Creating New Habits for Learning

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Habits are defined as routine automatic behaviours that are repeated regularly by situational cues. They are a learned experience and are part of an individual's regular tendency or practice.[1] They operate in the background, with some studies suggesting that we make up to 40% of our daily choices unconsciously.[2]

A habit forms when we repeat behaviours in a stable context. This "reinforces a mental context-behaviour association" - i.e. the context triggers an impulse to perform the habitual behaviour, possibly without us being aware, making a cognitive effort or having a specific intention. Habit formation reduces the demand on memory and attention, and habit regulates behaviour more than conscious intention.[3]

Habits are very difficult to "give up" as they occur as an automatic reaction to a particular situation.[1] Since habits have a behavioural component, there is a direct relationship with self-control. Those who have established good habits are generally better at self-control and are more likely to succeed in various aspects of their life. However, failures and problems can become habits as well.[1] It has been found that individuals who are less able to control their behaviours tend to revert to effortless, habitual behaviours, which are frequently referred to as bad habits.[4]

Goals vs. Habits[edit | edit source]

Many people mistake goals and habits as interchangeable entities. Goals rely on extrinsic motivation, while habits are automatic. Goals are usually big and important, while habits feel insignificant and small. Goals have an endpoint, and habits continue throughout life. Habits may be longer in duration than long-term goals. When you focus on goals and achieve them, you may not continue with the work it initially took to accomplish the goal. Conversely, small daily habits compound over time, and you may end up proceeding further than your original intent.[2]

Goals are a desired future state coupled with activities that will encourage the attainment of that outcome. "Goals are usually things we want but have difficulty achieving even when we know they are achievable." When pursuing a goal, an individual will do something differently than before. In order to achieve the goal, the individual can rely on a variety of responses and flexibility in their action to target the outcome.[5] Goal-directed activities are quickly acquired and modulated by their outcome.[1]

On the other hand, habits rely on repeated experiences that form with practice and develop gradually. Habits may act on goals or be completely independent of current goals; habits are not goal dependent.[6] A goal may originally trigger a habit. However, eventually, that goal becomes less necessary, and the habit becomes automatic. Habitual actions are reflexive in nature, instigated by previous stimuli versus consequences. Goal-directed behaviours practised on a routine basis can form habits.[1]

The chart below was provided by Michael Rowe to provide examples of goals versus habits. The following table was adapted from Clear, J. Atomic habits: an easy & proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. Penguin: Avery. 2018.

Goals Habits

"I want to pass my final exams"


"I want to review my notes today"


"I want to be better at anatomy"


"I want to describe the intraarticular surface of the tibifemoral joint without referring to my notes"

Focus on product (end point)

"I want to pass my final exams"

Focus on process (continuous)

"I want to be a lifelong learner"

External factors

"I don't get along with my lecturer"

Internal factors

"I am in control of my habits"


Habit Formation[edit | edit source]

Habit formation is the process of new behaviours becoming automatic.[1] Research shows that behaviour is likely to be more habitual (habit formation) when it is consistently and frequently performed in the same context. When the frequency co-occurence of behaviour and context initiate an association, behaviour is more likely to guided in the future. Therefore, when an individual confronts a context that is associated with a certain behaviour, this context will automatically prompt an associated behaviour. This behaviour will be effortless when the habit is formed.

The amount of effort required to form a habit is variable. Some individuals can create new habits in just 18 days while others may need 6 months. With habit formation, habit strength increases steeply at first and then begins to level off. Habit formation tends to be stronger with the following factors:

  • frequency and consistency of desired behaviour
  • rewarding nature of the behaviour
  • comfortable environment
    • no obstacles or threats
  • easier behaviours
    • rather than difficult or complex behaviours
  • self control
    • inhibition of short-term temptations along with initiating new behaviour takes effortful self-control, especially early on in habit formation[4]

Habit Classification[edit | edit source]

Habits can be classified into three categories:

  1. motor habits: an individual's muscular activities
    • walking, running, sitting, standing, particular postures
  2. intellectual/cognitive habit: psychological process
    • logical thinking, observation, reasoning
  3. character habit: various inner traits
    • time management, hardworking, trusting others
    • also referred to as emotional habits as they express feelings and emotions[1]

Habit Loop[edit | edit source]

We can use a process called the habit loop to create new habits. This process has three key steps: hen creating new habits, we can use a process called the Habit Loop, which consists of three simple steps.[2][1]

  1. reminder or cuing environment (place, time, people, or behavioural)
  2. routine (repetitive pattern of activities)
  3. reward or harmony (an outcome of activating the habit)

Reminder / Cuing Environment[edit | edit source]

