
Welcome to Worldwide Physical Therapy Practice: a focus on Primary Care Physical Therapy

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Patient Access to Physiotherapy or Physical Therapy Services / Entry Point
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  • How do members of this country access Physical Therapy services?
  • What is the entry point or typical path the patient must follow in order to receive services?
  • Do PT's have direct access or are they part of a primary care team?

    Residents of the Philippines can access Physical Therapy services through referral by their primary care physician if they are not hospital in patients. The out patient clinics are mostly affiliated to a major hospital that employs physiatrists (doctors of rehabilitation medicine). They evaluate the patient and prescribe both medical and physical therapy prescriptions. Further medical testing such as imaging, lab tests and medication prescriptions are accomplished during the initial visits. Physical therapy prescriptions include the modalities, tx frequency, and duration. The patients then bring the prescription to the physical therapist who performs the evaluation and the prescribed treatment.
The second method of access is for the hospital in patients. Following surgery or any other medical illness, the patient will be referred to the Rehab department. The physiatrist will be the first responder performing evaluation and writing rehab prescription. The acute care physical therapist will then conduct the PT evaluation and the prescribed treatment regimen.
The last method of PT access is through private care. Through private pay negotiation, the patient gets to be seen at home without the need for primary care or physiatrist prescription. There are small out patient clinics run and operated by the physical therapists.

Therapist Preparation[edit | edit source]

      Degree/Credentialing[edit | edit source]
  • What is the education process to become a Physiotherapist or Physical Therapist in this country?
      Specialization[edit | edit source]
  • Do clinicians specialise in certain areas of care and if so how?

    In the Philippines, the physical therapy program is 5 years in length awarding the Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy. The program consists of 2 years of general education, followed by 2 years of physical therapy undergraduate courses ending in the final year of clinical internship. After graduation, to practice Physical therapy each graduate must then pass the national licensure examination administered by government through the Professional Regulation Commission. After passing the 2 day examination, they become licensed physical therapists with the initials PTRP (Physical Therapist Registered in the Philippines) (1).
Licensed clinicians get to specialize in certain areas of care depending on where they get to be employed. For example, physical therapists who work at the Lung Center of the Philippines get to be more adept with pulmonary rehabilitation. While others who get to work at the Heart Center of the Philippines become experts in cardiac rehabilitation. Philippine General Hospital for example becomes the training center for everything. As of this date there are no credentialing institutions or specialty schools/training centers that grants certification for some type of specialization. PT graduates however can pursue Master of Science in Physical therapy from two accredited universities.

Professional Associations[edit | edit source]

  • What are the professional associations associated with Physiotherapy or Physial Therapy in this country?

    The Philippine Physical Therapy Association, Inc. (PPTA) is a local professional organization of Filipino physical therapists recognized by the Philippine Professional Regulation Commission. PPTA, in its Mission-Vision-Goals 2010, envisions Physical Therapy to become a legally mandated autonomous profession with established areas of specialization, the value of excellence in service upheld in its practice, and at the same time being recognized by clients, colleagues and the community. The Association strives to be the visible and accessible organization of Filipino physical therapists, advancing the welfare of the members of the Association, and physical therapists in general. It will be comprised of active members in pursuit of competent and ethical practice towards the provision of effective and efficient services for the Filipino people. PPTA is a member organization of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy and the Asian Confederation of Physical Therapy (2).

Information about the Patient Community[edit | edit source]

  • What is the population these PT’s serve?
  • What are the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the population served?

    The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelagic nation located off the coast of Southeast Asia. According to estimates, the country is the 12th most populated nation in the world. The CIA World Factbook estimates the population of the Philippines at 99,900,177 as of July 2010 (3).
"The top ten leading causes of mortality in the Philippines are: (1) Heart diseases: This includes valvular, inflammatory, ischemic, coronary, hereditary, hypertensive, and infectious heart diseases. The increase in cigarette smoking especially among adolescents, increase in fat intake and diabetic cases, and high cholesterol levels act as predisposing factors. (2) Vascular System Diseases: These types of diseases affect the circulatory system of our body. It includes Raynaud's phenomenon, arterial embolism, thrombosis, Buerger's disease, atherosclerosis, and peripheral artery disease. (3) Cancer: Some of the leading cancer killers in Philippines are- lung, cervix, breast, liver, colon and rectum, prostate, stomach, oral cavity, ovary and leukemia. (4) Accidents (5) Pneumonia (6) Tuberculosis (7) Chronic lower respiratory diseases (8) Diabetes (9) Perinatal conditions and (10) Nephritis, neophrotic syndrome and nephrosis." (4)

Social/Cultural Influences[edit | edit source]

  • What is the influence of the family on a patient's health status?
  • What are the typical patient's living conditions, family dynamics, and cultural back ground?

    The strong feeling for family, a quality derived from Chinese influence, is manifested by old fashioned patterns imposed by the family patriarch or equally authoritative matriarch. Respect and deference are always given to one’s elders, whose words and decisions gets the most weight. The younger family members are unconditionally under protection and responsibility of their elders. The implications for health care are important. Filipino patients always have their families hovering over them, perhaps to the irritation of the medical staff. The sick Filipino child feels lost without his mother constantly at his bedside. When grandparents are ill, sons, daughters and even grandchildren take turns keeping them company and doing everything for them. This would require patient and family education on rehabilitation goals set by the therapists promoting functional independence. A daughter who just had a baby may follow a traditional customs related to activity, food and hygiene which may be contrary to what the doctor or nurse prescribes (5).

Delivery of Care[edit | edit source]

  • Is delivery of care provided in a timely manner?
  • Special methods? Home health etc

    The timeliness of the care delivery varies on the location. Huge metropolitan cities like Manila and Cebu are able to deliver more Home health services due to its close proximity to many universities offering physical therapy. However, the situation is much thinner compared to rural areas where the patients end up travelling more distance and longer waiting period to the closest provincial hospital providing Physical therapy services. For in patient care in the tertiary level of health care facilities, these hospitals are sufficiently staffed to provide rehab services as soon as the order is written. They are usually equipped with out patient services which provide continuity of warranted skilled intervention. Unfortunately, on the primary and secondary levels of health care facilities very rarely will you find therapy services being available. The closest option will be a referral for home health therapy providers.

Type of Health System[edit | edit source]

  • Is it a national health system with universal access?

Payment System[edit | edit source]

  • What methods to patient use to pay for service? (Insurance, bartering etc.)

References[edit | edit source]