User:Stelios Kolomvounis

Born and raised in Athens, Greece in 1980, first child of a 3-children family, educated in a rather multicultural environment both in Greece and in Europe, worked in a highly demanding business the last 12 years, passionate about life, human relationships, the human body and its functions, and nature.

My enemies hate that I am tall, funny, sportive, intelligent, insistent, staunch and confident. My family and my friends say that I get upset easily, I am headstrong, I talk too much sometimes and I analyse everything too much. I do not know who to believe in but I love my family and my friends a lot.

I believe that love is not a feeling but a way of life we may choose (or not) and that we have to make the most out of this one and only valuable life we are given.

I respect and follow the rules... but an "out-of-the box" mind/attitude is always useful and can give the right solution at the right time. Anyhow, there is only one way to learn... by trying and making mistakes..!

I suppose this is the reason I quit my business after 12 years in the field and started studying again in order to become a physiotherapist.

Current mission: to become an amazing Physical Therapist and exercise this wonderful profession around the world. Mainly, I love being and working with kids and orthopedic impaired people in big rehabilitation centers.

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This User is a member of the Musculoskeletal / Orthopaedic group This User is a member of the Neurology group This User is a member of the Paediatrics group This User is a member of the Sports Medicine group This User is a member of the Medical group This User is a member of the Pain group