requirements
    • this form of attention is common for students as they alternate between listening to lectures and writing notes
  5. Divided attention:[7]
    • the ability to simultaneously respond to multiple tasks
    • attention alternates rapidly and continuously
    • example: preparing a meal and talking to family at the same time[7]

Sustained Attention[edit | edit source]

As stated above, sustained attention is what we think of when we think of focus or concentration. "Sustained attention refers to the ability to maintain focus and engagement to task goals over time, particularly in conditions of monotony and repetition"[2]

In sustained attention, performance tends to decline over time and attention fluctuates from moment-to-moment or waxes and wanes. Sustained attention is determined by the dynamic interaction of emotional, motivational, cognitive and arousal factors. A deficit in one of these domains can cause the individual to disengage from the task.[2]

We develop the ability to sustain attention during childhood. Children need this skill to succeed at school. However, many children have difficult maintaining sustained attention. Moreover, a number of learning disorders and neurodevelopmental conditions are characterised by impairments in sustained attention.[2] Studies show that attention problems in school can:[2]

  1. predict the amount of success achieved in reading and mathematics
  2. undermine traditional academic interventions
  3. predict graduation rates

Improving Sustained Attention[edit | edit source]

While it is recognised that paying attention and focusing are important for learning, it can be difficult to put this into practice. A key challenge we face in improving our ability to focus is that it feels uncomfortable to be engaged in a cognitively demanding task (i.e. cognitive discomfort). However, we should think of "learning as a training regime" for our brain.[3]

Often we might try to procrastinate, or fail to start an activity to avoid this feeling of cognitive discomfort. Habit loops, which consist of cues, routines and rewards, can help establish new habits for learning. However, even if we start to study, it is difficult to sustain our focus or attention.[3]

Slattery et al.[2] discuss two approaches that can help improve sustained attention: cognitive attention training and state training.

  1. Cognitive attention training:[2]
    • also referred to as brain training
    • performing a cognitive task repetitively to exercise neural networks associated with attention
    • training typically involves children practising video game-like attention tasks, using computers or tablets with adaptive procedures
      • the level of performance difficulty is automatically adapted to an individual’s level of performance
      • reward systems encourage motivation
  2. State training:[2]
    • performing a task to develop a brain state that is thought to influence attention and other networks
    • does not involve cognitive tasks
    • places the brain and body in optimal state for sustaining attention
    • examples: meditation and physical activity
      • meditation / mindfulness mediation
        • paying attention on purpose
        • being in the moment
        • non-judgmental to internal thoughts
        • individual selects a point of focus (for example breath) and directs their attention to it
        • if the mind wanders, acknowledge it and direct attention back to the focus point[2]
        • for more information, see: Mindful Learning in the Digital World
      • physical activity
        • exercise stimulates neurotransmitters which may improve cognitive function
        • norepinephrine regulates arousal factors
        • physical activity that is more cognitively engaging (sport, having teammates) are more arousing and have an increased affect on focus versus low cognitive engagement (running)[2]

The most common interventions in school settings for enhancing focus are cognitive attention training meditation and physical activity.[2]

Strategies to Help Improve Your Ability to Focus[edit | edit source]

Michael Rowe offers the following strategies to help improve your ability to focus:[3]

  • Print out a personal mantra to remind yourself about the type of person you are (e.g. write down "I can do hard things")
  • Develop the mindset that you can delay gratification until some point in the future (also called cognitive control)
    • Doing something today that will only result in a reward in the future is an important skill for learning
  • Use time-blocking to commit to certain tasks
  • Become comfortable with the period of discomfort that makes you want to distract yourself:
    • This feeling usually only lasts 10 minutes
    • Use the Pomodoro Technique: this is a time management approach where you complete 25 minutes of focused work before taking a 5 minute break[8]
  • Use writing to focus your attention - it can be useful to add guiding questions to the top of the page you are working on:
    • What is the problem I am trying to solve in this session? What question am I trying to answer?
  • Try mindfulness meditation
    • Evidence suggests that mindfulness meditition can help you develop the ability to focus for longer periods of time[3][9]

Sources of Distraction and Solutions[edit | edit source]

There are three main sources of distraction:[3]

  • Environment
    • For example, how many tabs you have open, are you online, are your phone notifications turned off?
    • Structure your working enviornment to make it easier to focus:
      • Disable phone and computer notifications or leave your phone in another room
      • Consider browser extensions or apps that allow you to lock down your device for a period of time
        • Mobile apps that can be useful include the Pomodoro timer, Headspace, Waking Up, 10% Happier (meditation), Forest (to avoid your phone), airplane mode (to stop notifications)
    • Work in a quiet space (e.g. a library), turn off your TV and music (for deep work)
    • You may like to work early in the morning or late at night
  • Task
    • Consider what format is more distracting for you
  • Mind
    • For example, are you experiencing relationship issues, are you feeling restless or angry?
    • It is important to recognise these feelings, notice them and let them go

Resources[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Cicekci MA, Sadik F. Teachers' and Students' Opinions about Students' Attention Problems during the Lesson. Journal of Education and Learning. 2019;8(6):15-30.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Slattery EJ, O’Callaghan E, Ryan P, Fortune DG, McAvinue LP. Popular interventions to enhance sustained attention in children and adolescents: A critical systematic review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2022 Jun 1;137:104633.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 Rowe M. How to Focus When Learning Course. Plus, 2023.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Newport C. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. New York, Boston: Grand Central Publishing, 2016.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Lodge JM, Harrison WJ. Focus: Attention science: The role of attention in learning in the digital age. The Yale journal of biology and medicine. 2019 Mar;92(1):21.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Schmidt SJ. Distracted learning: Big problem and golden opportunity. Journal of Food Science Education. 2020 Oct;19(4):278-91.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Lai YJ, Chang KM. Improvement of attention in elementary school students through fixation focus training activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 Jul;17(13):4780.
  8. Almalki K, Alharbi O, Al-Ahmadi W, Aljohani M. Anti-procrastination online tool for graduate students based on the pomodoro technique. Interacción. 2020; 12206:133-44.
  9. Verhaeghen P. Mindfulness as attention training: meta-analyses on the links between attention performance and mindfulness interventions, long-term meditation practice, and trait mindfulness. Mindfulness. 2021:12:564-81.