User:Simon Tydd

Self employed physiotherapist based in Tamworth NSW. Caseload varies from general musculoskeletal work to some sports and aged care. I also cover a fair bit of Orthopaedic rehab and work injury rehab. I'm interested in integrating technology into my work & using online resources to help keep up with professional development, client education etc. I use a blend of exercise based rehab with myofascial release, mobilizations with movement, taping, neural mobilization, trigger point release, & have a Bodyflow unit for hire. I subscribe to a range of relevant blogs & tweets from physics, sport conditioning experts, neural scientists, researchers and journals for new ideas on how to approach my work. I've recently switched to keeping electronic client records.

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This User is a member of the Musculoskeletal / Orthopaedic group This User is a member of the Sports Medicine group