User:Elizabeth Niebuhr

Name[edit | edit source]

Elizabeth Niebuhr

About Me
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I was born and raised in a small town in eastern Iowa. I received my BA in Health and Human Physiology with an emphasis in Health Promotion in May 2010 from the University of Iowa. I am currently enrolled in the DPT program at Bellarmine University. Throughout my life I have developed a great passion for working with people and educating others on health and fitness. Physical therapy will offer me the best opportunity to continue doing these things in the future. I enjoy running, dance, yoga, kettlebell/Crossfit training,reading, and cooking. Additionally, I like to travel to new places and meet new people as it allows me the opportunity to always be learning new things.

Education[edit | edit source]

BA Health & Human Physiology: Health Promotion, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Professional Affiliations
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APTA Student Member

Professional Appointments
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Contact Details[edit | edit source]

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