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== Clinical Bottom Line <br>  ==
== Clinical Bottom Line <br>  ==

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Definition/ Description [edit | edit source]

In general, a bursa is a closed pocket filled with a liquor which ensures there is less friction between body parts. The prepatellar bursa is located under the skin and occurs in most people. Many different aetiologies have been proposed as the cause of prepatellar bursitis. The inflammation of a bursa is called bursitis. This inflammation can take form by either an infectious nature (30%) or a non-infectious nature (70%). The infectious prepatellar bursitis is caused by a bacterial invasion from the immediately overlying skin. Chronic inflammation of prepatellar bursa after repetitive minor trauma is called ‘housemaid’s knee’. It can be seen in the those who have to kneel very often, such as carpet layers and housemaids. Also a fall directly on the patella, an acute trauma, may cause patellar bursitis. Other causes of the prepatellar bursitis are infections or low-grade inflammatory conditions, such as gout, syphilis, tuberculosis or rheumatoid arthritis. (Yu-Chih H, et al.)

Clinically Relevant Anatomy
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The kneecap is a triangular shaped bone in front of the knee. It moves up and down in the groove of the femur when you bend en straighten your knee. The patellar tendon is a thick structure that connects the bottom of the patella with the tibia. The upper part of the patella is connected to the quadriceps, who provokes the knee extension and moves the patella upwards.
A bursa is a small fluid filled sac that decreases friction between two tissues. This can be between skin an a tendon or between bony structures.
There are a lot of bursae around the knee that we can divide into two groups: those that are lying around the patella and those that occurs elsewhere. The suprapatellar bursa, the superficial, deep infrapatellar bursae and prepatellar bursa are situated around the patella. Bursae that are not close to the patella are for example the pes anserinus bursa and the iliotibial bursa. (Mcafee J.H. et al.), (Yu-Chih H, et al.)

The suprapatellar bursa is located between the tendon of the quadriceps and the femur. It interacts with the knee joint as an extension of that synovial cavity. The deep infrapatellar bursa lies between the ligament of the patella and the tibia plateau and is rarely symptomatic. The subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa lies between the overlying subcutaneous tissue and tibial tuberosity and the prepatellar bursa lies between the overlying subcutaneous tissue and the patella. Anatomically, the prepatellar and subcutaneous infrapatellar bursae are mostly affected by the same processes and are collectively referred as the ‘prepatellar bursa’. (Mcafee J.H. et al.) , (Baumbach, S.F., et al.)

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When a bursa is infected it can probably cause pain, fever, tenderness and an elevated amount of white blood cells. This can be a septic or a non-septic bursitis and it is not always easy to distinguish those two on clinical grounds or by diagnostic tests.

Typically for a septic prepatellar bursitis is a break in the skin near the bursa, which leads to swelling and pain around this area. This happens when a bacteria (for example S. Aureus, 80% of the cases) have passed across the soft tissues from a break in the skin and begins to multiply within the bursa. (Mcafee J.H). Also constant friction between the skin and the patella, pressure and impacts of the anterior knee (falling directly onto the patella) (Yu-Chih H, et al.) can be a cause of this condition. By an impact the damaged blood vessels in the knee results in inflammation and swelling of the bursa. Actually a bacterial seeding of the bursal sac caused by a hematoma is rare, because of the limited vascular supply of the bursal tissue.

Prepatellar bursitis is also called housemaid knee or carpenters knee. The prepatellar bursitis is an ailment that often occurs in specific jobs which involve a position where they sit on their knees like miners, gardeners, carpet layers and mechanics. (Yu-Chih H, et al.) This chronic prepatellar bursitis is caused by repeated blows or friction on the knee. The prepatellar bursitis affects men more often than women and it can emerge at all ages. 80% of the people with prepatellar bursitis are men aged between 40 – 60 years. 1/3 of the prepatellar bursitis are septic and 2/3 are non-septic (Le Manac’h A.P et al). An infectious prepatellar bursitis emerges more often with children than grown-ups.

Prepatellar bursitis occurs often, with at least an annual incidence of 10/100 000. The incidence of prepatellar bursa is probably underestimated because most of the case are non-septic and only patients with the most severe cases of prepatellar bursitis requires admission in the hospital. (Baumbach, S.F., et al.)

