User:Cate Hurst

Name[edit | edit source]

Cate Hurst

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About Me
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I am a student in the Physical Therapy program at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky.  I am very excited to have been chosen for this profession at this school, where I can learn and explore all the different areas that this field will present to me.  From observing in a vareity of settings and age groups, I am open to learn about all the different ways and places I can practice.  I look forward to working with patients throughout the program, as well as learning an abundance of skills that I may soon be able to provide for others.  This program is wonderful, and I look forward to being pushed to learn and perform, but also to become very helpful and motivational for my peers and patients.

Education[edit | edit source]

BA, Elementary Education, University of Kentucky

Professional Affiliations
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Student Member, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)

Professional Appointments
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Contact Details[edit | edit source]

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