User:Sharon Hennessey

Sharon completed her physiotherapy degree, a Bachelor of Physiotherapy with concurrent research-based honours, at the University of Queensland in 1997. In the first five years of her career, Sharon worked in a diverse range of physiotherapy special interest areas including general hospital medical/surgical, intensive care, burns, paediatrics, women’s health, neurology, rheumatology, amputees, orthopaedics, hydrotherapy, inpatient/outpatient neuro-rehabilitation, gerontology, palliative care and musculoskeletal outpatients. Sharon has worked in major teaching hospitals in Brisbane, Australia and London, England as well as smaller rural based clinics and urban practices.

As well as working in various hospital facilities, Sharon worked concurrently in musculo-skeletal outpatients/private practice for the first eight years of her career. In the more recent 12 years of her career she has worked solely in Brisbane in private physiotherapy practices and has been working at PhysioTec with Dr Alison Grimaldi since 2010.

She has extensive experience in the management of hip, pelvic, spinal and shoulder pain and developing targeted rehabilitation programs and teaching pilates, use of real time ultrasound for muscle recruitment training, integrated dry needling approaches and more recently added the Compex muscle stimulator to her rehabilitation strategies.

Sharon has a special passion for treating those with Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder and Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. She has recently attended Ehlers-Danlos conferences in the USA and Sydney. Her primary aim is to achieve meaningful functional and quality-of-life improvements for patients with individualized and paced exercise programs. Sharon uses a problem-solving approach to achieve goals and improve function in this often-complicated group of individuals. As the Hypermobility Team Leader at PhysioTec, Sharon mentors other team members regarding evidence-informed care for this group of people. She is always interested in fostering relationships with other professionals who have a special interest in this field of connective tissue disorders.

Sharon believes that a broad knowledge base is paramount in understanding her clients who present with a multi-faceted issue. With this in mind, Sharon is very proactive with her approach to regular professional education, reviewing clinical research and adapting her treatment approach appropriately as new evidence emerges.

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