We can conclude that prepatellar bursitis can occur after an acute trauma like falling directly on the patella, an infection or low-grade inflammatory conditions like arthritis, gout, syphilis and tuberculosis. (Yu-Chih H, et al.)

Characteristics/Clinical Presentation
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The two most common symptoms are pain and swellingCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title.  The bursa can occur an hour after a blow and can build up over weeks when there is daily friction on the knee. The pain is often present during movements, in rest and at night. The pain is shallow but there are moments where a very sharp, stinging pain can arise. On top of these two symptoms irritation and sensitivity surrounding the patella can occur. When the bursitis is infectious because of the bacterial infection of the bursa, the pains can be associated with fever. A bursitis isn’t often connected with a change in the ‘range of motion’. The flexion and extension of the knee can in some serious cases be gravely reduced, this can be caused by pain. The knee can also feel warm and the knee will feel painful while bending and stretching.

prepatellar bursitis

Differential Diagnosis
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Medial Collateral and Lateral Collateral Ligament Injury, Osteoarthritis, Pes Anserinus, Bursitis, Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Patellar tendon rupture, Chondromalacia patella, Patellofemoral pain

Diagnostic Procedures
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Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive titleA bursitis can be established through anamnesis and a physical examination. The therapist has to try and determine the origin and the course of the pain during the anamnesis. It’s imperative that the therapist can exclude an infection during the diagnosis. In doubt of an infection, the therapist will extract some fluids out of the knee and send this substance to a laboratory for further examination. When the patella is under pressure the patient will feel a stinging pain in this exact spot. The pain is connected with local swelling. It is also imperative to check if there is a reduction in mobility. The testing of the patella is often not possible with patients who carry a serious prepatellar bursitis, because the tissue around the patella is very sensitive.

To make sure that the injury is a prepatellar bursitis, that the patella isn’t broken or that there aren’t any ruptures in the tendons in and around the knee, an x-ray, MRI and CAT-scan can be taken. A arthogram, aspiration or blood test can be used to rule out other injuries.

Outcome Measures
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Medical Management
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A bursitis prepatellaris should in general heal all by itself.Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title In the first place an anti-inflammatory medication is often used. After that the doctor will advise to decrease physical activity to avoid any kind of overload. It is often suggested to use theR.I.C.E regime Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title in the first 72 hours after the injury or when the first signs of inflammation appear. In case that rest isn’t sufficient for full rehabilitation, the doctor may send the patient on to a physiotherapist (look at Physical Therapy Management).
In case the physiotherapist’ therapy doesn’t help, other measures must be taken.

- Infiltration.
This part of the therapy is not done by the physiotherapist himself, but he has to know the existence of it. In other serious cases the patient will have to undergo infiltration. In order to do this de doctor will inject corticosteroids into the inflamed bursa of the patient. After this infiltration has taken place, a solid pressure bandage must be placed and it is suggested that the patient rests for 48 hours.

- OperationCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title.
In case of a chronic bursitis prepatellaris the doctor will suggest an operation. This only happens occasionally in heavy cases. Either the bursa shall be removed or the tendon will be extended during the operation. The extension of the tendon will reduce the pressure that is placed on the bursa, which in turn will reduce the patient’s pain. After the operation, the process of healing shall take from 6 to 8 weeks. Over time a new bursa will grow back.

Physical Therapy Management
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The therapist will often begin with soft tissue massages, this is important for the trophicity and better vascularity. This is followed by some mobilisations in flexion; it is the only anatomic position where a movement restriction can occur. This is possible because of the swelling. When the passive mobilisations are done the physiotherapist will give some light exercises to the patient. A nice example of such an exercise is when the patient sits on the edge of the table and lightly lifts and then drops the knee again. As soon as the patient can fulfil the exercises without any pain, the physiotherapist will step on to more specific exercises based on muscle-strengthening en flexibility.
An important exercise is the static contraction of the quadricepsCite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title. This should be an exercise that the patient can fulfil at home 1 to 3 times a day. The objective of the rehabilitation is that patient can resume their everyday activities. The patient must push a towel into the table by using his quadriceps. To see if the exercise is working you have to put your fingers on the inner side of the quadriceps, you will feel the muscle tighten during the contraction of the muscle. The patient has to hold his contraction during 5 seconds; the exercise can be repeated 10 times as hard as possible. It is important not to forget this exercise must be pain free. The physiotherapist can also help the patient by using electrotherapy, schooling and giving advice. This advice shall mostly be about how to make the right movements. 

