Effects of Ageing on Bone

Original Editor Oyemi Sillo

Lead Editors  

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Aging refers to the physiological changes that occur in the human body from the attainment of adulthood, and ending in death. These changes involve a decline of biological functions, and are accompanied by psychological, behavioural, and other changes. Some of these changes are quite obvious, while others are subtle.[1]

The Aging Bone
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Bones undergo a lifelong process of remodeling – mature bone tissue is removed and new bone tissue is formed. Bone remodeling is a highly regulated process that maintains a balance between bone resorption and formation, thus maintaining skeletal integrity.[2]

This balance changes with increasing age, resulting in loss of bone tissue. The aging bone has reduced mineral content, and is prone to osteoporosis – a condition in which bones are less dense, more fragile, and prone to fractures.[3]

Effects of Changes in Aging Bone[4][edit | edit source]

  • Osteoporosis is a common problem among older people, especially post-menopausal women, and is a major cause of hip fractures in the elderly.
  • Reduced bone density of the vertebrae, combined with the loss of fluid in intervertebral discs, result in a curved and shortened trunk.
  • This reduced bone density, and resulting poor posture, leads to pain, reduced mobility, and other musculoskeletal problems.

Prevention[5][edit | edit source]

Exercise is important for preserving bone density, however care must be taken to avoid high-impact exercises and exercises that present the risk of falling. Useful exercises include:

  • Weight-bearing exercises e.g. walking
  • Strengthening exercises using free weights, elastic bands
  • Balance exercises e.g. tai chi

A healthy diet, including adequate dosage of Vitamin D and Calcium, is also useful for preserving bone mass.

Recent Related Research (from Pubmed)[edit | edit source]

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