User:Catherine Klapheke

Name[edit | edit source]

Catherine Anne Klapheke

About Me
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My name is Catherine Klapheke, but I like to go by Catie and I am from Louisville, KY. I am a first year physical therapy student at Bellarmine University in Louisville. Not only am I in my first year, but I am also an early entry student meaning credit I earn in my first year is also credit that will go towards my undergraduate degree in Health Sciences. As an early entry student, I will be graduating with my Bachelor's in May of 2013. If all things go well, I will then graduate with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy in May of 2015.

Education[edit | edit source]

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Professional Affiliations
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Professional Appointments
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Contact Details[edit | edit source]

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About Me

My name is Catherine Klapheke, but I like to go by Catie and I am from Louisville, KY. I am a first year physical therapy student at Bellarmine University in Louisville. Not only am I in my first year, but I am also an early entry student meaning credit I earn in my first year is also credit that will go towards my undergraduate degree in Health Sciences. As an early entry student, I will be graduating with my Bachelor's in May of 2013. If all things go well, I will then graduate with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy in May of 2015.


Being an early admission student, I plan to graduate with my Bachelor's in Health Sciences in May 2013. I intend to graduate with my DPT in May 2015.

Professional Affiliations

American Physical Therapy Association, student member
