PRWE Score

Original Editor Aarti Sareen

Introduction[edit | edit source]

PRWE is the Patient Rated Wrist Evaluation.The PRWE is a 15-item questionnaire designed to measure wrist pain and disability in activities of daily living. Developed in 1998 for clinical assessment and is used for specific wrist problems.

The PRWE allows patients to rate their levels of wrist pain and disability from 0 to 10, and consists of 2 subscales:

  1. Pain subscale: it contain 5 items each of which is further rated from 1-10. The maximam score in this section is 50 and minimum 0
  2. Function subscale: It contain total 10 items which are further divided into 2 sections i.e specific activities (having 6 items) and usual activities (having 4 items). The maximum score in this section is 50 and minimum 0.

Development of PRWE
[edit | edit source]

Scale items were generated using information obtained from patient and expert interviews, biomechanical literature, and other questionnaires.
Items were reduced and refined through expert interviews and pilot testing on small groups of patients. It Surveyed 100 (66 responded) international wrist investigators (IWIW) to generate items particularly. After developing the items PRWE was tested

Testing the PRWE

A test-retest reliability study was conducted on patients with distal radius (n=64) or scaphoid (n=35) fractures. The total PRWE score’
s test-retest reliability was excellent over both the short term (2-7 days, ICC > = 0.90) and the long term (1 year, ICC = 0.91). The pain subscale also had excellent short-term and long-term reliability (ICC = 0.90, 0.91, respectively).The function subscale demonstrated excellent short-term reliability (ICC > = 0.88) and moderate long-term disability (ICC = 0.61).

Objectives[edit | edit source]

  • To determine level of wrist disability
  • To set treatment goals
  • To determine whether change has occurred
  • To communicate in a meaningful way to payers

Scoring[edit | edit source]

There are 3 steps to score PRWE

Step 1: Measure the pain score of all 5 items


Step 2: Measure the function score of all the 10 items and divide it by 2


Step 3: Add pain and function score.

Total Score = Sum of pain+ function scores (Best Score = 0, Worst Score = 100)

Less score = better outcome

References[edit | edit source]