Exploring Management of Patients with Spinal Stenosis


There are various surgical interventions available that can be used to treat lumbar spinal stenosis. The most common surgery is spinal decompression but these vary mostly due to location and type of deformity of the stenosis as well presence of instability. Surgical options are only considered for patients who do not improve with conservative management (Lurie and Tomkins-Lane, 2016). Patients with lumbar stenosis and predominant leg pain have better surgical outcomes as surgery is particularly effective in decompressing the nerve (Pearson et al, 2011) fusion of vertebra may also be considered if instability is also suspected as a cause of pain (Katz et al. 2022). spinal stenosis is now one of the most common indications for spinal surgery in those older than 65 years, with an overall increasing rate of these surgeries being linked to an increasingly aging population (Deyo, 2010). Regarding age, surgery still provided a significant benefit for patients 80 or over with no significant differences in complications or mortality rates compared to younger patients, so surgery is still a viable option. However, pain levels were not as reduced as much compared to the younger population (Rihn et al. 2015).

When is surgery considered?

A systematic review of five RCTs by Kovacs, Urrútia and Alarcón in 2011 with high quality evidence compared general conservative therapy with decompression surgery. Generally, there were improvements with all non-surgical interventions but results of all studies favored decompression studies for improvement of pain, function and quality of life as assessed with the SF-36 questionnaire. Therefore, decompression surgery has better outcomes for patients. However, it is important to consider that this study grouped patients that are already candidates for surgery and who had found no improvements with three to six months of conservative treatment. Therefore, non-conservative management should be trialed first in order to assess whether surgery is or is not required, as surgery is a high cost intervention with potential risks such as infection, hemorrhage and associated anesthetic risks (Ogihara et al, 2018). This systematic review concluded that surgery should be considered if conservative treatment has failed for 3-6 months. However, this is based on participants that only had short-term conservative treatment and so the effects of longer term conservative treatment is unclear. Progression of neurological symptoms and their severity are also taken into account, with guidelines and professional opinions also varying among when surgery is considered for each patient (Liang et al. 2022). It is important to note that it has been reported that only 60-70% of patients were satisfied with their symptoms following surgery (Weinstein et al. 2010). Therefore, it is important for patients to understand that surgery may not alleviate all symptoms and that a discussion around what non-conservative treatment can do compared to surgery is required. Additionally, a study that looked at longer term outcomes of surgery at eight years after operation concluded that there is evidence to suggest that the surgical group had diminishing benefits of their surgery. This should be considered but could also indicate the importance of long term self-management management/ rehabilitation following surgery (Lurie et al. 2015).

How effective is rehabilitation following surgery for spinal stenosis?

A Cochrane review from 2014 of postoperative rehabilitation in lumbar spinal stenosis compared active rehabilitation to usual care. Rehabilitation included all forms of active rehabilitation that aimed to restore or improve function, including exercise or stabilization training involving strength training, flexibility training as well as education and encouraging activity. (McGregor et al. 2014). Low back/disease specific measures of functional or disability status were used as primary outcome measures, for example the Oswestry Disability Index, with global health and pain severity of low back and leg as secondary outcomes.

Short Term (less than 6 months) Moderate quality evidence shows a 20% improvement for functional status and a 16% improvement in low back pain favouring active rehabilitation.

Long-Term (12 months) Moderate quality evidence shows a 23% improvement for functional status and a 18% improvement in low back pain. Unlike short term, there is significant improvement of leg pain with an improvement of 21%.

What makes an effective postoperative rehabilitation program?

Early Postoperative Rehabilitation:

Intensive physiotherapy is not recommended until the surgical wound following decompression surgery has completely healed. This will take approximately three weeks and building up exercise gradually is encouraged (Cambridge University Hospitals, 2023). Therefore, rehabilitation from the studies in the Cochrane review started from six weeks (at the earliest) and three months (at the latest), this active rehabilitation will be explored later. Immediately post-operation, an NHS exercise program recommends 7 simple exercises that focus on moving the joints and neural tissue of the lumbar spine. These exercises are as follows (Cambridge University Hospitals, 2022):

Plantar and dorsiflexion to help improve circulation, reducing chances of DVTs and to help glide the nerves.

Knee rolls, this exercise aims to increase movement in the hips and encourages the small rotational abilities of the lumbar spine .

Hip and knee bends, helps to gently glide the nerves and encourages slight lumbar flexion in a comfortable position.

