User:Scott Buxton

Scott Buxton Headshot.jpg

About Me[edit | edit source]

My name is Scott and i'm an advanced practice physiotherapist in the field of frailty and all things aging. I have been contributing to Physiopedia for all of my professional career and currently I am editor of Physiospot and member of the Physiopedia communications team. In my day job I am the Therapy Lead for the Frailty Team at the RUH in Bath.

Physiopedia Awards[edit | edit source]


Education[edit | edit source]

1st Class Physiotherapy Bsc (Hons) from Coventry University.

PGCert Advanced Practice from University West of England

Non-Medical Prescriber

Professional Affiliations[edit | edit source]

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

Healthcare Professions Council 

British Geriatric Society


Websites[edit | edit source]

Feel free to follow me on Twitter or connect with me on LinkedIn

Contact Details[edit | edit source]

If you would like to email me about any of my work on physiopedia or Physiospot then email me here or message me on twitter..