Our Impact

Every month over 1.2 million individuals from nearly every country in the world use Physiopedia. 80% of these individuals are physiotherapists or physical therapists (includes students and assistants), the other 20% are other health care professionals and the general health seeking public. That's around 1 million physiotherapy professionals using Physiopedia to gain knowledge every month! ~ Google Analytics data

Caution, joining the team at Physiopedia could irreversibly change your professional life. I would strongly recommend to do the same for supporting the development of our global physiotherapy community. ~ Andrea Sturm, physiotherapist, Austria.

In our department we have 12 computers, one of those computers is a dedicated Physiopedia computer. ~ Bellarmine Graduate, USA.

Without fail Physiopedia is always displaying on one of the computers in our department. ~ NHS physiotherapist, UK

The team at Physiopedia is doing an excellent job. Information which may not otherwise be available to myself and others is readily available as a result of Physiopedia. I feel like a better prepared physiotherapist as a result of Physiopedia. ~ Claron O’Neale, physiotherapist, Grenada.