Besides the R.I.C.E method is a common used treatment for prepatellar bursitis. Also the stretching of the quadriceps is a good exercise for the patient, it reduces the friction between the skin and the patella tendon. There is less friction when the patella tendon is more flexible.
Ultrasound on the prepatellar bursitis is a treatment that’s not often used. Click on ‘therapeutic ultrasound’ or ‘ultrasound therapy’ for more information about this technique. 

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Avoid injury or an overload of your muscles. When you play sports, an appropriate warm-up and cool down is necassary.
See that the flexibility of the knee, the strength and edurance of the leg muscles stay optimal.
Prevent blows on the kneecap.
Use proper equipment, including kneepads when you spent of lot of your time one your knees.

Key Research
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From Web of knowledge

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Clinical Bottom Line
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The prepatellar bursa is located under the skin and occurs in most people. When a bursa is inflamed, it's called a bursitis. The inflammation can be of an infectious nature or a non-infectious nature. Many different aetiologies have been proposed as the cause of prepatellar bursitis. Chronic inflammation of prepatellar bursa after repetitive minor trauma is called ‘housemaid’s knee’. It can be seen in the those who have to kneel very often, such as carpet layers and housemaids. Also a fall directly on the patella, an acute trauma, may cause patellar bursitis. Treatment for prepatellar bursitis depends primarily on the cause of the bursitis and secondarily on the pathological change in the bursa. A surgical procedure is in most cases not required, but if needed, the surgical procedures involved are (1) aspiration and irrigation with a suitable drug, (2) incision and drainage in cases of acute suppurative bursitis, and (3) excision of chronically infected and thickened bursa. (25)

Recent Related Research (from Pubmed)[edit | edit source]

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• Prepatellar and olecranon bursitis: literature review and development of a treatment algorithm.
• Septic Bursitis in an 8-Year-Old Boy.
• The Morel-Lavallée Lesion as a Rare Differential Diagnosis for Recalcitrant Bursitis of the Knee: Case Report and Literature Review.

References [edit | edit source]

1. Allen KL, Fried GW; Prepatellar Bursitis. eMedicine. Article dated 2009.
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3. Baoge L., et al. Treatment of Skeletal Muscle Injury: A Review. ISRN Orthop. 2012. (5)
4. Baumbach, S.F., et al. Prepatellar and olecranon bursitis: literature review and development of a treatment algorithm. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2014; 134: 359.
5. Dean Cole., J. MD, (2013), Knee (prepatellar) bursitis. (accessed 5 November 2016). (5)
6. Goroll, Allan H.; Mulley, Albert G.. Primary Care Medicine: Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 1058. ISBN 9-7807-8177-5137
7. Housten Methodist, eOrthopod Medical Multimedia Group L.L.C. Prepatellar bursitis: A patient’s guide to prepatellar bursitis. (accessed 5 November 2016). (5)
8. Hurkmans E.J., et al. KNGF-guideline for Physical Therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 2008; 118 (5): 13-16. (1)
9. Jorge C. Wallach, Prepatellar bursitis due to Brucella abortus: case report and analysis of the local immune respons. Journal of Medical Microbiology 2010; 59: 1514–1518.
10. Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology, W B Saunders Co, edited by Shaun Ruddy, et al., 2000.
11. Koopman, William, et al., eds. Clinical Primer of Rheumatology. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
12. Le Manac’h A.P. et al. Prevalence of knee bursitis in de workforce. Occupational medecine 2012; 62: 658-660.
13. Mcafee J.H. et al.. Olecranon and prepatellar bursitis: diagnosis and treatment. West Journal Medecine, 1988; 149: 607-610.
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16. Peer M.A. et al., The Knee Injury and osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS): A Review of its Psychometric Properties in People Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physicial Therapy 2013; (4057), 43 .
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24. Walter R. Frontera, Julie K. Silver, Thomas D. Rizzo, Jr. Essentials of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Elsevier Health Sciences 2014.(5)
25. Yu-Chih H, et al. Endoscopic treatment of prepatellar bursitis. Int Orthop 2011; 35(3): 355–358. (2)