User:Shenxing Du

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About Me
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Physical therapist & Physiotherapist, Leader of sports med & rehab center, Clinical researcher in sports & rehab medicine, spine, myofascial energy techniques, 3D-2D registration technology.

EDUCATION 2008-2012 B.S Rehabilitation Technology, Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China

ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 2012-present Physical Therapist, Department of Rehabilitation, Affiliated Dongyang Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, China

CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION 2015-present MedBridge (online) 2015 World Confederation for Physical Therapy 2017 Association of Academic Physiatrists

GRANTS A) Completed grants 1. Agency: The Government of Zhejiang Province, China Title: Effect of extracellular ATP on the fracture repair Duration: June 21, 2010 - November 15, 2011 Role: PI 2. Agency: The Government of Zhejiang Province, China Title: “Winter disease cured in summer”: community outreach of chronic bronchitis Duration: December 16, 2009 - December 30, 2010 Role: PI – 10% effort 3. Agency: The Government of Jinhua City, China Title: Effect of mirror therapy in patients with unilateral space neglect after stroke Duration: June 1, 2015 – December 1, 2017 Role: PI – 30% effort B) Patent

Water Resistance and Multi-function Lower Limb Training Equipment (No. 201720387700.X) PUBLICATIONS 1. Shenxing Du, Shouyu Xu, Lisheng Chu, Bangjian He. Effect of extracellular ATP on the radial fracture repair in rats. The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology, 2011 May; 23(5): 27-31. 2. Qun Cai, Shenxing Du, Meijun Liang. Effect of evidence-based nursing for patients with stroke. Chinese Primary Health Care, 2012 May; 26(5): 104-105. 3. Shenxing Du, Fenfei Du, Chengdong Bao, Xiaoxiao Ma. Effect of mirror therapy plus constraintinduced movement therapy on upper limb functional recovery in patients after stroke. Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2016 Jan; 38(1): 43-45.

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