Habits are initiated by the cuing environment or the reminder. The cuing environment (place, people, time, etc.) can serve as the trigger for automatic behaviour or habit formation. "When a habit is triggered, people have an automatic urge to do the action"[1] - this habit may be performed unconsciously. A behaviour can be so ingrained to the environment that you may forget you even did it (e.g. brushing your teeth in the morning).[1]

Two types of cuing environment can take place:

  1. direct cuing: repeated associated between environment and routine
    • providing a constant environment
    • e.g. reading in the same room at the same time[1]
  2. motivated cuing: rewarding experiences that occurred in the past
    • an individual who has had previous successful experiences will be motivated to perform the same behaviour[1]

Routine[edit | edit source]

Routine refers to the set of actions we take as part of building the habit.[2] They are the actions that we most frequently repeat. Because they are repeated so often, these behavioural patterns become "etched" into our neural pathways.[1] New response mechanisms can be formed through repetition and practice of novel behaviours. Forming a new habit is easier when the behaviour is simple rather than complex. The more complex a task, the more repetitions required to form a habit.[1]

Harmony / Reward[edit | edit source]

Harmony or reward is the third component of the habit loop. Harmony represents the individual's inner feeling of peace. As repetitive behaviour is performed, people feel they receive inner rewards and their needs are fulfilled. Activating this behaviour fills them with a sense of peacefulness about the surrounding environment. Consequently, this experience leads an individual to want to repeat the behaviour in the future, which creates a positive feedback loop.[1]

"A good rule of thumb is that the rewards for good habits are usually received in the future, but the costs are felt today."[2]

Interest and Habit[edit | edit source]

Interest and habit are directly related and can positively reinforce each other. There are two different kinds of interest:[1]

  1. situational interest:
    • may or may not last over time
    • focused attention
    • "affective reaction triggered in the moment by environmental stimuli"[1]
  2. individual interest:
    • reengage in a specific activity over time
    • there is an expectation of positive feelings because of an individual's past experiences
    • there is an "internal drive" to look for opportunities to continue to reengage in the stimulus
    • an individual performs the activity for pleasure, like they would a hobby[1]

Habits and Learning[edit | edit source]

Learning is a skill and it something that everyone can improve.[2] Excellent performance in school or mastery of a skill is attained through good study habits. Conversely, poor study habits can cause impediments to learning and achievement, ultimately leading to failure.[1] Creating new habits, and breaking bad ones, can immediately change the context in which we learn. Setting up new routines based on small incremental changes to habitual behaviours can create the conditions to enhance learning over time.[2]

Good habits in the classroom, which lead to student achievement, have a cumulative effect on future success. Students with good habits continue to increase their learning gains later in life while students with poor habits are less able to catch up.[1] Habits are force multipliers as they enable learners to achieve more than expected, given their starting point.[2]

  • When we experience positive feelings after a routine activity, this helps us to create a habit. This habit can eventually become a hobby.
  • Learners will want to continue to pursue this activity whenever they can. When learners deepen their interest from situational interest to individual interest, they are more likely to build a habit. Therefore, interest development and habit formation are directly linked.[1]

It is important to recognise that habits precede outcomes. However, aiming for good outcomes does not necessarily lead to them. Developing good habits is far more likely to lead to good outcomes.[2]

** How learners perform in an early assessment is a strong predictor of their performance later in the course. Thus, it is important to use effective learning strategies from the beginning.[7]

Study Habits[edit | edit source]

Study habits are recognised as "the most important predictor of academic performance".[8] Study habits are different individual behaviours and they combine both skill and study method. Study habits encompass all activities that enhances the process of learning a topic, memorising the necessary material and solving problems. Everyone has different study habits.[8]

It has been found that good study habits include the following:[8]

  • daily study
  • studying in a quiet environment
  • turning off devices that distract from study (e.g. mobile phones)
  • taking regular breaks / rests
  • taking notes on important content
  • listening to "soft" music
  • focusing on concepts that are difficult
  • adapting study to suit your learning style

Poor study habits include:[8]

  • studying in appropriate environments
  • loud music
  • television
  • procrastination[8]

Positive Learning Environments[edit | edit source]

Using "scheduled routines" to develop habits in learning environments can help shift students from situational interest to individual interest.

