User:Heather Dixon

Name[edit | edit source]

Heather Dawn Dixon

About Me
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I grew up in Mt. Vernon, IN. I enjoy being outdoors and volunteering within my community and elsewhere. I am an animal lover and I volunteer at the local humane society. Along with volunteering there, I enjoy going on mission trips. I have been on three different mission trips throughout my life. I have traveled to West Virginal to help rebuild homes that had been destroyed by a flood, I have traveled to Terra Haute, Indiana to help a church with their Vacation Bible School, and I have traveled to Jamaica to help rebuild an orphanage that was destroyed by a hurricane.  In Jamaica, we built the children a new library, the males a welding shop, and the females a sewing room. Something that I have enjoyed doing in the past is knitting. I have been a part of a knitting club where we knitted caps for chemo patients. 

Education[edit | edit source]

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Professional Affiliations
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Professional Appointments
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Contact Details[edit | edit source]

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