User:Megan Petty

Name[edit | edit source]

Megan Petty


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About Me
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I originally grew up in the Joliet, Illinois area. In 2014 I graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with my Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science. While attending undergraduate school, I held a Physical Therapist Aide position at Troy Physical Therapy; which is an outpatient physical therapy clinic. I also had the opportunity to observe physical therapy in a nursing home, acute care hospital, and additional outpatient clinics. Furthermore, I implemented an eight week intervention program for faculty members at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville as a part of my Senior Assignment Project. This intervention program had exercise, nurtritional. and behavioral components. Currently I am enrolled in Bellarmine University's Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, with an anticipated graduation date of 2017. I have an interest in outpatient orthopedics; however, I do have a desire to explore other areas of physical therapy.

Education[edit | edit source]

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville- Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science received 2014.

Bellarmine University- Doctoral of Physical Therapy Degree- anticipated graduation: 2017.

Professional Affiliations
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Student Member of the American Physical Therapy Association since 2014.

Professional Appointments
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Bellarmine University

Contact Details[edit | edit source]

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