Back arches on all fours, lengthens the spinal erectors preventing tightness and lumbar restriction.

Lumbar side flexion, the last exercise targeting the different range of motion at the lumbar spine.

Bent Knee dropout, more of a focus on strengthening the hips in a comfortable lying position.

Bridging, strengthening mainly the glutes but also stabilizing and strengthening the muscles surrounding the lumbar spine.

Patients are encouraged to move regularly, with walks recommended as a great way to increase activity level. Sitting for long periods may be uncomfortable so if this occurs movement is needed. Returning to hobbies and sport is recommended to be gradual and guided by levels of pain (Cambridge University Hospitals, 2022).

One study found that patients with more fear avoidance behaviours and reduced physical activity had higher levels of pain and disability (Donnarumma et al. 2016). It is also found that many patients engage in very low levels of physical activity during the early postoperative periods. Even with physiotherapy input and general physical improvements, activity levels did not change from six weeks to six months (Coronado et al. 2020). This suggests that a priority of rehabilitation should be to encourage movement and reduce fear avoidance, particularly in the early stages.

Later Stage Postoperative Rehabilitation

It is established that postoperative rehabilitation provides better outcomes than no active rehabilitation. However, studies that look at the effect rehabilitation has, often provide only a limited discussion of the actual rehabilitation process. This makes it hard to identify what is most effective from a rehabilitation program. From the studies included in the Cochrane review: Aalto et al. 2011 utilized strengthening exercises 3-5 times a week with stretching every day. McGreggor et al. 2010 had participants attend one hour classes twice a week which included general aerobic fitness, stretching, stability exercises, strengthening and endurance training, advice on lifting, setting targets and self-motivation. Mannion et al. 2007 also compared spine stabilization physiotherapy to non-standardized physiotherapy that used a mix of techniques. There was no statistically significant difference between these groups but the physiotherapy focussing on stabilization exercises did show a slight improvement in reducing disability based off the Roland Morris scores. Looking at the interventions used in the Cochrane review all studies used strengthening exercises, two of these incorporated core stabilisation exercises as well as stretching and endurance training. The individual effect each of these interventions has cannot be determined and there is a lack of this literature however, stabilisation exercises showed a slight improvement in reducing disability. Therefore, there is a need for more research to look at what specific rehabilitation principles are most effective post op.

Postural Control

Worsened postural control and timing of postural reactions is observed in spinal stenosis patients potentially due to stenosis caused afferent dysfunctions. Post surgery, patients still showed postural alterations, but these were significantly improved compared to the control group. Therefore, post-surgical rehabilitation should include a form of balance and proprioception training. This paper suggested the use of unstable surfaces with a component of reduced visual input (Kneis et al. 2019). This study did not explore what impact this training might have in terms on improvements to disability or pain, but this could have links to the idea that addressing core stabilization is important for rehab of these patients.

Example Exercises and Ideas:

Walking – aerobic exercise that is an easy way to increase overall activity levels. Any exercise that patients enjoy should be promoted

Sit to Stand Training – Strengthens the lower limb and can be adjusted to bias one leg, useful if leg strength is unequal due to radicular leg symptoms.

Deadlifts – Isometrically strengthening the spinal erectors which may be weaker after surgery this exercise also helps to build overall strength.

Woodchops/exercises involving spinal movement – This strengthens the ‘core’ muscles but incorporating spinal movement also helps to potentially reduce any fear avoidance.

Wobble Board Training – This could involve balancing with or without eyes closed or incorporating strength and functional movements such as a squat. This is to train postural control and stability.

Suitcase Marches – Core stability and balance for late-stage rehabilitation. We can use the Cochrane recommended outcome measures for our patients to assess if improvements are being made.

Conclusion/Key Learning Points

-Surgery is effective for reducing pain, increasing function and improving quality of life.

-Surgery is particularly effective at reducing leg symptoms, however it is not guaranteed to reduce all symptoms experienced.  

-Patients are encouraged to do what pain allows following surgery, reducing inactivity is important.

-At around 2 months following surgery, more intensive physiotherapy can start.

-There is limited evidence about the most effective form of rehabilitation post operation but evidence that shows the benefits of rehabilitation revolve around strength training.


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Cambridge University Hospitals. (n.d.). Exercise programme following surgery of the lumbar spine. [online] Available at: https://www.cuh.nhs.uk/patient-information/exercise-programme-following-surgery-of-the-lumbar-spine/. [Accessed 16 Mar. 2024].

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