Scheduled routines provide learners with regular opportunities to participate in activites they have been situationally interested in. This can lead to individual interest, and is more likely to result in habit.[1]

Chen et al.[1] list four features necessary to create interest-driven habit formation in the learning environment:

  1. "determine those habits that contribute to interest-driven creation
  2. identify current and desired habits of learners
  3. determine which learning habits of learners require additional support
  4. develop an instructional design framework that fosters the habit of interest-driven creation"[1]

Guide to Forming Good Habits in Learners for Educators[edit | edit source]

  • Set a manageable pace[1]
    • focus on one or two behaviour changes at a time
    • begin with simple behaviours or activities before progressing to more complex activities
  • Create a cuing environment[1]
    • provide a cuing environment from the start of learning
      • have learners engage in a task at specific times for fixed periods of time
    • clarify the goal of the learning activity
      • when students understand the goal, they can focus on learning
        • study will be goal-directed and the learning activity will eventually become habitual
    • educators can act as role models
      • their behaviours and routines may be unconsciously mirrored by learners
    • utilise resources and situational opportunities as cognitive and affective support[1]
      • situational resources can become triggers in a cuing environment
        • e.g. immersive learning keeps learners engaged in actions where they can be part of collaborative inquiry activities
          • helps learners to monitor the collection of ideas and knowledge of the group and contribute ideas to the community
    • provide relevant triggers using design tools and platforms
      • can use emerging technologies
  • Encourage students to engage in the desired behaviour on a regular basis[1]
    • students must practise a new habit regularly until it becomes routine
    • avoid interruptions or postponement as they can weaken habit formation
  • Reinforce a learner's satisfaction[1]
    • if a new behaviour provides a sense of satisfaction, learners are more likely to achieve behavioural change
      • high satisfaction of the habit loop increases the likelihood of habit formation
      • low satisfaction reduces the likelihood of habit formation
    • student satisfication requires as many successful learning experiences as possible
      • can be achieved through cognitive and affective scaffolding
        • cognitive scaffording helps leaners finish difficult learning tasks
          • e.g. questioning, modelling, explaining, providing hints, coaching and positive feedback
        • affective scaffolding helps learners finish tasks and reduces the risk of negative emotions (e.g. anonymity/hiding information)
        • additional assistance should be provided to low-ability students so they can acquire satisfaction in the habit loop as well
  • Shift learning to be interest-driven[1]
    • students who are interested concentrate more and put more effort in
    • they spend more time on the activity and have more enjoyment

Special Case: The Online Learner[edit | edit source]

During the COVID pandemic, there was a shift to online learning and students needed to adapt their study habits to align with a new way of learning. However, many of the skills needed to thrive in this environment were underdeveloped. For many, this resulted in negative attitudes towards online learning. Because there were fewer instructor-student interactions, learners needed to assume more responsibility for their learning. They needed to actively monitor their performance and apply new study strategies to be academically successful.[9]

The main goal in an online environment is to produce students who are self-regulated learners. This type of learner is someone who can actively participate in their learning by varying their approaches, behaviours and efforts to achieve their academic goals. Typically, students do not enter the online environment or college with sufficient self-regulatory skills. They may not have the ability to assess their learning and may adopt "cognitively superficial study habits" (e.g. re-reading textbooks / lecture notes).[9] Individuals who have difficulty implementing self-regulation skills may face challenges and poor outcomes.[9]

Barriers specific to online learning that interfere with good study habits, include:

  1. zoom fatigue
  2. isolation from peers
  3. work/study-life balance[9]

Ewell et al.[9] published a study about online biology courses and study habits. From their research, they created recommendations for to develop effective study habits. The following table from Ewell et al.[9]

" Recommendations for developing effective study habits

Recommendation Rationale Study habits developed
Establish content (and digital) learning objectives Students struggle with using digital tools for academic purposes
  • Making diagrams
  • Explaining concepts
  • Self-assessment
  • Consistent and spaced study time
Aligning learning objectives and assessments Students struggle with constructing meaning from online content and identifying concepts to study
  • Self-assessment
  • Explaining concepts
High quality feedback Students struggle with constructing meaning from online content and identifying concepts to study
  • Self-assessment
Scaffolding Students cite poor time management and inability to assess learning as barriers to online learning
  • Consistent and spaced study time
  • Synthesizing notes
  • Making diagrams
  • Explaining concepts
  • Self-assessment
Multiple due dates Students frequently express issues with procrastination and turning work in on time despite having a clear due date
  • Consistent and spaced study time
Incorporating online formative assessments Students struggle with constructing meaning from the lectures posted by instructors
  • Self-assessment
Provide resources outside of recorded lectures and textbook Students struggle with using digital tools for academic purposes
  • Synthesizing notes
  • Use of and completion of problem sets
  • Explaining concepts
  • Self-assessment
Facilitate student-content engagement with interactive instructional materials Students feel that online learning is less engaging and motivating than face-to-face learning
  • Use of and completion of problem sets
  • Making diagrams
  • Explaining concepts
  • Self-assessment


Resources[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

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