Low Level Laser Therapy

Low-level laser therapy[edit | edit source]

LLLT[1] is the term used to describe the use of low-power lasers and superluminous diodes for the treatment of a variety of medical conditions and has emerged as a possible treatment modality for tendon injuries.

Accepted effects of LLLT are:

- enhanced ATP production,
- enhanced cell function, and
- increased protein synthesis.

It has also been shown to have:

- positive effects on reduction of inflammation,
- increase of collagen synthesis, and
- angiogenesis. (Pilot study)

  1. Steve Tumilty, M.Phty.,1 Joanne Munn, Ph.D.,1 J. Haxby Abbott, Ph.D.,1 Suzanne Mcdonough, Ph.D.,2 Deirdre A. Hurley, Ph.D.,3 And G. David Baxter, D.Phil.1 Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy: A Pilot Study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2008; 26 (1) :25-30