Five Things

Bellarmine University PT



 Original Editor - Elaine Lonnemann

 Lead Editors - Elaine Lonnemann - Paul Lonnemann

 Five Things Your Physical Therapist Wants You to Know About...... [edit | edit source]

Back Pain [edit | edit source]

  1. Exercise and Activity are a good thing!
    Low Back Pain Guidelines
  2. We can manipulate but have a lot of other skills so don't have to be dependent on it as the only tool.
    Low Back Pain Guidelines
    Recent Study:  Manipulation and Mobilization are equally effective in Mechanical LBP treatment
  3. Surgery isn't necessary in the majority of cases!
  4. We can help you get better and prevent recurrences.
  5. A picture isn't worth a thousand words and certainly not a thousand dollars! 
    ACR Appropriateness Criteria LBP  

Neck Pain[edit | edit source]

Headaches[edit | edit source]

Shoulder Pain[edit | edit source]

Knee Pain[edit | edit source]

Ankle Pain[edit | edit source]

Foot Pain[edit | edit source]