User:Ina Zanevskaja

For eleven years I practiced as a Physiotherapist in Vilnius University Hospital rehabilitation centre – one of the leading health care providers in Lithuania and Baltic countries. I worked with inpatients and outpatients with a variety of conditions including stroke, traumatic brain injury, neurological disorders (MS, Parkinson’s disease, Guillain Barre polyneuropathy), musculoskeletal problems (joint replacement, fractures, rheumatoid arthritis), spinal cord injuries (paraplegia and quadriplegia) cardiac conditions (myocardial infarction, heart valve replacement, aorto-coronary bypass). I have experience in providing patients with hydrotherapy. I provided patients with physiotherapy in intensive care wards, rehabilitation wards and outpatients’ physiotherapy settings. Working in this position I gained extensive experience in assessing and identifying problems, setting SMART goals, developing rehabilitation programs, implementing interventions and evaluating and reviewing outcomes. . When carrying out therapeutic activities I continuously monitor patients’ progress. I do this by identifying problems and needs as they arise, educating on strategies, techniques and adapting the intervention as necessary. Through this process I have developed excellent clinical reasoning skills, using theoretical principles and problem solving competences for a range of physiotherapy problems.

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This User is a member of the Musculoskeletal / Orthopaedic group This User is a member of the Neurology group This User is a member of the Sports Medicine group This User is a member of the Rheumatology group This User is a member of the Older People group This User is a member of the Medical group This User is a member of the Pain group This User is a member of the Public Health group