Elbow Valgus Stress

Original Editors - Tyler Shultz.

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The elbow valgus stress test is used to assess the integrity of the medial collateral ligament, also known as the ulnar collateral ligament.

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This test can be performed with the patient supine, sitting, or in the standing position.  The therapist places the patients elbow in approximately 20 degrees of flexion while palpating the medial joint line and stabilizing the distal humerus with one hand and applying a valgus stress to the elbow with the other hand.[1][2] The test is considered positive if the patient experiences pain or excessive laxity is noted compared to the contralateral side.[3]  As with the varus stress test, this test can be repeated in varying degrees of elbow extension to test different portions of the MCL.[4]


Evidence[edit | edit source]

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  1. Flynn, T.W., Cleland, J.A., Whitman, J.M. (2008). User's guide to the musculoskeletal examination: Fundamentals for the evidence-based clinician. Buckner, Kentucky: Evidence in Motion
  2. Dutton, M. (2008). Orthopaedic: Examination, evaluation, and intervention (2nd ed.). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  3. Flynn, T.W., Cleland, J.A., Whitman, J.M. (2008). User's guide to the musculoskeletal examination: Fundamentals for the evidence-based clinician. Buckner, Kentucky: Evidence in Motion
  4. Dutton, M. (2008). Orthopaedic: Examination, evaluation, and intervention (2nd ed.). New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
  5. online video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6YvPSVk6G8&NR=1, last accessed 2/16/09
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