Adaptive Seating for Children

Intro[edit | edit source]

Adaptive seating devices help to maintain head and trunk stability.[1]

Adaptive seating is commonly used as an intervention method to enhance postural control[1]Physical therapists are involved in the rehabilitation of individuals with multiple handicaps frequently recommend a suitable chair to facilitate functional position, to increase sitting comfort and to improve performance of manipulative skills [5].These adaptive seating devices have the ability to improve the physical function. This improvement is maintained even after the end of the intervention[1]

therapy balls

Therapy ball chairs are increasingly used with children’s sensory and motor impairments. It has the benefits of improving balance, addressing postural control, attention, and improving vestibular and proprioceptive sense[1]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Elsayed AM, Salem EE, Eldin SM, Abbass ME. Effect of using adaptive seating equipment on grasping and visual motor integration in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy. 2021 Dec;26(1):1-8.